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Make a cloudatcost cloud PDQ


This is only useful if you have an account here:

The big advantage is that you pay a one time fee and get access to a VM for life! Now let's automate provisioning so we can test some things out and get some use out of these VMs.


for the next commands in the future you will be able to precede by incanting make trusty (or make jessie, make centos, etc) a number of times which will create a trusty (jessie/centos) host each time, but the API is broken for now, so you'll have to create them yourself using the GUI

Then once you have some fresh unnamed hosts, you can use my auto provisioners to finish up on them. This will change their run mode to normal, which prevents them from turning off in 7 days. Then it will rename, and set reverse DNS, key the server, do all normal updates, and install the newest docker.

make auto this will prepare a trusty host for docker hosting

make jessieauto this will prepare a jessie host for docker hosting

make centosauto this will prepare a centos host for docker hosting

Detailed Usage

make fullList

make fullLIst or make f will get you a file name fullLIst,


copy the fullList file to workingList i.e. cp fullList workingList now open this file and delete the lines containing servers you do NOT want to work with leaving the servers you DO want to work with, now most other commands work on this workingList it will look something like this:

 555697574 Not Assigned null VyHequ 555697574  
 555697575 Not Assigned null A3eRHn 555697575  
 555697576 Not Assigned null qagp6u 555697576  
 555697577 Not Assigned null JAaate 555697577  
 555697578 Not Assigned null sEmn8y 555697578  

this lends itself to all sorts tom foolery like for example if you already have some servers you've made into a kubernetes cluster you can cat workingLIst >> workingList.centos to add some new servers to a permanent list

then make clean, provision a new group of centos servers (using make centos in the future, but for now the web interface works)

use make centosauto on them to get them keyed, updated, and the latest docker installed

make tester22 can be used to test them out and ensure the centosauto above worked.

finally add them to your centos pool and reprovision your kubernetes cluster

cat workingLIst >> workingList.centos then in the future when you want to work with this set of kubernetes servers cp workingList.centos workingList

make kargo and you should have a more nodes in your cluster once that finishes

kubectl get nodes

make trusty

should build you a trusty machine, but the API is not working with the newest datacenter (DC3, was working but then they switch back to DC2 and broken again) and as we are only able to provision into that datacenter this is broken for now but should work with cloudatcost fixes things on their end

make movein

make movein this will execute my movein script on a fresh trusty instance getting you a 3.19 kernel docker 1.11 and overlayFS as your storage driver

make jessieauto

much like make auto but intended for jessie machines

make centosauto

much like auto but for centos7 machines

auto naming

All of the auto methods above invoke make names.list, which invokes make chosenNames, if you wanted to override and only use the greek gods, simply copy that list to chosenNames and the Makefile will skip that step,


cp greekgods.names chosenNames
rm names.list
make names.list
cat names.list


a delete function is not included for good reasons, but every now and then I want to delete en masse, and I copy this section in and double check my workingList twice to not be naughty but nice!

	$(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d --suffix=DOCKERTMP))
	$(eval API_KEY := $(shell cat API_KEY))
	$(eval API_USERNAME := $(shell cat API_USERNAME))
	$(eval URL :=
	$(eval DATA :=key=$(API_KEY)&login=$(API_USERNAME))
		do \
		echo "curl -k -v --data '$(DATA)&sid=$$SID&mode=normal' '$(URL)'" ; \
		done < workingList > $(TMP)/deleter 
	-/bin/bash $(TMP)/deleter
	-@rm -Rf $(TMP)

Kargo (WIP)

make kargo should get you a kargo cluster made out of the workingList, at the moment this only works on centos machines using port22, I'm working on that though

make kargoConfig should use the first master (the first machine in the workingList), grab the certs, and setup ~/.kube/config for you, this WIP though, thar be dragons

Gluster (WIP)

make gluster should get you a cluster of glusterFS made out of the workingList, at the moment this only works on Trusty hosts as the ansible was written by Geerling for Trusty

Stories in Ready

GNU Parallel

This repo uses GNU parallel you should too!

  O. Tange (2011): GNU Parallel - The Command-Line Power Tool,
    ;login: The USENIX Magazine, February 2011:42-47.


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