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File metadata and controls

872 lines (569 loc) · 24.2 KB

Change log

Major changes to plastid are documented here. Version numbers for the project follow the conventions described in PEP 440 and Semantic versioning 2.0.0.

plastid [0.6.1] = [2022-05-05]

This is a maintenance release meant to leave this package in a reasonable state, as it is only sporadically maintained.


  • Dockerization, to further control test environments, and make this release release more future-proof. Test environments now include Python 3.6 and 3.9.


  • Bumped minimum requirements to reasonable 2022 standards.
  • Upgraded embedded Kent & HTSlib source code
  • Clarified licenses


  • Dropped support for Python versions 2.7–3.5. These might still run, but are no longer tested.
  • Deprecated classes: BPlusTree, RTree
  • Deprecated methods: of SegmentChain.get_length() and SegmentChain.get_masked_length()

plastid [0.5.1] = [2020-05-20]

  • Updates to package metadata and docs

plastid [0.5.0] = [2020-05-20]

Changes are predominantly for maintenance, bugfixes, and streamlining.


  • Iterators rewritten for compatibility with Python 3.7 and Python 3.8 (per instructions in PEP 479 )

  • As a result, while readers in :mod:`plastid.readers` are still generators, they are no longer their own iterators. This is a bit of an obscure point, but implications are:

    • they can still be cast to lists:

      >>> my_list = list(GTF2_TranscriptAssembler("/path/to/foo.gtf"))
    • they can still be used in for loops:

      >>> for my_transcript in GTF2_TranscriptAssembler("/path/to/foo.gtf"):
      >>>     # pass
    • they cannot be used like this:

      >>> transcripts = GTF2_TranscriptAssembler("/path/to/foo.gtf")
      >>> a = next(transcripts)

      # a will be None!!

    instead, wrap the reader in iter if you want to use them this way:

    >>> transcripts = iter(GTF2_TranscriptAssembler("/path/to/foo.gtf"))
    >>> a = next(transcripts)
    # a is now a Transcript


  • BioConda support (special thanks to @lparsons)
  • Testing streamlined via tox, and additional test environments added


  • Moved calls to open() into with context managers to avoid creation of stale filehandles
  • Rewrote to remove requirement for pre-installation of cython, numpy, and pysam, as this is now handled by :mod:`pip`
  • Removed references to deprecated pandas.DataFrame.sort(), enabling compatibility with pandas versions above 0.2.0
  • Improved compatibility with numpy versions above 1.31.1
  • VariableFivePrimeMapFactory.from_file() and StratifiedVariableFivePrimeMapFactory.from_file() now work on filenames as well as file handles, as they were supposed to
  • StratifiedVariableFivePrimeMapFactory now imported by typing from plastid import *
  • And others as well


  • BigBedReader.custom_fields was removed in favor of its non-deprecated alias, BigBedReader.extension_fields

plastid [0.4.8] = [2017-04-09]

  • Fixed a change in that caused Plastid compilation to fail in Macintosh environments. Sorry Mac users!

plastid [0.4.7] = [2017-03-06]

This update is minor compared to the release 0.4.6, and was mainly motivated by updates, bugfixes, and changes required for compatibility with new versions of Pysam


  • Support for Pysam >= 0.10.0
  • write_pl_table() added as a convenience function
  • --use_mean flag added to metagene
  • Warnings / better help text


  • rounding error in get_str_from_rgb()
  • PSL_Reader() now capable of parsing strands from translated blat output
  • Fixed bug in header parsing in PSL_reader

plastid [0.4.6] = [2016-05-20]


  • Support for `BigWig`_ files
  • Reimplementation of `BigBed`_ file support
  • Simplification of syntax / removal of annoyances in both command-line scripts and in infrastructure


File formats

  • Support for `BigWig`_ files. BigWigReader reads `BigWig`_ files, and BigWigGenomeArray handles them conveniently.
  • BigBedReader has been reimplemented using Jim Kent's C library, making it far faster and more memory efficient.
  • created to search indexed fields included in BigBed files, e.g. to find transcripts with a given gene_id (if gene_id is included as an extension column and indexed). To see which fields are searchable, use BigBedReader.indexed_fields


  • Simplified file opening. All readers can now take filenames in addition to open filehandles. No need to wrap filenames in lists any more. For example:

