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MagicMirror React

Note: MagicMirror React is currently in alpha status. A beta version will be released soon, and a stable version will follow.

MagicMirror React is a fork of MagicMirror2, the leading open-source smart mirror platform. MagicMirror React comes with modern development features that make modules more powerful and less challenging to develop.


MagicMirror React uses tools from modern web development to make many powerful features possible.

  • Live Reloading: When changes to files are made (including the config file), the screen will instantly update. No need to stop and restart.

  • Extra Performance: MagicMirror modules automatically load faster.

  • Better Reliability: Modules run independently, so problems in one won't affect others.

  • Backwards Compatibility: Even though MagicMirror React is a full rewrite of MagicMirror2, it aims to be fully backwards compatible with existing configuration files and third party modules.

    Note: backwards compatibility for modules isn't ready yet. Check back soon!

  • Cross Platform: Though some third party modules may be built for the Raspberry Pi only, the core software can be run and developed on Raspberry Pi, other Linux distributions, MacOS, and Windows.

Many of the new features are for module development. They won't impact users directly, but they do make it easier for users to become contributors.

  • Dependencies: Each MagicMirror module can independently use npm packages with yarn add <package>. They will still work if your computer is offline.

  • Modern JavaScript: import and export make code easier to understand than using global variables, and all of the latest syntax is available. Use any npm package in your code with import something from "a-package".

  • React: As the name implies, modules will now use React to display content to the screen. React makes it much easier to display complex and interactive content. See the helloworld module for an example.

    Our React tutorial can help get you started quickly. It's recommended reading for aspiring module developers.

  • CSS Imports and CSS-in-JS: Use import "./my.css" from JavaScript to use a CSS file.

    SASS stylesheets and CSS-in-JS libraries such as Emotion are supported for flexibility of styling.

  • Linting: Your code is checked for potential problems, which improves the quality of your code and reduces bugs. Opt out with yarn mm start --fast.

  • TypeScript: TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, is supported. Like linting, TypeScript can help catch bugs. Change your .js files to .tsx, and any type errors will be detected. Opt out with yarn mm start --fast.

"Hang on, I don't see the code to do all of that in this repository! And what are @mm/core, @mm/cli, and the other @mm packages in package.json?"

The above features do require some complexity to implement, and they would clutter up this repository. So, the code is bundled up into packages that Yarn downloads, and your JavaScript imports. You can find them all in the mm repository.

@mm/core and @mm/cli are the only ones you should normally worry about. The core has React components, React hooks, and utilities that MagicMirror modules will use. The CLI is responsible for bundling up, serving, and running your mirror; run it with yarn mm. The other packages mostly relate to backwards compatibility. Documentation is coming soon.


MagicMirror React requires Node.js >= 12.x and Yarn. On a Raspberry Pi, open a terminal and run the following commands (you may be prompted for your login password):

curl -sL | sudo bash -
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs yarn

Test that Node.js and Yarn are installed by running

node --version
yarn --version

This should display something like v12.0.0 and 1.22.0.

Download MagicMirror into the current directory by running the following. Make sure to use yarn instead of npm. It may take several minutes.

git clone --depth=1 MagicMirror
cd MagicMirror
yarn install

Running MagicMirror React

Start up your MagicMirror by running yarn mm start. A window will appear with a default set of modules, which you can change by editing config/config.js. When changes are made, the screen will live reload without having to stop and restart.

Check the output of yarn mm --help for other things MagicMirror React can do.

Migrating from MagicMirror2

If you have an existing MagicMirror2 installation, you can reuse your configuration file, custom CSS file, and third party modules. We recommend to install MagicMirror React in the same directory as MagicMirror2 by changing the installation directory name to MagicMirrorReact.

git clone --depth=1 MagicMirrorReact
cd MagicMirrorReact
yarn install
yarn mm start  # press 'q' to stop

Then, you can copy third party modules and your config file from MagicMirror to MagicMirrorReact like so:

# in MagicMirrorReact directory
cp -r ../MagicMirror/modules/the-module-to-copy modules/
cp ../MagicMirror/config/config.js config/config.js

You'll need to make a small change to your config file.

-/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
-if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}
+export default config;

Try running yarn mm start again to see if it still works. MagicMirror React will let you know if anything has gone wrong.

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