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Capstone Project (Blackbelt-containers-2022)

The Capstone Project is a way to showcase all the learnings from the Containers track in a working example.

This project focuses on a POC for a real scenario, where multiple EKS clusters are needed to deploy approx. 50 microservices following the AWS Well-Architected Framework (WAF) and industry best practices. In this case, we use Terraform to manage all AWS infrastructure; for this reason, we used terraform-aws-eks-blueprints to accelerate the process of integrating different features as cluster multi-tenancy, add-ons management, fast scaling up and deployment of EKS clusters following the AWS WAF.

This repository deploys all the AWS resources needed, but the following repositories are also used for applications, workloads, and add-ons management:

We used ArgoCD and Atlantis to follow the GitOps practices. Changes on the code for workloads or infraestrcuture have the following flows:

Workloads GitOps

Alt text

Infrastructure GitOps

Alt text

Project structure

│   atlantis.yaml				#Atlantis settings for terraform operations.    
└───build-clusters				#EKS cluster with Argocd and Atlantis to manage all workloads clusters.
│   └───helm_values				#Additional settings for helm charts.
│       │   argocd.yml		
│   |  *.tfvars					#Custom file values passed on variables.
│   |  ...
└───workload-clusters			#EKS clusters used to deploy applications in dev and prod.
│   └───modules
│   └───environments
│   │   └───dev
|	|	|	| *.tfvars			#Custom file values passed on variables.
|	|	|	| ...
│   │   └───prod
|	|	|	|	...

Next images illustrates the stack used on each EKS-blueprints deployments:

Dev/Prod clusters

Workload Cluster EKS blueprints-Stack

Build cluster

Build Cluster EKS blueprints-Stack


To create all resources defined in this repository, we need to consider the following prerequisites:

  • An S3 bucket and set the corresponding values in the files backend.tfvars for each cluster.
  • Create a Host Zone for the domain to be used as the hostname for public access in Route 53.
  • Create/import the SSL certificates used for Argocd, Atlantis, and workloads on the AWS certificate manager.
  • Create User/Roles to be used for cluster multi-tenancy.
  • Set the variables to be used on <environment>.tfvars for each cluster.
  • To use Atlantis add-on:
    • Generate a Github access token ->
    • Create a secret on AWS Secrets Manager with the following structure:
        github_token: <github_token>,
        github_secret: <github_secret> #Used to trigger the PR webhook
    • Create a webhook token ->
    • Replace the values as needed on the atlantis addon values path :
      	repository: jamorosocaylent/atlantis-aws-cli #This image contains Atlantis and AWS CLI
      	tag: latest
      	user: "<github-user>"
      	vcsSecretName: atlantis-github-secrets
      	annotations: { internet-facing, '[{"HTTPS":443},{"HTTP":80}]', '443', "<atlantis-hostname>" # E.g., ci-cd-ingress, alb
      	host: "<atlantis-hostname>"
      	- hosts:
      	- "<atlantis-hostname>"
      	repoConfig: |
      		- id: /.*/
      			apply_requirements: [approved, mergeable]
      			allowed_overrides: [apply_requirements, workflow]
      			allow_custom_workflows: true
      	orgAllowlist: "<orgAllowlist>" #E.g.,*
      	storageClassName: gp2
      env: dev
      awsSecretName: "<awsSecretName>" #AWS secrets created on the previous step


The infrastructure should be created with the following commands at the beginning; for future changes and deployments, we will use the Atlantis add-on to follow the GitOps practice.


cd build-clusters
terraform init --backend-config=backend.tfvars
terraform apply --var-file=build.tfvars			#Accept with "yes" the plan showed in the output.

Note: The default username for Argocd is "admin" and the password could be obtained from a secret in the build-cluster:

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d


cd workload-clusters/environments/dev
terraform init --backend-config=backend.tfvars
terraform apply --var-file=dev.tfvars			#Accept with "yes" the plan showed in the output.


cd workload-clusters/environments/prod
terraform init --backend-config=backend.tfvars
terraform apply --var-file=prod.tfvars			#Accept with "yes" the plan showed in the output.

Note: The code for dev and prod cluster also creates a Codepipeline flow for each environment and team, as it needs to integrates with Github, we need to perform a manual approval on the Codepipeline connection and release all the created pipelines again. This is required to push the images used for each application on ECR.

Unlike the build-cluster, the workloads clusters do not receive the add-ons helm parameters to create the Argocd Application; then we need to pass these directly on the add-ons repository. These should be given depending on the environment in the file values-<env>.yaml. The flags defined on the Terraform code are also required as they will create resources such as namespaces, permissions, or roles.

After the dev and prod clusters are created and the add-ons have the correct values, we need to add the clusters to ArgoCD with the argocd-cli.

argocd login <argocd-hostname>
aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>
argocd cluster add <cluster-arn> --name <envrionment>-workload

These commands are applied twice; for dev and prod clusters.

Application secrets

For this application example, the "team-backend" needs to use AWS secrets manager to get the credentials to access the MySQL database. Then as a first step, we need to add these secrets with the following structure:

"RDS_DB_PASSWORD":"<rds-password>"			#If not set on Terraform code, it could be find on the terraform.state in the s3 for the corresponding workload.

Finally, the name of the secret should be passed on awsBackendSecret in each environment for the team-backend.

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