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A template for creating Vendure e-commerce plugins with pre-configured tools for development and testing.


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Vendure E-Commerce Plugin Template

Vendure Version - Badge Typescript - Badge

Vitest - Badge ESLint - Badge Prettier - Badge

This is a template repository for creating Vendure e-commerce plugins. It comes pre-configured with the following features:

🛒 Vendure version 2.1.1
🧹 ESLint and Prettier for code linting and formatting
🧪 Vitest for testing
🐶 Husky as pre-commit hook
🚀 GraphQL Code Generation for Vendure admin GraphQL types

Getting Started

To create your own Vendure e-commerce plugin based on this template, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Use this template" button at the top of the GitHub repository page.

  2. Clone your new repository to your local development environment.

    git clone
    cd your-plugin-repo
  3. Install the project dependencies.

    yarn install
  4. Configure Vendure to use your plugin. You can do this in your Vendure project's vendure-config.ts file.

    import { YourPlugin } from 'your-plugin-repo';
    const config: VendureConfig = {
    	// ... other config options
    	plugins: [
    		// ... other plugins,
    			port: 3002,
    			route: 'admin',
    			app: compileUiExtensions({
    				outputPath: path.join(__dirname, '__admin-ui'),
    				extensions: [
    					YourPlugin.ui // ... plugin UI if needed
  5. You can now start building your custom functionality for Vendure by adding your code to the appropriate files in the src directory.


This template ships a development ready Vendure server found under dev folder.
In order to setup this server:

  1. Create a .env file at the root of this repo with the following content:

  2. Generate a migration file and run it:

    yarn dev:migration:generate init
    yarn dev:migration:run
  3. Populate Vendure with initial data. We use the @vendure/create initial data:

    yarn dev:populate
  4. And run the Vendure server:

    yarn dev:start


We use Pretier to ensure consistent code styling. Feel free to modify Prettier rules in .prettierrc.cjs.

You can run Prettier style checks with:

yarn format

You can also fix the style errors running:

yarn format:fix


We use ESLint to ensure consistent code quality. Feel free to modify ESLint rules in .eslintrc.cjs.

You can run ESLint checks with the following command:

yarn lint

You can also fix the style errors running:

yarn lint:fix


We use Vitest to run tests.

By default, we use SQLJS database for testing population, as a wrapper for SQLite.
View more database initializers here.

The test server is populated with the data found under test/fixtures.

By default there is only one test 'Server started successfully' and can be run with:

yarn test

Graphql Types Generation

We use GraphQL Code Generator to extract the graphql types from Vendure.
By default, we create types in two places:

  • src/generated-types.ts: admin-api types to use in your custom backend plugins.
  • src/ui/gql: admin-api types to use in your custom UI plugins generated with the client preset.
    You can create files *.graphql.ts or .gql.ts where you define GraphQL queries or mutations wrapped by graphql, imported from src/ui/gql/index.ts.

Feel free to modify GraphQL Code Generator configuration in codegen.ts.

You can run GraphQL Code Generator with the following command:

yarn generate-types

Note: you have to start the vendure server before running this command.


A template for creating Vendure e-commerce plugins with pre-configured tools for development and testing.