    # old way to open GTF2 file
    >>> data = GTF2_TranscriptAssembler(open("some_file.gtf"))
    # new way. Also works with BED_Reader, GTF2_Reader, GFF3_TranscriptAssembler, and others
    >>> data = GTF2_TranscriptAssembler("some_file.gtf")
    # old way to get read alignments from BAM files
    >>> alignments = BAMGenomeArray(["some_file.bam","some_other_file.bam"])
    # new way
    >>> alignemnts = BAMGenomeArray("some_file.bam","some_other_file.bam")
    # old way to open a tabix-indexed file
    >>> data = BED_Reader(pysam.tabix_iterator(open("some_file.bed.gz"),pysam.asTuple()),tabix=True)
    # new way
    >>> data = BED_Reader("some_file.bed.gz",tabix=True)

    To maintain backward compatibility, the old syntax still works

  • BAMGenomeArray can now use mapping functions that return multidimensional arrays. As an example we added StratifiedVariableFivePrimeMapFactory, which produces a 2D array of counts at each position in a region (columns), stratified by read length (rows).

  • Reformatted & colorized warning output to improve legibility

  • read_pl_table() convenience function for reading tables written by command-line scripts into DataFrames, preserving headers, formatting, et c

Command-line scripts

  • All script output metadata now includes command as executed, for easier re-running and record keeping

  • Scripts using count files get --sum flag, enabling users to set effective sum of counts/reads used in normalization and RPKM calculations

  • psite

    • --constrain option added to psite to improve performance on noisy or low count data.
    • No longer saves intermediate count files. --keep option added to take care of this.
  • metagene

    • Fixed/improved color scaling in heatmap output. Color values are now capped at the 95th percentile of nonzero values, improving contrast
    • Added warnings for files that appear not to contain UTRs
    • Like psite, no longer saves intermediate count files. --keep option added to take care of this.
  • phase_by_size can now optionally use an ROI file from the metagene generate subprogram. This improves accuracy in higher eukaryotes by preventing double-counting of codons when more than one transcript is annotated per gene.

  • cs chart file containing list of genes is now optional. If not given, all genes are included in comparisons

  • reformat_transcripts is now able to export extended BED columns (e.g. gene_id) if the input data has useful attributes. This particularly useful when working with large transcript annotations in GTF2/GFF3 format- they can now be exported to BED format, and converted to BigBed foramt, allowing random access and low memory usage, while preserving gene-transcript relationships.


  • Version parsing bug in setup script.
  • @deprecated function decorator now gives FutureWarning instead of DeprecationWarning


  • --norm_region option of psite and metagene has been deprecated and will be removed in plastid v0.5. Instead, use --normalize_over, which performs the same role, except coordinates are specified relative to the landmark of interest, rather than entire window. This change is more intuitive to many users, and saves them mental math. If both --norm_region and --normalize_over are specified, --normalize_over will be used.
  • BigBedReader.custom_fields has been replaced with BigBedReader.extension_fields
  • BigBedReader.chrom_sizes has been replaced with BigBedReader.chroms for consistency with other data structures
  • BPlusTree and RTree classes, which will be removed in plastid v0.5

plastid [0.4.5] = [2016-03-09]

Changes here are mostly under the hood, involving improvements in usability, speed, stability, compatibility, and error reporting. We also fixed up tools for developers and added entrypoints for custom mapping rules.



  • updated plotting tools to fetch color cycles from matplotlib versions >= 1.5

    as well as >= 1.3. This corrected a plotting bug in cs.

  • :meth:`AnnotationParser.get_genome_hash_from_args` now internally uses

    GFF3_Reader and GTF2_Reader instead of GFF3_TranscriptAssembler and GTF2_TranscriptAssembler, allowing mask files in GTF2/GFF3 foramts to be type-agnostic in command-line scripts

  • contig names no longer lost when using 2bit files in crossmap

  • updates to :mod:`~plastid.bin.psite`

    • output header in metagene profiles. Sorry about that
    • fix compatibility problem with new versions of matplotlib
    • now catches a ValueError that used to be an IndexError in earlier versions of :mod:`numpy`.
  • Fixed loss-of-ID bug in :meth:`Transcript.get_cds`



plastid [0.4.4] = [2105-11-16]

Although the list of changes is short, this release includes dramatic reductions in memory usage and speed improvements, as well as a few bug fixes. We recommend everybody upgrade


  • Fast merge_segments() function in roitools module.


  • 10-100 fold reduction in memory consumed by SegmentChain objects,
    GTF2_TranscriptAssembler and GFF3_TranscriptAssembler. All position & mask hashes now lazily evaluated
  • 50-fold fold Speed boosts in SegmentChain.overlaps(),
    SegmentChain.covers() and other methods for comparing SegmentChain and Transcript objects
  • GenomicSegment is now hashable, e.g. can be used in sets or dict keys


  • Track naming bug in make_wiggle
  • init bug in GenomeHash

plastid [0.4.3] = [2015-10-28]


  • Fixed bug in crossmap script when run on 2bit files

plastid [0.4.2] = [2015-10-22]

No change in codebase vs 0.4.0. Updated required matplotlib version to 1.4.0. Made some changes in sphinx doc config for, which is still at matplotlib 1.3.0.

plastid [0.4.0] = [2015-10-21]

This release primarily focuses on ease of use: mainly, it is a lot easier to do things with fewer lines of code. Imports have been shortened, plotting tools have been added, and scripts now produce more informative output.


