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Merge pull request #399 from joshspeagle/mcfix
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Fix MC volume calculations
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segasai committed Oct 4, 2022
2 parents 5733dec + b843d55 commit 201ddf1
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Showing 3 changed files with 99 additions and 45 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ All notable changes to dynesty will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [2.0.0]
This is a major release with as several significant improvements. One is the implementation of the check-points to save progress and allow restarting of fits and a new simple interface to obtain equally weighted samples directly from results object. Also likelihood functions can now return additional computed quantities (blobs) that will be saved together with samples.
This is a major release with several significant improvements.
- One is the implementation of the check-points to save progress and allow restarting of fits [See here](
- A new simple interface to obtain equally weighted samples directly from results object. [See here](
- Allow likelihood functions to return additional computed quantities (blobs) that will be saved together with samples. [See hre](

*IMPORTANT* This release includes some major refactoring of class structure in dynesty in to implement the check-pointing. While we haven't seen any breakage in our tests, it is possible that some of more-unusual workflows may be affected. Please submit a bug report on github if you see anything that doesn't look correct. Also, while every effort was made that checkpointing works correctly, it is possible that some corner-cases have been missed. Please report if you see any issues.

Expand All @@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ This is a major release with as several significant improvements. One is the imp
- Sampler.n_effective is no longer unnecessarily computed when sampling with
an infinite limit on n_effective. ( #379 ; by @edbennett )
- In rare occasions, dynamic nested samplng fits with maxiter set could have failed with 'list index out of range' errors. That was addressed ( #392 ; by @segasai )
- The Monte-Carlo volume calculations by RadFriends/SupFriends/MultiEllipsoid were inaccurate (fix # 398; #399 ; by @segasai )

### Changed
- Setting n_effective for Sampler.run_nested() and DynamicSampler.sample_initial(), and n_effective_init for DynamicSampler.run_nested(), are deprecated ( #379 ; by @edbennett )
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33 changes: 17 additions & 16 deletions py/dynesty/
Expand Up @@ -516,14 +516,14 @@ def monte_carlo_logvol(self,
samples = [
self.sample(rstate=rstate, return_q=True) for i in range(ndraws)
qsum = sum((q for (x, idx, q) in samples))
logvol = np.log(ndraws * 1. / qsum) + self.logvol_tot
qsum = sum((1. / q for (x, idx, q) in samples))
logvol = np.log(qsum / ndraws) + self.logvol_tot

if return_overlap:
# Estimate the fractional amount of overlap with the
# unit cube using the same set of samples.
qin = sum((q * unitcheck(x) for (x, idx, q) in samples))
overlap = 1. * qin / qsum
qin = sum((1. / q * unitcheck(x) for (x, idx, q) in samples))
overlap = qin / qsum
return logvol, overlap
return logvol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ def __init__(self, ndim, cov=None):

detsign, detln = linalg.slogdet(
assert detsign > 0
self.logvol_ball = (logvol_prefactor(self.n) - 0.5 * detln)
self.logvol_ball = logvol_prefactor(self.n) - 0.5 * detln
self.expand = 1.
self.funit = 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,18 +744,19 @@ def monte_carlo_logvol(self,
estimated fractional overlap with the unit cube."""

# Estimate volume using Monte Carlo integration.
samples = [
samples = ([
self.sample(ctrs, rstate=rstate, return_q=True)
for i in range(ndraws)
qsum = sum((q for (x, q) in samples))
logvol = np.log(1. * ndraws / qsum * len(ctrs)) + self.logvol_ball
qs = np.array([_[1] for _ in samples])
qsum = np.sum(1. / qs)
logvol = np.log(1. / ndraws * qsum * len(ctrs)) + self.logvol_ball

if return_overlap:
# Estimate the fractional amount of overlap with the
# unit cube using the same set of samples.
qin = sum((q * unitcheck(x) for (x, q) in samples))
overlap = 1. * qin / qsum
qin = sum((1. / q * unitcheck(x) for (x, q) in samples))
overlap = qin / qsum
return logvol, overlap
return logvol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1005,7 +1006,7 @@ def monte_carlo_logvol(self,
"""Using `ndraws` Monte Carlo draws, estimate the log volume of the
*union* of cubes. If `return_overlap=True`, also returns the
estimated fractional overlap with the unit cube."""
Expand All @@ -1015,14 +1016,14 @@ def monte_carlo_logvol(self,
self.sample(ctrs, rstate=rstate, return_q=True)
for i in range(ndraws)
qsum = sum((q for (x, q) in samples))
logvol = np.log(1. * ndraws / qsum * len(ctrs)) + self.logvol_cube
qsum = sum((1. / q for (x, q) in samples))
logvol = np.log(1. * qsum / ndraws * len(ctrs)) + self.logvol_cube

