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AY19/20 Semester 1 CS2030 Programming Methodology II

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AY19/20 Semester 1 CS2030 Programming Methodology II (Hopefully you will find this summary useful)

Chapter 1 - Programming Paradigms

Imperative (procedural)

  • Specifies how computation proceeds e.g. using if else conditions and for loops Object-Oriented
  • Self explanatory
  • Using different classes Declarative
  • Specifies what should be computed, rather than compute it Functional
  • This is a form of declarative programming

Primitive data-types

  • The most basic data types available within the Java language, serves as the building blocks of data manipulation in Java
  • There are 8 that are available:
    • Numeric primitives: short, int, long, float and double
    • Textual primitives: byte and char
    • Boolean and null primitives: boolean and null

String Manipulation

  • You can use StringBuilder API to modify Strings
  • StringBuilder() behaves as a constructor with no characters in it an initial capacity of 16 characters.
  • StringBuilder(String str) constructs a string builder initialized to the contents of the specified string.
    • .append(almost anything) adds almost anything to the end of the sequences.
    • .indexOf(String str) returns the index within this string of the first occurence of the specified substring in int
    • .indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) same as the above, but you can decide from where
    • .substring(int start, in end) allows for string splicing (start inclusive, end exclusive) but returns a String
    • .length() returns an int of the character count
    • .toString() returns a String version
  • .toCharArray() converts a string to a new character array
  • .toLowerCase()
  • .toUpperCase()
  • String(String str) makes a copy of a current string


  • An interface in which all data structures can operate through
  • Provides fixed and common set of methods that all data structures can use
    • .contains(Object o) returns a boolean
    • .add(E e) returns a boolean and adds e to the collection
    • .clear() returns void and clears the collection
    • .isEmpty() returns true if collection contains no elements
    • .iterator() creates something like a scanner where you can do .hasNext()
    • .size() returns an int of the number of elements in the collection
    • .stream() returns a sequential Stream with the collection as its source
    • .toArray() returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection
  • Collections.sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c) sorts the specified list according to the order induced by the comparator (works without comparator to sort by natural ordering)
  • Collections.max(Collection<? extends T> coll) returns the maximum element, min exists too
  • Collections.reverse(List<?> list) is self-explanatory


  • Arrays.asList(T... a) converts an array to a list
  • A) converts an array to a stream


  • .toArray() returns an array containing the elements of this stream

Switch Statements

int day = 4;
switch (day) {
    case 1:
        break; //the break keyword causes it to break out of the switch block
    case 2:
    default: //the default keyword is for when there is no case match
        System.out.println("no match lol"); 

compare vs compareTo

  • compare takes in two parameters and returns an int, usually occurs when you implementing Comparator<T>
  • compareTo takes in one parameter and returns an int, usually occurs when you implement Comparable<T> to your class

Chapter 2 - Testability in OOP

Mutators and its effect on Testing

  • Each method should return an object, so as to support method chaining
  • Void methods should be avoided


  • Once an object is instantiated, it should not be modified
  • Ensure by making all instance fields final
public class Point {
    private final double x;
    private final double y;
  • Methods should then return other immutable objects

Bottom-up Testing

  • Test the base class first, once base class is completely tested and working, we go up to the class that extends from it.
  • Reason being if there is a bug, we can isolate the problem to another class.

Factory Methods

  • To prevent the creation of invalid objects, static factory methods can be used to check the validity of the input parameters.
static Circle getCircle(Point centre, double radius) {
    if (radius > 0) {
        return new Circle(centre, radius);
    } else {
        return null;
  • These factory methods calls the constructors to instantiate objects only if parameters are valid
  • Should use Optional.empty() if possible when generating a null object.


  • Modify the accesibility of the constructor from private to protected for parent class.
  • If a property of the parent class needs to be accesible, access modifer needs to be changed
public class Circle {
    protected final double radius;

Cyclic Dependency

  • These can come in two forms:
    1. Hard Dependencies: references to other classes in instance fields/variables
    2. Soft Dependencies: references to other classes in methods (i.e. parameters, local variables, return type)
  • Dependencies of classes/components should not have cycles.