  • Logical imports: the following commonly-used data structures can now be directly imported from the parent package plastid, instead of subpackages/submodules:

    • GenomicSegment, SegmentChain, and Transcript
    • All GenomeHashes and GenomeArrays
    • All file readers
  • VariableFivePrimeMapFactory can now be created from static method from_file(), so no need to manually parse text files or create dictionaries

  • BAMGenomeArray can now be initialized with a list of paths to BAM files, in addition or instead of a list of pysam.AlignmentFiles

  • Plotting improvements

    • plastid.plotting package, which includes tools for making MA plots, scatter plots with marginal histograms, metagene profiles, et c
    • more informative plots made in metagene, psite, phase_by_size, and cs scripts
    • support for matplotlib stylesheets, colormaps, et c in all command-line scripts


  • add_three_for_stop_codon() reimplemented in Cython, resulting in 2-fold speedup. Moved from plastid.readers.common to plastid.genomics.roitools (though previous import path still works)


  • Fixed IndexError in psite that arose when running with the latest release of numpy, when generating a read profile over an empty array
  • Legends/text no longer get cut off in plots


  • Removed deprecated functions BED_to_Transcripts() and BED_to_SegmentChains, for which BED_Reader serves as a drop-in replacement

plastid [0.3.2] = [2015-10-01]


  • Important docstring updates: removed outdated warnings and descriptions

plastid [0.3.0] = [2015-10-01]


  • Cython implementations of SegmentChain and Transcript provide massive speedups
  • Transcript.cds_start, cds_genome_start, cds_end, cds_genome_end are now managed properties and update each other to maintain synchrony
  • SegmentChain._segments and SegmentChain._mask_segments are now read-only


  • Methods SegmentChain.get_length() and SegmentChain.get_masked_length() are replaced by properties SegmentChain.length and SegmentChain.masked_length


  • sort_segments_lexically() and sort_segmentchains_lexically() removed, because GenomicSegment and SegmentChain now sort lexically without help

plastid [0.2.3] = [2015-09-23]


  • Cython implementations of BAM mapping rules now default, are 2-10x faster than Python implementations

plastid [0.2.2] = [2015-09-15]

First release under official name!


  • Major algorithmic improvements to internals & command-line scripts


  • Reimplemented mapping rules and some internals in Cython, giving 2-10x speedup for some operations
  • GenomicSegment now sorts lexically. Properties are read-only


This project was initially developed internally under the provisional name genometools, and then later under the codename yeti. The current name, plastid will not change. Changelogs from earlier versions appear below.

yeti [0.2.1] = [2015-09-06]


  • Support for extended BED formats now in both import & export, in command-line scripts and interactively
  • BED Detail format and known ENCODE BED subtypes now automatically parsed from track definition lines
  • Created warning classes DataWarning, FileFormatWarning, and ArgumentWarning
  • parallelized crossmap script
  • command line support for more sequence file formats; and a sequence


  • speed & memory optimizations for cs generate script, resulting in 90% memory reduction on human genome annotation GrCh38.78
  • ditto metagene generate script
  • crossmap script does not save kmer files unless --save_kmers is given
  • warnings now given at first (instead of every) occurence
  • lazy imports; giving speed improvements to command-line scripts

yeti [0.2.0] = [2015-08-26]

Big changes, including some that are backwards-incompatible. We really think these are for the best, because they improve compatibility with other packages (e.g. pandas) and make the package more consistent in design & behavior


  • GenomeArray __getitem__ and __setitem__ now can take SegmentChains as arguments
  • Mapping functions for bowtie files now issue warnings when reads are unmappable
  • support for 2bit files (via twobitreader) and for dicts of strings in SegmentChain.get_sequence
  • various warnings added


  • pandas compatibility: header rows in all output files no longer have starting '#. meaning UPDATE YOUR OLD POSITIONS/ROI FILES
  • __getitem__ from GenomeArrays now returns vectors 5' to 3' relative to
GenomicSegment rather than to genome. This is more consistent with user expectations.
  • _get_valid_X methods of SegmentChain changed to _get_masked_X for consistency with documentation and with numpy notation


  • ArrayTable class & tests

yeti [0.1.1] = [2015-07-23]


  • Created & backpopulated changelog
  • Docstrings re-written for user rather than developer focus
  • AssembledFeatureReader
  • Complete first draft of user manual documentation
  • Readthedocs support for documentation
  • GFF3_TranscriptAssembler now also handles features whose subfeatures share ID attributes instead of Parent attributes.


