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Repository files navigation

This is an automatic grading program built for an intro to programming class. Although there are many auto-grading programs available, this one was built specifically for the class. This program is part of a larger, private repository, but this code specifically was authored by me.


- Git (Git bash for Windows)
- Python
- Pip

Initial setup

You should only have to do this once

  • Clone the grading repo with preferred method
  • Cd to autograder/grader
  • Install dependencies in requirements.txt with pip
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    • python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    • py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Or however you run pip on your system
  • Run and choose the corresponding values
    • You also can just edit config.yaml directly, then run to ensure everything is good


(This description assumes you are in autograder/grader)

  • Command line
    • Run
      • This will clone the repos you need to grade into the ./repos folder
      • Your repos are pulled based on the DUE_DATE variable in and the corresponding row in the grading spreadsheet (eventually. For now it just pulls some test ones)
    • To test someone's code, just cd to repos/C200-Assignments-username/Assignment# and run
      • The output will tell you about any issues running the Student's code, and the final results will be at the bottom
  • GUI
    • TBD


Currently, all the tests are function based. The following test types currently exist:

  • functionOutput
    • Check the output of a function against expected output. Multiple different equality checks happen
      • Soon to allow defining custom equality functions in the test file
  • printOutput
    • Check what a student's function prints against expected output. Currently is only an exact match, but some fuzziness could easily be implemented.
  • functionContains:
    • Check if a function does or does not contain a certain string.
      • For example, this can be used to insure a function does contain a required loop type, or does not contain builtin functions.
  • classes:
    • Student classes can be instantiated with custom constructors, and then any of the above can be used to test functions inside the class
  • onImport:
    • Check if stuff is printed when the file is imported.

As an additional note, almost any python- interpretable thing can be passed in as input or output, so things like lambda functions and numpy arrays can be used for input/ output.

More in depth on the test file formats here


Wrote up some stuff in this doc

Sample Output


import student code
Error importing: correlation
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Assignment11/acme_zyx.txt'

prepare io

run tests
Module correlation wasn't imported


Testing file: haversine
  Testing function: hd
    Test Case: Passed

    Test Case: Passed

Testing file: lineclass
  Testing function: get_line
    Test Case: Passed

  Testing function: __mul__
    Test Case: Passed

    Test Case: Passed

Testing file: weird
  Testing function: g
    Test Case: Passed

    Test Case: Passed

Testing file: matrix
  Testing function: mm
    Test Case: Passed

  Testing function: tp
    Test Case: Passed

  Testing function: add_m
    Test Case: Failed - Exception
    -> Test failed for value: [np.array([[1,2,4],[3,4,3]]), np.array([[1,2,4],[3,4,3]])]
    -> Exception: - Function failed to run: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 3

Testing file: correlation
  The test case was loaded but the function wasn't imported from the student's code.


  • Specify point value per test
  • Only test file open in gui
  • Repo validator
  • Import packages in test file
  • Include imports needed for test case values at top of test runner
  • Command line arguments to control stuff:
    • Verbose/ short output for running tests
    • Run tests for only one file
    • Force re- clone
  • Provide context for why test wasn't run in printResults
    • failed importing etc

  • Autogenerate smallusernames.txt from the excel file directly to avoid errors where people copy the wrong column
  • Add custom equality checks
  • Clean up cloning script
  • Test case type for contents of function
    • include/ exclude: loop type, recursive call, etc
  • Clean up class test in testClass
  • Check if the repos folder exists, if not then create it on setup
  • Add ability to toggle off cloning/ checking out repos wi th command line argument
  • Some sort of teardown to get rid of the student repos after you're done, and possibly include Sub's csv script
  • Bring in some sort of testing framework to keep everything working smoothly
  • Have tests with multiple inputs
  • Have test cases for classes
  • Allow tests to have classes as input
  • Write test cases in different format
    • yaml
    • Make every input set a list so it can just be unwrapped for the function call
  • Add the ability to set different test types (find a good way to specify in template file):
    • Check function result (default)
    • Check printed text (with input?)


No description, website, or topics provided.






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