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Configuration Keys

Joshua D. Miller edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 5 revisions

In order for macOSLAPS to function in your environment, you will need to configure some keys to ensure the password for your local administrator is changed accordingly. In an Active Directory environment you only need to configure the LocalAdminAccount key the FirstPass key if your administrator has a secureToken. For the Local method you would need to configure the keys above as well as the Method key.

In the table below you can see a list of configurable keys and what they do.

Key Type Description Default Value Other Value(s)
LocalAdminAccount String The shortname of the administrator account you would like to manage admin lapsadmin
DaysTillExpiration Integer The amount of days to wait until the password is considered expired 60 30
PasswordLength Integer How many characters the randomly generated password should be 12 30
PasswordGrouping Integer How many characters you want in each group before the separator 0 8
PasswordSeparator String What Password separtor you would like to use. - , [
RemoveKeyChain Boolean Remove the local admin keychains after password change True False
RemovePassChars String Exclude any characters you'd like from the randomly generated password ' 1lLO0
ExclusionSets Array Exclude any character set you'd like by specifying a string in an array. <array><string>symbols</string></array>
PreferredDC String Set your preferred Domain Controller to connect to (Useful when you have RODCs)
FirstPass String The password of your administrator currently before macOSLAPS begins. (Useful when your administrator has a secureToken)
Method String Which method to use when executing macOSLAPS. AD Local
PasswordRequirements Dictionary A dictionary that allows you to specify the password requirements. There are 4 keys Lowercase, Uppercase, Number and Symbol. For each you specify an integer for the amount of each that you would like in your password. <key>PasswordRequirements</key><dict><key>Lowercase</key><integer>1</integer><key>Uppercase</key><integer>1</integer><key>Number</key<integer>1</integer><key>Symbol</key><integer>1</integer></dict>

These keys can be configured with a configuration profile which I would strongly recommend as the preferred method or as a PLIST. macOSLAPS will look in the following places for preferences configured on the system before resorting to default values:

  • /Library/Managed Preferences/edu.psu.macoslaps.plist (MDM)
  • /Library/Preferences/edu.psu.macoslaps.plist (Locally Configured)

If you are just testing without an MDM the local PLIST can be configured by using the defaults command to write the values you would like to the PLIST. Here is an example of changing the administrator to LAPSAdmin:

  • sudo /usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/edu.psu.macoslaps LocalAdminAccount LAPSAdmin
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