if return_overlap:
# Estimate the fractional overlap with the unit cube using
# the same set of samples.
qin = sum((q * unitcheck(x) for (x, q) in samples))
overlap = 1. * qin / qsum
qin = sum((1. / q * unitcheck(x) for (x, q) in samples))
overlap = qin / qsum
return logvol, overlap
return logvol
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105 changes: 77 additions & 28 deletions tests/
Expand Up @@ -130,40 +130,45 @@ def test_overlap():
assert np.all(within == within2)

def test_mc_logvol():

def capvol(n, r, h):
# see
Cn = np.pi**(n / 2.) / scipy.special.gamma(1 + n / 2.)
return (
Cn * r**n *
def capvol(n, r, h):
# this is a volume of the n-dimensional spherical cap
# see
Cn = np.pi**(n / 2.) / scipy.special.gamma(1 + n / 2.)
return (Cn * r**n *
(1 / 2 - (r - h) / r * scipy.special.gamma(1 + n / 2) /
np.sqrt(np.pi) / scipy.special.gamma(
(n + 1.) / 2) * scipy.special.hyp2f1(1. / 2,
(1 - n) / 2, 3. / 2,
((r - h) / r)**2)))

def sphere_vol(n, r):
Cn = np.pi**(n / 2.) / scipy.special.gamma(1 + n / 2.) * r**n
return Cn

def two_sphere_vol(c1, c2, r1, r2):
D = np.sqrt(np.sum((c1 - c2)**2))
n = len(c1)
if D >= r1 + r2:
return sphere_vol(n, r1) + sphere_vol(n, r2)
# now either one is fully inside or the is overlap
if D + r1 <= r2 or D + r2 <= r1:
#fully inside
return max(sphere_vol(n, r1), sphere_vol(n, r2))
x = 1. / 2 / D * np.sqrt(2 * r1**2 * r2**2 + 2 * D**2 * r1**2 +
2 * D**2 * r2**2 - r1**4 - r2**4 - D**4)
capsize1 = r1 - np.sqrt(r1**2 - x**2)
capsize2 = r2 - np.sqrt(r2**2 - x**2)
V = (sphere_vol(n, r1) + sphere_vol(n, r2) -
capvol(n, r1, capsize1) - capvol(n, r2, capsize2))
return V

def sphere_vol(n, r):
# n-d sphere volume
Cn = np.pi**(n / 2.) / scipy.special.gamma(1 + n / 2.) * r**n
return Cn

def two_sphere_vol(c1, c2, r1, r2):
# Return the volume of the unions of two n-d spheres
D = np.sqrt(np.sum((c1 - c2)**2))
n = len(c1)
if D >= r1 + r2:
return sphere_vol(n, r1) + sphere_vol(n, r2)
# now either one is fully inside or the is overlap
if D + r1 <= r2 or D + r2 <= r1:
# fully inside
return max(sphere_vol(n, r1), sphere_vol(n, r2))
x = 1. / 2 / D * np.sqrt(2 * r1**2 * r2**2 + 2 * D**2 * r1**2 +
2 * D**2 * r2**2 - r1**4 - r2**4 - D**4)
capsize1 = r1 - np.sqrt(r1**2 - x**2)
capsize2 = r2 - np.sqrt(r2**2 - x**2)
V = (sphere_vol(n, r1) + sphere_vol(n, r2) - capvol(n, r1, capsize1) -
capvol(n, r2, capsize2))
return V

def test_mc_logvol():

rstate = get_rstate()
ndim = 10
Expand All @@ -185,6 +190,50 @@ def two_sphere_vol(c1, c2, r1, r2):
assert (np.abs(np.log(vtrue) - lv) < 1e-2)

def test_mc_logvolRad():

rstate = get_rstate()
ndim = 10
cen1 = np.zeros(ndim)
cen2 = np.zeros(ndim)
r1 = 0.7
sig1 = np.eye(ndim) * r1**2
Ds = np.linspace(0, 2, 30)
nsamp = 10000
for D in Ds:
cen2[0] = D
rf = db.RadFriends(ndim, sig1)
lv = rf.monte_carlo_logvol(np.array([cen1, cen2]),
vtrue = two_sphere_vol(cen1, cen2, r1, r1)
assert (np.abs(np.log(vtrue) - lv) < 1e-2)

def test_mc_logvolCube():

rstate = get_rstate()
ndim = 10
cen1 = np.zeros(ndim)
cen2 = np.zeros(ndim)
r1 = 0.7
sig1 = np.eye(ndim) * r1**2
Ds = np.linspace(0, 2, 30)
nsamp = 10000
for D in Ds:
cen2[0] = D
rf = db.SupFriends(ndim, sig1)
lv = rf.monte_carlo_logvol(np.array([cen1, cen2]),
if D > 2 * r1:
lvtrue = np.log(2 * r1) * ndim + np.log(2)
lvtrue = np.log(2 * r1) * (ndim - 1) + np.log(D + 2 * r1)

assert (np.abs(lvtrue - lv) < 1e-2)

def test_bounds():
rstate = get_rstate()
Ndim = 20
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