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A personal collection of resources, notes, and references for Design Systems


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A personal collection of resources, notes, and references for Design Systems

Table of Contents

Design Language


  • Color scales
  • Typography
  • Motion
  • Spacing
  • Layout
  • Icons




Design Tokens



  • Light & Dark mode
    • Setting user preference
      • Avoiding flash of theme switch if loading in via JavaScript (support SSR use-case)
    • Conditional rendering of items based on theme (illustrations)



  • When using a modal dialog, <header> and <footer> semantics are not stripped if the dialog is appended to the body
  • When using some form of pop-up, if it is positioned in DOM order it will be cut off if a parent has overflow hidden
  • When using localStorage, it may be helpful to wrap calls to prevent errors if a user has this disabled in their browser
  • When using a key event (like Escape, Home, PageUp, PageDown, Arrow keys) make sure to stop propagation and prevent default if you do not want a scroll to occur for some keys


  • Unstable
  • Stable
  • Intermediate stages
  • Evolving a stable component
    • Adding functionality
    • Removing functionality
      • Deprecation cycle
        • Deprecate in current major release, notify of support policy
        • Remove in either next release or n + 1 release
    • Tools
      • Codemods


  • Areas
    • Visual
      • Visual Regression Testing
    • Behavior
      • User interactions
      • States
    • Accessibility
      • Automated checks
      • Manual checks
    • Types
      • Unknown type is not valid
      • Types autocomplete correctly
      • Types are sufficiently narrow



  • Local storage


This component is useful to abstract the relationship between the visibility of a group of content and breakpoints for a Design System. It may also be helpful to provide this functionality through a custom hook, such as useMedia, useBreakpoints, etc.

It's important that visibility as it relates to layout or content should be constrained to CSS. This minimizes layout shift if the page is Server-Side Rendered and avoids jumps of content becoming visible or hidden as JavaScript is loaded on the page.

API Design

function Example() {
  return (
      <Hidden when="sm">
        <SomeContent />
      <Hidden when={['sm', 'md']}>
        <SomeContent />
      <Hidden above="sm">
        <SomeContent />
      <Hidden below="sm">
        <SomeContent />
      <Hidden breakpoint="sm">
        <SomeContent />

Links & Resources



Layouts in a design system define the common structure and presentation of your product. They create consistent and predictable structure to pages and foster cohesion across page and product boundaries.

Providing common layouts provide a way to quickly build pages with similar data requirements. Providing a foundational grid system allows any layout to feel like it belongs in the family of products even if it does not use a pre-defined layout.

Some great layouts and corresponding components to get started with include:

  • A general grid system, with Grid and Column components
    • Subgrid support is a plus
  • Vertical rhythm support through a Stack component
  • Pancake and Holy grail layouts
  • Side-nav and panel placement layouts
  • Flex components that derive gap based on spacing system


  • CSS Grid, grid areas
  • N column Grid

Links & Resources




  • Runtime vs zero runtime styling approaches


  • Linting for specific properties in style to make sure they come from design language or tokens


API Design


  • Kitchen-sink
    • Pros
      • Easy to coordinate complex behavior
      • Able to swap out implementation without breaking changes
    • Cons
      • Lack of flexibility
  • Structural
    • Pros
      • Maximum flexibility
    • Cons
      • Hard to build in behavior, requires orchestration
  • Layouts
  • Behavior
  • Styling
  • Async


  • When do you add to a component versus create another component?
    • Are you adding multiple props? Do they only work with each other and don't make sense without each other?


Category Situation Semver
Children Change from a wrapping element to a fragment
Change from fragment to wrapping element
Change node type of wrapping element
Props A prop is added minor
A prop is removed major
A prop is renamed (make sure to follow deprecation flow) major
The propType broadens or accepts more types minor
The propType narrows or accepts fewer types major
Refs Add a ref to a component minor
Remove a ref from a component major
Move where a ref is placed within a component
Styles A class name, style data attribute, etc is added
The position or display value of an element changes
The position of a parent element changes (e.g. changes to position: relative
Types A type is added
The type is removed
The type broadens or accepts more types
The type narrows or accepts fewer types


  • When to add to a component versus creating a new component?
    • If the props that are being added can exist independently, it might be useful to bake into an existing component
    • If props being added are coupled, in other words they don't only exist for each other and specifying one without the other doesn't make sense, it might be worth exploring a new component that combines these concepts


Stable prop callbacks

A component may accept callback functions as props, such as an onChange, that is invoked in response to an action or event.

function ExampleComponent({ onClick }) {
  return (
    <button type="button" onClick={() => onClick()}>

At times, this handler may need to be referenced in an effect or in other primitive that requires a dependency array. This may result in the following implementation:

function ExampleComponent({ onChange }) {
  // ...

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [state, onChange]);

  // ...

