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Advent of Code 2019 in Multi-Platform Kotlin


In 2019, I will be participating in the Advent of Code using Kotlin multi-platform code only. This means I can run my solutions on the JVM, on Node JS and natively on Windows through MinGW.

I will be measuring the performance of each platform by measuring the elapsed time calculating the solution N times:

val times = (1..repeat).map {
    measureNanos {, part)

where repeat is the number of desired repetitions, and day and part are used to select the proper challenge.

Note that the measureNanos function is the first example of functionality that isn't available in common code, since measuring time is platform-specific. The function is implemented using Kotlin's expext/actual mechanism.

Runner.kt defines its expectation of a function measureNanos for each supported platform with the signature:

expect inline fun measureNanos(block: () -> Unit): Long

Each platform provides an actual implementation in files called Actuals.kt. On the JVM and native, we can use measureNanoTime as provided by the Kotlin standard library on these platforms:

JVM and Native:

actual inline fun measureNanos(block: () -> Unit) = measureNanoTime(block)

On Node, we need to write our own implementation:

actual inline fun measureNanos(block: () -> Unit): Long {
    val start = process.hrtime()
    val end = process.hrtime(start)
    val nanos = (end[0] * 1e9 + end[1]) as Double
    return nanos.roundToLong()

Usually, I try to finish a puzzle as quickly as possible, then spend some time to cleanup and optimise the code. If and when these optimizations alter the performance, I'll update the measurements below to reflect the new solution.


There is a very explicit warning in the FAQ of Kotlin/Native that says the current version of Kotlin/Native is not suited for performance analysis, as it has not been optimised in any way for performance and benchmarking.

Apart from that, all measurements were taken on my laptop, under non-controlled circumstances using non-optimized code and tools. So, if you use the results below for anything important, you're insane...

Day 01

Last year, most days showed a similar pattern, with the JVM beating JS by a factor or two, and native being an order of magnitude slower than either.

This year's first puzzle shows a very comparable performance between JVM and JS, with native being much slower.

Platform Average (µs) Measurements (µs)
JVM 2333 ± 35341 36888, 1539, 1665, 2358, 1270, 1392, 1104, 1138, 1018, 779, 785, 790, 931, 649, 612, 709, 532, 502, 497, 521, 361, 517, 557, 543, 647
Node JS 1846 ± 9899 5310, 3450, 6375, 8137, 1849, 1429, 1131, 897, 857, 972, 2664, 2122, 845, 679, 686, 476, 489, 642, 572, 413, 1507, 611, 3033, 598, 401
MinGW64 2746 ± 6130 3742, 4797, 5268, 3800, 4935, 2203, 2150, 1828, 3374, 1577, 2342, 1932, 3117, 1734, 5184, 1413, 2375, 1377, 3232, 1327, 2872, 1948, 2450, 1335, 2339

Day 02

The solution for day 2 is very overdesigned, mostly because part 2 strongly hints that this is the first of several puzzles involving emulating this computer. So the code isn't the most performant, but hopefully it will help later in the month!

JS and native perform dramatically worse today than the JVM:

Update: for Day 7 I refactored the project to be able to use coroutines. I subsequently refactored the solution to Day 2 to search for the solution in parallel. New numbers are below as JVM-Parallel

Platform Average (ms) Measurements (ms)
JVM 184 ± 47 403, 228, 201, 174, 175, 173, 168, 171, 165, 168, 170, 176, 173, 171, 169, 166, 169, 170, 165, 169, 164, 166, 174, 192, 177
JVM-Parallel 83nbsp;± 80 467, 107, 85, 77, 92, 98, 76, 76, 94, 86, 61, 51, 56, 60, 55, 62, 52, 53, 51, 52, 46, 51, 51, 72, 46
Node JS 8375 ± 502 8132, 8235, 8443, 8046, 8058, 7936, 8541, 8578, 8688, 8469, 8981, 8159, 8620, 8453, 7882, 7711, 7706, 8452, 9847, 9585, 8349, 8357, 8203, 8114, 7825
MinGW64 5746 ± 496 5308, 5253, 5163, 5059, 5389, 6387, 5259, 6118, 5426, 6653, 5217, 5787, 6156, 6182, 6006, 5699, 6813, 5716, 6608, 5436, 5476, 5983, 5760, 5380, 5417

