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An easy admin generator: Build your pages simply by adding configurable components. Add a filter, add a list, add a form then go


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Repository files navigation

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                                  Light - Easy - Good - Open 

Work directly WITH USER LOGIN :-D

SF 4.1 and more

IDK LEGO BUNDLE V 0.1 alpha (do not use it in production)

You want an very customable without to see internal code, Stay here ! There is nothing you can't to do.

Build your pages simply by adding configurable components. Add a filter, add a list, add a form then go

1: composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton empty 2: In framework.yml:

  default_locale: fr
      fallbacks: ['fr']
      engines: ['twig']

3: add in composer.json

"repositories": [
            "url": "",
            "type": "git"

    "require": {
        "prestigejo/legobundle": "dev-master",

4: If do not use FOSuser create App\Entity\User and in security.yml

            entity: { class: App\Entity\User, property: username }
        App\Entity\User: { id:}

            pattern: ^/login$
            security: false
            pattern: ^/
            anonymous: ~
                login_path: idk_lego_security_login
                check_path: idk_lego_security_check
                default_target_path: idk_lego_dashboard
                path: /logout
                target: /login
                secret: "secret"
                lifetime: 2232000

            - { path: ^/login$, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
            - { path: ^/, role: ROLE_USER }

4 bis: With fos_user (or another):

    route_login: fos_user_security_check

5: create user

php bin/console idk:user:create

or (fosUser)

php bin/console fos:user:create 

7: Create lego page

php bin/console make:lego 

8: composer require server

9: bin/console server:run

===> For Symfony 4.X


  • order menu item

  • order item in itemList (XHR) CURRENT v alpha 0.1.2

  • Log history [X] other bundle

  • Media [X] other bundle

  • Mail [ ] other bundle

  • Import [ ] other bundle

  • Pagination [X]

  • Field-route [X]

  • Onglet component [X]

  • Default LayoutBase [X]

  • Custom Bulk Action [X]

  • Ressource Action [X]

  • Menu auto [X]

  • Right Bar [X]

  • Sub-Filter and Xhr filter [X]

  • Upload File [X]

  • EntityAction and ListAction auto [X]

  • Rupteur [X]

  • Group [ ]

  • Form auto [X]

  • Call template (ViewParams)[X] all object pass to the view is a ViewParams

  • Url object (LegoPath) [X] all the url have to do with LegoPath

  • Header and Menu object [X]

  • Multi same component (CustomComponent or Multi ActionComponent) [X]

  • Skeleton [X] // SF4 maker [X]

  • Reload line with item action [X]

  • Move component [X]

  • Dashboard [X]

  • Widget Systeme [X]

  • Check double bindRequest in subComponent [ ]

  • ExportField [X]

  • Flex [X]

  • Doc [ ]

  • Roles [X]

  • Tree show [X]

v beta

  • work without fosuser (optional) [X]
  • Gestion ROLE [X]

Symfony 4

-require translator

default_locale: fr
       fallbacks: ['fr']

Next todo:

Opti menu OK custom routeprefix OK double config global OK export by component OK querybuilder filter list OK connect or not OK Check all type Form and branch dateTimeform (Sub-)Filter OK, 4eme argument de addComponent ??? retoure sur l bonne page apres edit ou new depuis un esub list. Multi-widget xhr-widget, Group bs, fos group, Custom action, itemAction and bulkAction

Optimisation todo:

Use voter ,Filter, Tree, Action, tbody imbrique (breaker), Upload file+, getValue et setValue de Field, refactoring getType de Configurator, style tree, try gridstack, widget config

Bug todo:

  • sort component is sort execution component !

Your config.yaml

    skin: skin-yellow
    layout: ::lego.html.twig
    service_menu_class: App\Service\Menu
    service_header_class: App\Service\Header
    service_footer_class: App\Service\Footer

Configurateur (optional):


namespace App\Configurator;

use App\Entity\LiaisonPlayDuration;
use App\Entity\Play;
use Idk\LegoBundle\Configurator\AbstractDoctrineORMConfigurator;
use Idk\LegoBundle\Component as CPNT;

 * The lego config for Play
class PlayConfigurator extends AbstractDoctrineORMConfigurator

    public function build(){
        //21 lignes for very complex Administrators items Play
        //INDEX with Actions, Filters, Lists, Filters, Lists
        $actions = $this->addIndexComponent(CPNT\Action::class, ['actions' => [CPNT\Action::ADD]]);
        $filter = $this->addIndexComponent(CPNT\Filter::class,[]);

        $list = $this->addIndexComponent(CPNT\ListItems::class,  [
            'fields'=> ['name', 'pictur', 'age', 'description'],
            'can_modify_nb_entity_per_page' => true,
            'entity_per_page' => 5,
            'entity_actions' => [CPNT\ListItems::ENTITY_ACTION_EDIT, CPNT\ListItems::ENTITY_ACTION_DELETE]
        $actions->add(CPNT\Action::EXPORT($list, 'xlsx'));
        $filter2 = $this->addIndexComponent(CPNT\Filter::class,[]);
        $list->add('nbPlayer',['label'=>'NBJ', 'edit_in_place'=>true]);