In this situation, the effect will fire each time the state value updates but also each time the onClick function reference changes. If you're expecting consumers to use values like an arrow function expression, this may lead to unexpected work being performed.

  onChange={() => {
    /* ... */

There may also be a correctness aspect to this, as well, in that the effect should not be synchronizing with the identity of the onChange function and is firing unexpected as a result. For example, a ResizeObserver implementation may look like:

function ExampleComponent({ onResize }) {
  const ref = useRef();

  useEffect(() => {
    const observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
      // ...


    const { current: element } = ref;

    return () => {
  }, [onResize]);

  // ...

In this situation, the useEffect will run each time the reference of onResize changes. As a result, the callback to ResizeObserver will also call onResize as this is the default behavior of this primitive. Depending on what onResize does when called, this may lead to an infinite loop as the state of the parent changes which in turn causes the onResize to change, which then updates the useEffect, and finally the ResizeObserver callback before looping again.

To address this, you can save the value of the callback into a ref:

function ExampleComponent({ onChange }) {
  const savedOnChange = useRef(null);

  // ...

  useEffect(() => {
    savedOnChange.current = onChange;

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [state]);

  // ...

This allows you to always have the latest reference to onChange while still having a stable reference in the effect as to avoid adding it to the depenendecy array.

Stable default values

A component may provide a default value for a prop as a default parameter.

function ExampleComponent({ onChange = () => {}, foo = {}, bar = [] }) {
  // ...

Historically, default props may also be defined as defaultProps on the component function.

function ExampleComponent() {
  // ...

ExampleComponent.defaultProps = {
  onChange: () => {},
  foo: {},
  bar: [],

When moving from defaultProps to default parameters, there is a change in the reference of a value. Specifically, with defaultProps values will have the same reference for complex types like functions, objects, arrays, etc. When used as a default parameter, however, these values will no longer have a stable reference as they are re-created each render.

Most of the time, this will not be an issue. However, if you are using these values in dependency arrays or notice components unnecessarily re-rendering when provided these values then you can move these values to the top-level scope to retain the same reference semantics as before.

const defaultOnChange = () => {};
const defaultFoo = {};
const defaultBar = [];

function ExampleComponent({
  onChange = defaultOnChange,
  foo = defaultFoo,
  bar = defaultBar,
}) {
  // ...

Working with timeouts

Use a wrapper hook like useTimeout when working with setTimeout inside of a component. This provides safety so that you can guarantee that no setTimeout function will run after a component unmounts.


Prefer accepting a ref instead of creating and returning one

const { ref } = useExample()
const ref = useRef(null);

When designing hooks that require a reference to a DOM node (using a ref) you should design the hook to take in a ref as an argument instead of creating a ref on behalf of the caller.

This is important when a caller decides to use multiple hooks that rely on a ref. For example,

function MyComponent() {
  const [ref1, isHovering] = useHover();
  const [ref2, isDragging] = useDrag();

  // How should the caller merge these two refs?

If, instead, these hooks took in a ref we could have the caller manage the ref and pass it into the hooks.

function MyComponent() {
  const ref = useRef(null);
  const isHovering = useHover(ref);
  const isDragging = useDrag(ref);

  // Caller has to add `ref` to a node below

Using useCallback and useMemo

useCallback and useMemo can be incredibly useful tools in certain situations. In general, however, we try to avoid them unless one of the following conditions occur:

  • The identity of a function or object is required as a dependency in a dependency array
  • We have observed performance issues due to allocations that can be reproduced and resolved using these techniques

This practice is to avoid introducing useCallback and useMemo prematurely, which can create extra work for our components to perform.

A rule of thumb for this is to understand how frequently a dependency will update that is given to useCallback or useMemo. If a dependency is likely to update frequently, then React will have to perform comparisons and re-run callback to useCallback and useMemo. This would be slower than creating a new function each render instead.

Prefer returning event handlers versus adding them

When working with hooks that listen to events like onKeyDown, onClick, etc you have two options for how to bind logic to these events:

  • Return a function that the caller can attach to their component

    function MyComponent() {
      const { onKeyDown } = useCustomHook();
      return <CustomComponent onKeyDown={onKeyDown} />;
  • Accept a ref and call addEventListener in an effect

    function MyComponent() {
      const ref = React.useRef(null);
      return <CustomComponent ref={ref} />;
    // useCustomHook.js
    function useCustomHook(ref) {
      React.useEffect(() => {
        function listener(event) {
          // ...
        const { current: node } = ref;
        node.addEventListener('keydown', listener);
        return () => {
          node.removeEventListener('keydown', listener);
      }, []);
  • Pros of returning a function

    • The caller has control over when this behavior is applied
    • It's clear, especially with multiple handlers for the same event, what is being called
  • Cons of returning a function

    • The caller is responsible for placing the function on the correct element
    • Changing the event requires a breaking change (or an intermediate layer that obfuscates props)
  • Pros of accepting a ref

    • You can swap out the implementation or event without a Public API change
  • Cons of accepting a ref

    • It's difficult to enable or disable this behavior due to conditional hooks (would likely need an option or flag passed to turn off)
    • It can hide the fact that a keydown event is being registered on the element
    • The caller is responsible for creating a ref and placing it on the correct element


