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How to create your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for ARM 64 AMI in AWS


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How to create your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for ARM 64 AMI in AWS

Being involved in a demo of Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Edge, MicroShift and ImageBuilder and due to problems with the network driver in RHEL 8.x for Raspberry PI 4 the need arose to have a custom image in version 9 (where the Ethernet network driver does work, but not the wireless). Since there is no RHEL 9 AMI in the AWS marketplace (at the time of writing is a Beta version), I leave here documented the steps to take to get your RHEL 9 AMI for ARM.


When running multi-cloud applications, sometimes you may want to move an disk image or snapshot from a qemu-based virtualization environment into a public cloud such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).

qcow2 is the most common and also the native format of the disk image used by qmeu. Unfortunately, qcow2 is not a format that the AWS import-image tool can import directly - the tool only supports Open Virtualization Archive (OVA), Virtual Machine Disk (VMDK), Virtual Hard Disk (VHD/VHDX), and raw formats at the time of writing. Therefore, additional steps need be taken to convert the image from qcow2 into raw for AWS to import.


The rest of this document describes how to import qcow2 images into AWS as a snapshot. Once the image is imported as a snapshot, an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) could be created from the snapshot and used to launch new instances. This procedure requires a Linux host (in my case, running RHEL 8) and access to AWS S3 service.

TIP TIP: The Linux host would be preferably running on AWS for faster data transfer to and from S3.

  1. Install qemu software to get the qemu-img tool following the RHEL 8 official documentation: Enabling virtualization (or the documentation of the linux-based distro of your choice).

  2. Download the RHEL 9 image from the official site About Red Hat Enterprise Linux for ARM 64 Beta.

Name Filename
KVM Guest Image rhel-baseos-9.0-beta-5-aarch64-kvm.qcow2

AMI creation process

qemu converting commands

The Linux host shall have enough disk space to hold the expanded RAW image, which would be as large as the virtual size of the image:

qemu-img info rhel-baseos-9.0-beta-5-aarch64-kvm.qcow2
image: rhel-baseos-9.0-beta-5-aarch64-kvm.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 10 GiB (10737418240 bytes)
disk size: 617 MiB
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
    compat: 1.1
    compression type: zlib
    lazy refcounts: false
    refcount bits: 16
    corrupt: false
    extended l2: false

Use qemu-img to convert the image into RAW format.

qemu-img convert rhel-baseos-9.0-beta-5-aarch64-kvm.qcow2 rhel-baseos-9.0-beta-5-aarch64-kvm.raw

AWS stuff

Install & configure AWS CLI

  1. Install the cli:

    curl "" \
      -o ""
    sudo ./aws/install -i /usr/local/aws
    aws --version
  2. Set up your credentials:

    export AWSKEY=[YOUR_AWS_KEY]
    EC2_AVAIL_ZONE=`curl -s`
    export REGION="`echo \"$EC2_AVAIL_ZONE\" | sed 's/[a-z]$//'`"
    mkdir $HOME/.aws
    cat << EOF >> $HOME/.aws/credentials
    aws_access_key_id = ${AWSKEY}
    aws_secret_access_key = ${AWSSECRETKEY}
    region = $REGION
  3. Check credentials:

    aws sts get-caller-identity

Create your S3 bucket and import the image

  1. Create the S3 bucket:

    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket my-rhel9-img \
      --region eu-west-1 \
      --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-1
  2. Copy the RAW image into S3

    aws s3 cp rhel-baseos-9.0-beta-5-aarch64-kvm.raw s3://my-rhel9-img
  3. Create vmimport role and assign proper policy for the S3 bucket:

    #Create the role
    aws iam create-role --role-name vmimport --assume-role-policy-document "file://trust-policy.json"
    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name vmimport --policy-name vmimport --policy-document "file://role-policy.json"
    #S3 policy allowing access just to the VMIE AWS service
    aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket my-rhel9-img --policy "file://bucket-policy.json"

    NOTE NOTE: You can find the content of the files in this repo (you only have to change the content of some of them based on the name of the S3 bucket and the image / description if you decide to use a custom one).

  4. Import the image:

    aws ec2 import-snapshot --description "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 Beta Update 5 KVM Guest Image" \
      --disk-container "file://container.json"

    TIP TIP: You can monitor progress with the following command:

    watch aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks \
      --import-task-ids [import-id]`

    where [import-id] is the result of the previous import-snapshot command and is similar to import-snap-0653e0dd9a4f3d760.

    NOTE NOTE: You can find the content of container.json in this repo (you only have to change the content based on the name of the S3 bucket and the image if you decide to use a custom one).

  5. Register the image:

    aws ec2 register-image \
    --name RHEL9-baseos-arm64 \
    --architecture arm64 \
    --virtualization-type hvm \
    --ena-support \
    --root-device-name /dev/xvda \
    --block-device-mappings DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={SnapshotId=snap-0d3e61728b16d7f48}

    NOTE NOTE: You can get the SnapshotId value from the describe-import-snapshot-tasks command above.

Now with the help of the aws ec2 run-instances command you can run EC2 instances of your custom/golden image ! Ex.

aws ec2 run-instances \
    --image-id ami-[the-id-of-your-ami] \
    --instance-type t4g.medium \
    --subnet-id subnet-[the-id-of-your-subnet] \
    --security-group-ids sg-[the-id-of-you-security-group] \
    --associate-public-ip-address \
    --key-name [the-name-of-your-ssh-key] \
    --block-device-mappings "[{\"DeviceName\":\"/dev/xvda\",\"Ebs\":{\"VolumeSize\":60,\"DeleteOnTermination\":true}}]" \
    --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=image-builder}]'

TIP TIP: import your own ssh keys by using the aws ec2 import-key-pair command.

Final Thoughts

We are now ready to launch EC2 instances with our custom AMI !

For more information on all the possibilities concerning the launch of EC2 instances, please refer to the following link in the official AWS documentation: Launching, listing, and terminating Amazon EC2 instances.

But if you want to know how the story continues, you can see how I use this AMI to deploy a Graviton instance on AWS (EC2 based on ARM architecture), install and configure Image Builder and create a custom image of RHEL 9 for Edge with MicroShift to be deployed on a Raspberry PI 4: How to create your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for ARM 64 image with MicroShift using Image Builder.


How to create your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for ARM 64 AMI in AWS







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