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Welcome to Face App.

Face App Rules:

  • 1st Rule:
    • You do not talk about Face App.
  • 2nd Rule:
    • You DO NOT talk about Face App.
  • 3rd Rule (all inclusive):
    • Face App is not for fooling around.
    • By using something with something as a ridiculous name as Face App, you have automatically lost all rights regarding your privacy or anything else you hold dear.
      • FINE PRINT: We can do whatever the F we want...
    • Our lawyers said we cannot claim any affliation wuth Facebook or The Facebook; but yes, this was created by Mark Zuckerberg.
    • Have fun Facing!

Running the server

  1. Run "server.js" to start node.js backend processing server running.

    $ node server.js

  2. Once the server is running, you can access all goodies by navigating to localhost port 8080. Oh and if it looks like some randos face is showing up where your face is, do not worry as that just may be a feature.