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Extended functionalities for strings in PHP supporting utf-8.

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XString it's a port in PHP of the Go library XStrings. It was started as a documetation for my book about testing in PHP (in Spanish) but my intention it's to keep working on this repository and enrich the strings manipulation in PHP.

In the beginning of this package we are not using the semver nomenclature, so not use it in your proyect for now.

Pull request and ideas are welcome.

Function Friends #
[Center] in Python; String#center in Ruby
[Insert] String#insert in Ruby
[SwapCase] str.swapcase in Python; String#swapcase in Ruby
[ToSnakeCase] String#underscore in RoR
[ExpandTabs] str.expandtabs in Python
[LastPartition] str.rpartition in Python; String#rpartition in Ruby
[Scrub] String#scrub in Ruby
[RightJustify] str.rjust in Python; String#rjust in Ruby
[Squeeze] String#squeeze in Ruby
[Count] String#count in Ruby
[Delete] String#delete in Ruby
[Reverse] String#reverse in Ruby; strrev in PHP; reverse in Perl


Function Friends #
[LeftJustify] str.ljust in Python; String#ljust in Ruby 1
[Partition] str.partition in Python; String#partition in Ruby 2
[Successor] String#succ or String#next in Ruby 3
[ToCamelCase] String#camelize in RoR 4
[Translate] str.translate in Python; String#tr in Ruby; strtr in PHP; tr/// in Perl
[RuneWidth] -
[ShuffleSource] str_shuffle in PHP
Function Friends #
[WordSplit] -
[Width] mb_strwidth in PHP
[WordCount] str_word_count in PHP
[Slice] mb_substr in PHP
[Shuffle] str_shuffle in PHP
[Len] mb_strlen in PHP
[FirstRuneToLower] lcfirst in PHP or Perl
[FirstRuneToUpper] String#capitalize in Ruby; ucfirst in PHP or Perl


Extended functionalities for strings in PHP supporting utf-8.







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