Day 03

Platform Average (ms) Measurements (ms)
JVM 210 ± 37 373, 228, 203, 202, 210, 189, 183, 219, 192, 189, 192, 195, 204, 190, 190, 182, 195, 193, 252, 218, 213, 193, 216, 226, 193
Node JS 1220 ± 109 1722, 1218, 1213, 1183, 1190, 1193, 1183, 1195, 1324, 1175, 1173, 1179, 1198, 1230, 1204, 1183, 1188, 1312, 1171, 1170, 1175, 1192, 1180, 1168, 1181
MinGW64 1941 ± 388 8297, 1669, 1792, 1797, 1665, 1663, 1671, 1677, 1655, 1653, 1665, 1663, 1671, 1703, 1660, 1671, 1663, 1657, 1660, 1674, 1651, 1654, 1666, 1660, 1673

Day 04

Platform Average (ms) Measurements (ms)
JVM 468 ± 94 871, 478, 444, 453, 453, 444, 437, 437, 435, 495, 532, 451, 441, 438, 480, 443, 434, 438, 437, 466, 433, 434, 433, 437, 439
Node JS 4062 ± 175 4034, 4232, 3965, 3991, 3945, 3925, 3902, 4052, 4000, 4194, 4072, 4503, 4271, 4179, 4010, 3900, 3904, 3882, 4006, 4349, 4346, 4242, 3871, 3873, 3875
MinGW64 32708 ± 1320 35233, 30791, 31812, 31736, 31602, 33115, 33165, 33091, 32364, 32477, 31648, 31795, 31508, 32222, 36365, 34493, 35487, 32006, 32152, 32065, 32498, 32308, 32035, 32885, 32859

Day 05


Day 06

Platform Average (ms) Measurements (ms)
JVM 266 ± 31 331, 269, 315, 275, 268, 255, 256, 259, 261, 250, 255, 212, 247, 253, 244, 252, 262, 274, 275, 278, 267, 362, 217, 243, 248
Node JS 3501 ± 592 3437, 3388, 3461, 3265, 3460, 3650, 3261, 3244, 3428, 3311, 3200, 3280, 3246, 3235, 3365, 3227, 3373, 6277, 3796, 3262, 3330, 3392, 3234, 3480, 3920
MinGW64 4350 ± 171 4234, 4251, 4397, 4254, 4250, 4459, 4690, 4260, 4425, 4364, 4730, 4581, 4393, 4182, 4296, 4241, 4264, 4218, 4245, 4791, 4239, 4340, 4219, 4226, 4185

Day 07

Platform Average (ms) Measurements (ms)
JVM 65 ± 54 315, 87, 80, 45, 52, 58, 48, 52, 81, 100, 56, 66, 60, 66, 50, 50, 41, 47, 47, 43, 27, 28, 30, 40, 31
Node JS 1393 ± 138 1760, 1383, 1334, 1305, 1318, 1351, 1321, 1488, 1447, 1457, 1993, 2127, 1937, 1852, 1795, 1785, 1834, 1747, 1494, 1406, 1704, 1834, 1698, 1991, 1686
MinGW64 3102 ± 307 2914, 2908, 2973, 3283, 2964, 2969, 2879, 2974, 2924, 3143, 3219, 2902, 2814, 2820, 2904, 2822, 2814, 2970, 3447, 3755, 3640, 3406, 3269, 2895, 3927

Day 08


Day 09

Platform Average (ms) Measurements (ms)
JVM 182 ± 104 649, 259, 310, 200, 144, 145, 141, 137, 141, 138, 139, 136, 142, 139, 139, 139, 141, 187, 154, 156, 184, 159, 155, 143, 149
Node JS 3925 ± 259 3981, 3817, 3810, 3811, 3882, 4461, 3758, 3773, 3732, 3856, 3775, 3722, 3712, 3690, 4047, 4197, 4069, 3940, 3938, 3805, 4879, 4016, 3847, 3732, 3848
MinGW64 5856 ± 409 6606, 6919, 6193, 6023, 5676, 6326, 5999, 6255, 6022, 5885, 5979, 5425, 5699, 6460, 5595, 5844, 5714, 5603, 5540, 5424, 5430, 5448, 5446, 5434, 5446


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