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Convert Proto to TS

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A CLI tool to generate TypeScript type definitions from Protocol buffer (.proto) files.

How to Use

Run the following command, then answer the prompts. See below for more configuration options.

npx convert-proto-to-ts


To further configure the CLI, create a file called .proto_to_ts_config.js at your project root with a default export matching the following type. The available options are below.

interface Config {
  // tempDir is the path, relative to the root, that the proto files are cloned into if an option is provided for protoGitRepository
  tempDir: string;
  // protoGitRepository is the repository (or repositories) that will be git cloned in order to pull proto definitions
  protoGitRepository?: string | string[];
  // protoPath is the path, relative to the root, to proto definitions on your local file system
  protoPath?: string;
  // outputPath is the path, relative to the root, where the generated TypeScript files will be saved
  outputPath: string;
  // clearOutputPath is true if you'd like to clear the output path before generating new files (default: true)
  clearOutputPath?: boolean;
  // fieldNameKeepCase is true if you'd like to keep field casing instead of camel casing (passed to protobufjs loadSync options), defaults to false
  fieldNameKeepCase?: boolean;
  // namespacesToIgnore is an array of namespaces that you would like to avoid resolving types for, e.g., ["google"]
  namespacesToIgnore?: string[];
   * typeNameCase determines the casing for generated interface types
   *  Available options:
   *    camelCase (e.g., camelCase)
   *    constantCase (e.g., CONSTANT_CASE)
   *    pascalCase (e.g., PascalCase)
   *    snakeCase (e.g., snake_case)
   *    default: pascalCase
  typeNameCase: TypeNameCase;
   * enumNameCase determines the casing for generated enum types
   *  Available options:
   *    camelCase (e.g., camelCase)
   *    constantCase (e.g., CONSTANT_CASE)
   *    pascalCase (e.g., PascalCase)
   *    snakeCase (e.g., snake_case)
   *    default: pascalCase
  enumNameCase: TypeNameCase;
   * typeNameTemplate determines how the generated interface types are named.
   *  Available variables:
   *    parentNodeNames
   *    typeName
   *    default: "{{parentNodeNames}}{{typeName}}"
  typeNameTemplate: string;
   * enumNameTemplate determines how the generated enum types are named.
   *  Available variables:
   *    parentNodeNames
   *    typeName
   *    default: "{{parentNodeNames}}{{typeName}}"
  enumNameTemplate: string;
   * typeNameIgnoreParentNodeNames is an array of parent node names in the generated type names that you'd like to leave off.
   * This is only used when {{parentNodeNames}} is included in typeNameTemplate/enumNameTemplate.
   * For example, if the package is, and the message name is RegisterRequest, ["your_app", "services"] would yield:
   * export interface AuthV1RegisterRequest {}
  typeNameIgnoreParentNodeNames?: string[];
  // generatedTypeOverrides is a Record<string, string> for type overrides (key == Protobuf type, value == TypeScript type)
  generatedTypeOverrides?: Record<string, string>;
  // generatedTypeComments is a Record<string, string> for leading comments for types, e.g., { 'google.protobuf.Timestamp': 'format: date-time' }
  generatedTypeComments?: Record<string, string>;
  // generateIndexFile is true if an index.ts file exporting all generated types should be generated (default: true)
  generateIndexFile?: boolean;
   * generateEnumType can be set to either 'union' or 'enum'
   *    union: export type FakeEnum = 'FAKE_ENUM_UNSPECIFIED' | 'FAKE_ENUM_VALUE';
   *    enum: export enum FakeEnum { Unspecified: 'FAKE_ENUM_UNSPECIFIED', Value: 'FAKE_ENUM_VALUE' };
   * Nested enums will always be generated as inline union types, because enums can't be declared inline
  generateEnumType?: 'union' | 'enum';
   * fileHeaderCommentTemplate can be set to define a header that will be prepended to all generated TypeScript files. Variables available:
   *    generationTimestamp, sourceFile
   * Example: "DO NOT EDIT! Types generated from {{sourceFile}} at {{generationTimestamp}}."
  fileHeaderCommentTemplate?: string;
   * indexFileHeaderCommentTemplate can be set to define a header that will be prepended to the generated TypeScript file (if enabled). Variables available:
   *    generationTimestamp
   * Example: "DO NOT EDIT! Types generated at {{generationTimestamp}}."
  indexFileHeaderCommentTemplate?: string;
   * customInterfaceBuilder can be set to provide custom overrides for how interfaces are generated. This allows you to assert more control over the
   *  generated types. For example, you could use this to generate interfaces that have generic type parameters based on proto annotations. See the
   *  .proto_to_ts_config.js in the root of this project for an example. Returning null will skip the interface being generated. Be careful there are
   *  no dependencies on the skipped interface.
  customInterfaceBuilder?: CustomInterfaceBuilder;
   * customMemberBuilder can be set to provide custom overrides for how fields (interface members) are generated. This allows you to assert more control over the
   * generated types. For example, you can use this to generate a custom comment for a member or to have more control over how oneofs are generated.
   * Returning null will skip the member being generated. Returning undefined will use the default member builder.
  customMemberBuilder?: CustomMemberBuilder;
   * customFileBuilder allows you to generate entire custom files. This is helpful in the case where you'd like to generate something like an API client
   * based on the Protobuf service definitions.
  customFileBuilder?: CustomFileBuilder;
   * customEnumBuilder allows you to generate custom enums. This allows you to assert more control over the generated types.
  customEnumBuilder?: CustomEnumBuilder;


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