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Calendar React Application

The whole point of the App is to create a team calendar webpage with React, where people from the same team can register and log in to create events in a shared calendar for better organization, all the user and events data come through this API and are properly handled.

We connect to our REST API. With it, we handle authentication and authorization via JWT and provide rights to create, update, or delete events from the calendar stored in our MongoDB database. Additionally, the API incorporates input validation to ensure we only handle valid requests on the server-side. Our database is also closed so only certain IPs are allowed to interact with it.

Depending on who created the events different permissions for modifying the events are given as well as different physical appearance.

You can visit our Client side app in the following links:

You can also check our code for our API in the following link:

Note: as the goal from this proyect is to learn how to use React there is no responsive design, so we recommend to visualize the proyect in a regular screen.

How it works

  • Register a new account or log in with an already existing one, you can use the test account, which has an email of and a password of 123456. Note: on the first log in it may take some time, as the request has to wake up the server.
  • Click the + button for adding a new event.
  • For updating double click on the event, then the event will be displayed so you can update it.
  • For deleting the event single click on the event you wanna delete and push the delete button.
  • Blue events are the events that you have created and you are the only person authorized to update or delete them.
  • Grey events are events uploaded from other people. You can visualize the information but you can not update or delete them.
  • If you open a note and want to exit from it, simply click outside of it, it will close the note without making any changes on it.

Main Technologies Used for Client Side

  • React: The main framework used for building the App.
  • React Router: For the routing of our App.
  • Redux with Redux Toolkit: Employed for efficient state management.
  • Axios: Used for handling http requests.

Main Technologies Used for our API

The REST API is built using the following technologies:

  • Node.js with Express for the server logic and routing.
  • MongoDB with Mongoose for database CRUD operations.
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and authorization.
  1. Authentication

    • POST /api/auth/new: Register a new user.
    • POST /api/auth: Authenticate and get a JWT token.
    • GET /api/auth/renew: Renew expired JWT token.
  2. Calendar Events

    • GET /api/events: Get all events.
    • POST /api/events/new: Create a new event.
    • PUT /api/events/:id: Update an existing event.
    • DELETE /api/events/:id: Delete an event.
    • To get a specific event and modify it we use Redux states and some logic in order to modify them or delete them from the DB.

Input Validation

The API ensures that incoming requests are properly validated to avoid any potential security risks. It rejects requests with invalid data and returns appropriate error responses.

CORS Protection

We also implement CORS protection, so only authorized domains can use the API.

Password Encryption

Passwords are encrypted and safely stored using bycript package.


If you would like to contact me you can reach me via Linkedin or via email.

Thanks for your attention.