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Using midje at the command line

marick edited this page Feb 15, 2013 · 3 revisions

First install lein-midje in your .lein/profiles.clj file:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-midje "3.0.0"]]}}

To check everything:

% lein midje

That checks all facts and clojure.test tests in your project's :test-paths and :source-paths. (Midje users sometimes add facts to their source as documentation.) You can also name one or more specific namespaces:

% lein behaviors.t-line-number-reporting midje.checkers.t-collection

You can also use * to abbreviate multiple namespaces:

```bash` % lein midje midje.emission.*

Note that `*` names a whole namespace subtree. That is, the previous command will check both `midje.emission.t-api` and `midje.emission.plugins.t-default`. 

`lein midje` shows output like this:

FAIL "a '`fact' that's not true" at (core.clj:7) ;; FAIL is normally highlighted in red. Expected: 5 Actual: 4

Output from clojure.test tests:

FAIL in (a-test-that-fails) (core.clj:9) expected: (= (+ 2 2) 5) actual: (not (= 4 5))

1 failures, 0 errors. ;; Highlighted in red to mark failure

Midje summary: FAILURE: 1 claim was not confirmed. (But 1 was.) ;; Highlighted in red. Subprocess failed $ echo $? 2

* The `clojure.test` output only appears if any `deftests` were run. The Midje and `clojure.test` outputs are never mixed together, even if tests and facts appear in the same namespace.

* [[Colorizing]] can be changed. 

* The exit status is the number of failures (whether from `clojure.test` or Midje), up to a maximum of 255. As a result, scripts on Unix-like systems can check for success or failure in the normal way.

## Autotest

Autotest works in terms of directories full of Clojure files, not namespaces. You can limit which directories it considers by giving it specific directories:

% lein midje :autotest test/midje/util src/midje/util


  • Pathnames are relative to the project's root.
  • Changes do not propagate "through" unmentioned directories. For example, suppose that the test namespace midje.util.t-final depends on source namespace midje.emission.api, which itself depends on source namespace midje.util.ecosystem. A change to midje.util.ecosystem would not cause the facts in midje.util.t-final to be rechecked because src/midje/emission is not being watched for changes.
  • There is no way to point :autotest at individual files.

Other features

See lein help midje for a concise description of options. If you want to check only some facts, see using metadata to filter facts. If you're interested in customizing Midje, see configuration files.

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