Chapter 3 - Substitutability Principle in Object-Oriented Design

Overriding Object's equals Method

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj) {
        return true;
    } else if (obj instanceof Point) {
        Point p = (point) obj;
        return Math.abs(this.x - p.x) < 1E-15 && Math.abs(this.y - p.y) < 1E-15;
    } else {
        return false;
  • TLDR:
    1. Check whether the objects are the same
    2. Check whether they share the same type
    3. Check the associated equality property
  • Sidenote: You will have to override hashCode method as well:
    • hashCode is not a unique identifier for an object
    • hashCode is an int.
    • if two objects are equal, they must share the same hashCode as well.
    • used in hashMap and hashSet to find out how the object would be stored in a collection.

Composition (has-a relationship)

  • FilledCircle has a Circle
public class FilledCircle {
    private final Circle circle;
    private final Color color;

Inheritance (is-a relationship)

  • FilledCircle is a Circle
public class FilledCircle extends Circle {
    private final Color color;

    public FilledCircle(double radius, Color color) {
        this.color = color;
  • The super keyword is used for the following purposes:
    1. super(..) to access the parent's constructor
    2. super.radius or super.toString() can be used to make reference to the parent's properties or methods

Type-casting to a parent

  • Parent's methods and attributes can be assessed.
  • Only exception is overriden methods, the overriden methods will be invoked.
  • Parent method can only be called via super.

Static (early) binding

  • Takes place during compile time. Applies for static, private and final members (methods and variable).
  • Compiler knows which one to call at compile time because it does not change and all the information is present.
for (Circle circle : circles) {
    if (circle instanceof Circle) {
        System.out.println((Circle) circle);
    } else if (circle isntanceof FilledCircle) {
        System.out.println((FilledCircle) circle);

Dynamic (late) binding

  • Exact type of object is only determined at run time.
for (Circle circle : circles) {
  • Polymorphism with dynamic binding allows implementations to be more easily extensible (open-closed principle)
  • Does not require the client code (above) to be modified unlike static binding.

Liskov Substituion Principle (LSP)

  • If S is a subclass of T, then an object of type T can be replaced by that of type S without changing the desirable property of the program
  • Eg. if FilledCircle is a subclass of Circle, then everywhere circles can be used, we can replace a circle with a filled-circle

Chapter 4 - Interface as the Abstraction Barrier

Abstract Class

public abstract class Shape {
    double x,y;
    public abstract double getArea();
    public abstract doublle getPerimeter();
    public abstract Shape scale(double factor):
    public abstract String print();

    public String toString() {
        return "Area " + String.format("%.2f", getArea());
  • Abstract classes behave like a skeleton
  • Abstract methods (no implementation required) and concrete methods are allowed.
  • An object can extend from an abstract class
  • It cannot be instantiated on its own

Single Responsibility Principle

  • Rather than letting Shape be responsible for shape properties, as well as scaling and printing, we can separate the two latter funcitonalities into individual classes or entities.
  • A class can only inherit from one parent class (Prohibited in Java to avoid the creation of weird objects)
  • A class can however implement many interfaces e.g. Scalable and Printable


  • Behaves as a contract
  • Cannot be instantiated
  • Depicts as:
    1. is-a relationship towards a non-concrete super-class
    2. can-do relationship
public interface Shape {
    public double getArea();
    public double getPerimeter();

public interface Scalable {
    public Object scale(double factor);

public interface Printable {
    public abstract String print();

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

  • Keep interfaces minimal.
  • Split larger interfaces into smaller and more specific ones.

Dependency Inversion Principle

  • Program to an interface, not an implementation
  • Abstractions: Interface
  • Details: Concrete implementations

Difference between concrete, abstract classes and interface:

  • A concrete class is an actual implementation.
  • An interface is a contract that specifies the abstraction that its implementer shuold implement
  • An abstract class is a trade off between the two, i.e. when we need to have partial implementation of the contract
    • Typically a base class


  • Commence testing a method without waiting for a dependency to complete.
  • Dependency-injection via inheritance: PointStub is-a Point
  • Correct implementation and it's stubbed version is exactly the same.