        $list2 = $this->addIndexComponent(CPNT\ListItems::class,  [
            'fields'=> ['name', 'pictur'],
            'can_modify_nb_entity_per_page' => false,
            'entity_per_page' => 5,
            'dql' => 'b.age = 21',
            'entity_actions' => [CPNT\ListItems::ENTITY_ACTION_EDIT, CPNT\ListItems::ENTITY_ACTION_DELETE]
        //SHOW with Value items, filters of sublist , sublist

        $filter3 = $this->addShowComponent(CPNT\Filter::class,['fields'=>['nbPlayer']], LiaisonPlayDuration::class);
        $list =  $this->addShowComponent(CPNT\ListItems::class,['fields'=>['duration.duration', 'nbPlayer']], LiaisonPlayDuration::class);
        //NEW with Action back and form
        $this->addAddComponent(CPNT\Action::class, ['actions' => [CPNT\Action::BACK]]);
        $this->addAddComponent(CPNT\Form::class, []);

        //EDIT with Action back and form
        $this->addEditComponent(CPNT\Action::class, ['actions' => [CPNT\Action::BACK]]);
        $this->addEditComponent(CPNT\Form::class, []);

    public function getEntityName()
        return Play::class;

    public function getTitle()
        return 'Gestion des jeux';

    static public function getControllerPath()
        return 'app_backend_playlego';



namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Idk\LegoBundle\Annotation\Entity as Lego;

 * Play
 * @Lego\Entity(
 *     config="App\Configurator\PlayConfigurator",
 *     title="Jeu",
 *     permissions={"edit"="ROLE_USER"})
 * @ORM\Table(name="jeu")
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\PlayRepository")
 * @Lego\EntityExport(fields={"id", "name"})
class Play
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    private $id;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="name", type="string", length=255)
     * @Lego\Field(label="Nom",path="show", edit_in_place=true)
     * @Lego\Filter\StringFilter()
    private $name;

     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="nbPlayer", type="integer")
     * @Lego\Field(label="Nombre de joueurs")
     * @Lego\Filter\NumberRangeFilter()
    private $nbPlayer;

     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="note", type="integer")
     * @Lego\Field(label="Note")
     * @Lego\Form\NoteForm()
     * @Lego\Filter\NumberRangeFilter()
    private $note;

     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="age", type="integer")
     * @Lego\Field(label="Age", sort=true)
     * @Lego\Filter\NumberRangeFilter()
    private $age;

     * @var Author
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Category")
     * @Lego\Form\EntityForm(class="App\Entity\Category", multiple=true)
     * @Lego\Field(label="Catégorie", edit_in_place=false)
     * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="author_id", referencedColumnName="id")
    private $categories;

     * @var Editor
     * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Editor")
     * @Lego\Field(label="Editeur",  edit_in_place={"reload":"field"}, path={"route":"app_backend_editorlego_show", "params"={"id":""}})
     * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="editeur_id", referencedColumnName="id")
    private $editor;

     * @var string
     * @Lego\File(directory="public/uploads/play")
     * @Lego\Form\FileForm()
     * @Lego\Field(label="Image", image={"directory":"/uploads/play","width":"100px"})
     * @ORM\Column(name="pictur", type="string", nullable=true)
    private $pictur;

     * @var string
     * @Lego\Field(label="Description")
     * @ORM\Column(name="description", type="string")
    private $description;

     * @var ArrayCollection
     * @Lego\Field(label="Durées")
     * //@Lego\Form\CollectionForm(entity="App\Entity\LiaisonPlayDuration")
     * @Lego\Form\ManyToManyJoinForm(entity="App\Entity\LiaisonPlayDuration")
     * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\LiaisonPlayDuration",orphanRemoval=true, mappedBy="play", cascade={"persist","remove"})
    private $durations;

The controller (optional)


namespace App\Controller\Backend;

use App\Configurator\PlayConfigurator as Configurator;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

 * The admin list controller for Jeu
 * @Route("/jeu")
class PlayLegoController extends Controller

    use \Idk\LegoBundle\Traits\ControllerTrait;

    const LEGO_CONFIGURATOR = Configurator::class;


The configurator is set in Controller and Entity

The entity is set in configurator but the Entity know the configurator

This is unless soon with last refactoring:

//In controller
const LEGO_CONFIGURATOR = Configurator::class;

//in configurator
public function getEntityName()
    return Play::class;

Exemple multi config

 * Editor
 * @ORM\Table(name="editor")
 * @Lego\Entity(title="Editeur",
 *     configs={
 *     {"name":"editor","class":"App\Configurator\EditorConfigurator","title":"Editeur 1"},
 *     {"name":"editor2","class":"App\Configurator\Editor2Configurator","title":"Editeur 2"}})
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\EditorRepository")
class Editor{}


An easy admin generator: Build your pages simply by adding configurable components. Add a filter, add a list, add a form then go








Contributors 4
