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Food. We all need it, we all eat it, but the average person throws away 300 lbs of food a year, valued at almost $2200. FOOD is designed to help make cooking more efficient by finding recipes for the food that you already have in your house, saving yourself money and shopping time.

FOOD is a recipe finding site designed to put ingredients first that allows the user to search by ingredients they already have, making cooking less wasteful. Food allows the user to search the recipe database for recipes that contain their ingredients. To help the user find what they're looking for, it also allows them set dietary restrictions as a part of their user profile, such as Vegetarian, Vegan, or Dairy-Free, to help them find their recipe sooner. Additionally, it allows the user to favorite recipes to easily find them later one. FOOD is a crowd-sourced site, meaning anyone can add their favorite recipes to the database!

Technologies Used

The following is some of the languages used in this app:

  1. ReactJS
  2. Node.js
  3. Express
  4. HTML
  5. CSS
  6. Javascript
  7. MongoDB
  8. Mongoose


FOOD started as a solo class project, but has been grown and improved upon over time. FOOD uses a React front-end, a Node/Express.js back-end, MongoDB as it's database, and is currently being hosted on Heroku.

During the development of FOOD, items were prioritized to put out a MVC to allow for scalability and future growth. Here are some items that will be added in the near future

  1. Including Regular Expressions to search criteria to get better matches on ingredients.
  2. Potential introduction of a 3rd party API to help grow the database of recipes.
  3. Updating of user dietary preferences.
  4. Allowing users to include stock items -- ingredients they always have on hand that can be optionally included in every search.

Find your next recipe here!

You can FOOD here. Please feel free to add your favorite recipes, and stay tuned for more features coming soon!


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