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eCommerce Web Application

eBay and Amazon Hybrid (eBAmazon)


  • This is an idea that is implemented, but is not for production.
  • You can not actually sell or buy items officially, but will be implemented.
  • No official algorithm that decides guaranteed sell price to users, but is random.


  • A web app based on a concept idea of combining eBay and Amazon ideas. Sell your used unwanted items at a guaranteed price to the app. App becomes owner of item after purchase and puts item on the marketplace.

  • I am using MongoDB for product, user, and login authentication storing, implemented with Express.JS backend, and React.JS front end

  • MERN, MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Javascript, Expo


  • Complete Register / Login system with password encryption. User information stored in MongoDB.
  • User and Item API functionality to, GET and POST to the MongoDB database.
  • Users can upload an image of an item with it's name, condition. Application generates a random price for input and asks if seller wants to complete transaction.
  • Users can head over to buy page and view all items that have been sold to the application. Application sells all items in database for an increased price.
  • Users can go to their profile page, to sell all the items they bought, sold, and how much total spent and earned.
  • No logged in user can sell / buy, or access profile page.

How to run it


  expo start
  cd ./auth

Navigate to web browser on local host with port 19006.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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