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This is a Hapi JSON Web Token (JWT), authentication plugin. It's based on the project hapi-auth-jwt, but with the difference that in this plugin, the token is passed through the cookie header field.

JSON Web Token authentication requires verifying a signed token. The 'jwt-cookie' scheme takes the following options:

  • key - (required) The private key the token was signed with.
  • validateFunc - (optional) validation and user lookup function with the signature function(token, callback) where:
    • token - the verified and decoded jwt token
    • callback - a callback function with the signature function(err, isValid, credentials) where:
      • err - an internal error.
      • isValid - true if the token was valid otherwise false.
      • credentials - a credentials object passed back to the application in request.auth.credentials. Typically, credentials are only included when isValid is true, but there are cases when the application needs to know who tried to authenticate even when it fails (e.g. with authentication mode 'try').

See the example folder for an executable example.

var Hapi = require('hapi'),
    jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'),
    server = new Hapi.Server();

server.connection({ port: 8080 });

var accounts = {
    123: {
        id: 123,
        user: 'john',
        fullName: 'John Doe',
        scope: ['a', 'b']

var privateKey = 'FCC064A9-204E-4E58-A44B-B545D7FD077Y';

// Use this token to set your cookie header.
// Ex:
// set-cookie/cookie: access_token=<token>
var token = jwt.sign({ accountId: 123 }, privateKey);

var validate = function (decodedToken, callback) {

    var error = null;
    var credentials = accounts[decodedToken.accountId] || {};

    if (!credentials) {
        return callback(error, false, credentials);

    return callback(error, true, credentials)

var doLoginHandler = function(request, reply) {
	// Do whatever is necessary to check user authenticity
	// and then set-cookie to the client
	return reply().state('access_token', token);

server.register(require('hapi-auth-cookie-jwt'), function (error) {

    server.auth.strategy('token', 'jwt-cookie', {
        key: privateKey,
        validateFunc: validate
	// Setting the authentication cookie on login
		method: 'POST',
		path: '/login',
		handler: doLoginHandler

        method: 'GET',
        path: '/',
        handler: function(request, reply) {
            return reply('/ -> ok!');
        config: {
            auth: 'token'

    // With scope requirements
        method: 'GET',
        path: '/withScope',
        handler: function(request, reply) {
            return reply('/withScope -> ok!');
        config: {
            auth: {
                strategy: 'token',
                scope: ['a']