Prefer using useMergedRefs when using forwardRef

const ExampleComponent = React.forwardRef(function ExampleComponent(
) {
  const inputRef = React.useRef(null);
  const ref = useMergedRefs(forwardRef, inputRef);

  // ...

  return <input ref={ref} type="text" />;




import * as React from 'react';

function useEvent(elementOrRef, name, callback) {
  const ref = React.useRef(null);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = callback;

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const element = elementOrRef.current ?? elementOrRef;

    function listener(event) {

    element.addEventListener(name, listener);

    return () => {
      element.removeEventListener(name, listener);
  }, [elementOrRef, name]);


import * as React from 'react';

function useMergedRefs(...refs) {
  return React.useCallback((node) => {
    for (const ref of refs) {
      if (!ref) {

      if (typeof ref === 'function') {
      } else if (typeof ref === 'object') {
        ref.current = node;
  }, []);


aka useSavedCallback

import * as React from 'react';

function useStableCallback(callback) {
  const ref = React.useRef(null);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = callback;

  return React.useCallback((...args) => {
    return ref.current?.(...args);
  }, []);


import * as React from 'react';

export function useTimeout() {
  const timers = React.useRef(null);

  if (timers.current === null) {
    timers.current = new Set();

  React.useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
      for (const id of timers.current) {
  }, []);

  return React.useCallback((fn, delayMs) => {
    const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
    }, delayMs);


    return timeoutId;
  }, []);



  • Release cadency
    • Merge
    • Time-based
    • On-demand
  • Versioning
    • Prerelease (0.x)
    • Semver (1.x)
  • Multi-package vs single package
  • Bundling
    • Side-effects
    • package.json exports
  • Breaking changes
    • Prerelease packages
    • Separate changes into branch or feature flag





  • Slack
  • GitHub issues
  • GitHub discussions
  • Office hours
  • Design crits


  • What level of support do you provide for teams?
    • When can they expect to hear back from you when they make an issue?
    • How long should they expect it take to address an issue?
  • How do teams stay engaged with updates?
  • What level of support should teams expect from contributions or proposals?



It's important to test the API and the implementation of what is delivered in a design system. Testing the API ensures that you're not accidentally shipping a breaking change to the code that you're shipping for developers to use. Testing the implementation makes sure that the appearance and behavior of the component does not change unexpected for end users (or for developers using the design system who may be relying on that behavior).

It's also important to include certain structural and automated tests to make sure that the foundations of the design system (like tokens or the underlying design language or brand) setup teams for success by shipping accessible primitives.

Black box

When considering how to test components or aspect of your design system, it is helpful to consider the overall interface and ways in which a developer or user interacts with your component. These different factors make up the overall contract of your component and should be what you prioritize in your testing strategy. In addition, it's helpful to frame tests from this "black box" model in order to allow you to make changes as needed to the internal structure of a component or module.

As a rough guide, here are some things that are useful to incorporate into your testing strategy:

  • The API of your component, how does a developer use this in their project?
  • How does an end-user interact with this component?
    • Make sure to consider mouse and keyboard and test with both
    • If a specific role or aria-* property is necessary for a screen reader, make sure this is also tested
  • What is the expected visual appearance of this component across themes? (Visual Regression Testing)
  • Anything related to how your team defines semver that you want to make sure is captured (for example, changing the location of a ref if you're writing a React component)

It is also helpful to include certain automated checks, like color contrast for design color tokens or automated accessibility checks, in your testing strategy.

Automated checks

  • Make sure all possible design color token combinations meet contrast requirements
  • Run an accessibility checker to catch common issues, axe or Accessibility Checker are great tools to get started

Measuring Success

  • Metrics: what you can measure in order to drive insights and observe leading and lagging indicators
    • Instance count of your components
    • Usage count of props for your components
    • Number of lint overrides, escape hatches used when building a component (like custom styling)
  • Research
    • Complement metrics with user research/interviews in order to identify pain points, common user journeys, and ideas for future work that is important to the business
  • As a library author1
    • How successful all users are in using the API
    • The quality of the output that users achieve by using the API
    • The percentage of users making the correct choices
  • As an infrastructure team
  • From the business
    • Does the company have a cohesive look and feel? (And why does this matter to your company?)
    • How much work is shared across the company, and how quickly do updates permeate through the system (this measures how quickly can your company adapt or change)
    • How quickly can product teams implement a feature, build out a product, etc. (how quickly can a team add value using company tools)


Ways to classify different parts of your design system, often times this is helpful for components when you have multiple framework implementations or a decentralized system of systems.


type: component
name: string
status: unstable | stable | ...
implementation: react | rails | web-components | ...
  - type: docs
    title: Storybook
    url: ...


type: icon
name: string
aliases: []
sizes: []
categories: []
deprecated: boolean
reason: string

Links & Resources




A personal collection of resources, notes, and references for Design Systems




