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  1. Create a model
  2. Fit the model


The model type used by SparseRegression is SModel. An SModel holds onto the sufficient information for generating a solution fo the SparseRegression objective.

!!! note Constructing an SModel does not create a fitted model. It must be learn!-ed.


An SModel can be learned with the default learning strategy with learn!(model). You can provide more control over the learning process by providing your own LearningStrategy.

SparseRegression implements several Algorithm <: LearningStrategy types to do SModel fitting. An Algorithm must be constructed with an SModel to ensure storage buffers are the correct size.

using SparseRegression

# Make some fake data
x = randn(1000, 10)
y = x * range(-1, stop=1, length=10) + randn(1000)

# Create an SModel
s = SModel(x, y)

# All of the following are valid ways to calculate a solution
learn!(s, strategy(ProxGrad(s), MaxIter(25), TimeLimit(.5)))
learn!(s, Sweep(s))
learn!(s, LinRegCholesky(s))