  • import of scientific packages now simulated using mock during documentation builds by Sphinx
  • duplicated attributes in GTF2 column 9 are now catenated & returned as a list in attr dict. This is outside GTF2 spec, but a behavior used by GENCODE


  • Removed bug from :func:`yeti.bin.metagene.do_generate` that extended maximal spanning windows past equivalence points in 3' directions. Added extra unit test cases to suit it.
  • GenomeHash can again accept GenomicSegments as parameters to __getitem__. Added unit tests for this.


  • Removed deprecated functions, modules, & classes:

    • GenomicFeature
    • BED_to_Transcripts
    • BigBed_to_Transcripts
    • GTF2_to_Transcripts
    • GFF3_to_Transcripts
    • TagAlignReader

yeti [0.1.0] = [2015-06-06]

First internal release of project under new codename, yeti. Reset version number.

Added .....a

  • AssembledFeatureReader, GTF2_TranscriptAssembler, GFF3_TranscriptAssembler
  • GTF2/GFF3 token parsers now issue warnings on repeated keys
  • GFF3 token parsers now return 'Parent', 'Alias', 'Dbxref', 'dbxref', and 'Note' fields as lists


  • Package renamed from genometools to its provisional codename yeti

  • Reset version number to 0.1.0

  • Refactored existing readers to descent from AssembledFeatureReader

  • Migration from old SVN to GIT repo

  • Renaming & moving of functions, classes, & modules for consistency and to avoid name clashes with other packages

    Old name

    New Name













genometools [0.9.1] - 2015-05-21


  • renamed suppress_stdr -> capture_stderr


  • capture_stdout decorator

genometools [0.9.0] - 2015-05-20


  • All functions that used GenomicFeatures now use IVCollections instead


  • GenomicFeature support from GenomeHash subclasses
  • GenomicFeature support from IVCollection and GenomicInterval overlap end quality criteria


  • GenomicFeature

genometools [0.8.3] - 2015-05-19


  • Included missing .positions and .sizes files into egg package

genometools [0.8.2] - 2015-05-19


  • Test data now packaged in eggs
  • updated documentation


  • Bug in cleanup for test_crossmap
  • Bug in

genometools [0.8.1] - 2015-05-18


  • Python 3.0 support
  • Support for tabix-compressed files. Creation of TabixGenomeHash


  • Propagate various attributes to sub-features (utr_ivc, CDS) from Transcript
  • Propagate all attributes to sub-features during GTF export from Transcript
  • GTF2 export of Transcript objects now generates 'start_codon' and 'stop_codon' features
  • Update of and Makefile to make dev vs distribution eggs
  • 'transcript_ids' column of 'cs generate' position file now sorted before comma join.

genometools [0.8.2015-05-08] - 2015-05-08


  • Merger of make_tophat_juncs, find_juncs, and merge_juncs into one script
  • Standardization of column names among various output files: region, regions_counted, counts
  • Standardized method names in IVCollection: get_valid_counts, get_valid_length, get_length, get_counts, et c
  • IVCollection/Transcript openers/assemblers all return generators and can take multiple input files
  • IVCollection/Transcript openers/assemblers return lexically-sorted objects
  • Update to GFF3 escaping conventions rather than URL escaping. Also applied to GTF2 files
  • Refactors to cs script, plus garbage collection to reduce memory usage


  • Changelog
  • Implementation of test suites
  • Lazy assembly of GFF3 and GTF2 files to save memory in GTF2_TranscriptAssembler and GFF3_TranscriptAssembler
  • BigBed support, creation of BigBedReader and BigBedGenomeHash. AutoSQL support
  • Supported for truncated BED formats
  • P-site offset script
  • get_count_vectors script
  • counts_in_region script
  • UniqueFifo class
  • Decorators: parallelize, suppress_stderr, in_separate_process
  • variableStep export for BAMGenomeArray
  • Support of GTF2 "frame" attribute for CDS features


  • Bugfixes in minus strand offsets in crossmaps
  • Fixed bug where minus strand crossmap features were ignored
  • Bugfixes in CDS end export from Transcript when CDSes ended at the endpoint of internal but not terminal introns on plus-strand transcripts


  • spliced_count_files
  • Ingolia file tagalign import
  • Deprecation of GTF2_to_Transcripts and GFF3_to_Transcripts