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HMM Experiments

This is the HMM experiments section. You can use this section to reproduce the results from the DynaMask paper.

To run the whole script with 5 folds, run:

bash ./ --processes 5

To get the experiments results on one fold only, run:


The results are saved on the csv file results.csv.

To reset the results file, run:

python -e main

It is also possible to search the best hyperparameters for the ExtremalMask model. To do so, run:

python -p

Finally, an ablation study on the lambda parameters can be run using this script:

bash ./ --processes 5


usage: experiments/hmm/ [-h] [--explainers] [--device] [--seed] [--deterministic]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --explainers          List of the explainers to use. Default to ["deep_lift", "dyna_mask", "extremal_mask", "fit", "gradient_shap", "integrated_gradients", "lime", "retain", "augmented_occlusion", "occlusion"]
  --device              Which device to use. Default to 'cpu'
  --fold                Fold of the cross-validation. Default to 0
  --seed                Which seed to use to generate the data. Default to 42
  --deterministic       Whether to make training deterministic or not. Default to False
  --lambda-1            Lambda 1 hyperparameter. Default to 1.0
  --lambda-2            Lambda 2 hyperparameter. Default to 1.0
  --output-file         Where to save the results. Default to "results.csv"
usage : experiemnts/hmm/ [--processes] [--device] [--seed]

optional arguments:
  --processes           Number of runners in parallel. Default to 5
  --device              Which device to use. Default to 'cpu'
  --seed                Which seed to use to generate the data. Default to 42
usage : experiemnts/hmm/ [--processes] [--device] [--seed]

optional arguments:
  --processes           Number of runners in parallel. Default to 5
  --device              Which device to use. Default to 'cpu'
  --seed                Which seed to use to generate the data. Default to 42
usage: experiments/hmm/ [-h] [-p] [--metric] [--device] [--seed] [--n-trials] [--timeout] [--n-jobs]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -p, --pruning         Activate the pruning feature.
  --metric              Which metric to use as benchmark. Default to 'aur'
  --device              Which device to use. Default to 'cpu'
  --seed                Seed for train val split. Default to 42
  --n-trials            The number of trials. Default to 10
  --timeout             Stop study after the given number of second(s). Default to None
  --n-jobs              The number of parallel jobs. Default to 1
usage: experiments/hmm/ [-h] [-e]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -e, --experiment      Name of the experiment. Either 'main', 'lambda_study' or 'extremal_mask_params'.