Open Closed Principle (OSP)

  • Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification
  • A class can be extended without modifying the source code

Final keyword

  • Used to explicitly prevent inheritance


  • Single responsibility principle (SRP)
  • Open-closed principle (OCP)
  • Liskov Substitution principle (LSP)
  • Interface Segregation principle (ISP)
  • Dependency Inversion principle (DIP)

Chapter 5 - Generics and Variance of Types

Generic Type

  • A type or method to operate on objects of various types while providing compile-time type safety
  • Queue<Circle> circleQueue = new Queue<Circle>()
  • Also known as parametric polymorphism
  • Implements genric typing via type erasure for backward compatibility
    • Type argument is erased during compile time
    • Type parameter is replaced with either
      • Object if it is unbounded, or
      • the bound if it is bounded

Auto-boxing and Unboxing

  • Only reference types allowed as type arguments; primitives need to be auto-boxed/unboxed
  • E.g. ArrayList<Integer>
  • Place an int value inside the arraylist causes it to be auto-boxed into Integer
  • Taking an Integer value out of the arraylist causes it to be (auto-)unboxed into int


  • Shape[] shapes = new Circle[10] works but ArrayList<Shape> = new ArrayList<Circle>() does not work
  • In the spirit of the first one, you can do ArrayList<?> anyList = new ArrayList<Circle>() where ? refers to a wildcard
  • A wildcard is not a type

Upper-Bounded Wildcares

  • <? extends T>
static void getBurger(List<? extends Burger> burgerProducer) {
    for (Burger burger : burgerProducer) {

Lower-Bounded Wildercards

  • <? super T>
static void putBurger(List<? super Burger> burgerConsumer) {
    burgerConsumer.add(new Burger());

Get-Put Principle

  • Covariant: use extends to get items from a producer
  • Contravariant: use super to put items into a consumer
  • PECS: producer extends consumer super

Java Collections Framework

  • Collection-framework interfaces declare operations to be performed generically on various types of collections
    • Set: Collection that does not contain duplicates
    • List: Ordered collection that can contain duplicate elements
    • Map: A collection that associates keys to values and cannot contain duplicate keys
    • Queue: A FIFO collection that models a waiting line
public interface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E> {

    boolean add(E e);
    boolean contains(Object o);
    boolean remove(Object o);
    void clear();
    boolean isEmpty();
    int size();
    Object[] toArray();
    <T> T[] toArray(T[] a);
    boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);
    boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c);
    boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c);
    boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c);


List<E> interface

  • List<E> interface extends Collection<E>
  • ArrayList and LinkedList implements List<E>: List<Circle> circles = new ArrayList<>()
  • A sort method is specified: default void sort(Comparator<? super E> c)
  • the default method indicates that List comes with a default sort implementation
    • does not need to implement again but can be overriden

Comparator<T> interface

  • Contains the following abstract methods that needs to be implemented
    • Compare method: int compare(T o1, T o2)
    • Equals method:boolean equals(Object obj)
import java.util.Comparator;

public class NumberComparator implements Comparator<Integer> {
    public int compare(Integer s1, Integer s2) {
        return s1 - s2;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return s1 == s2;

Anonymous Inner Class

  • Rather than creating another class, an anonymous inner class can be defined
List<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<>();
nums.sort(new Comparator<Integer>() {
    public int compare(Integer s1, Integer s2) {
        return s1 - s2;

Chapter 6 - Misc Java Bullshit

The static Keyword

  • static can be used in the declaration of a field, method, block or class
  • A static field is a class-level member, i.e. it is shared by all objects of the class
    • Can be used to aggregate data, e.g. number of circles
public class Circle {
    private double radius;
    private static int numOfCircles = 0;

    public Circle(double radius) {
        this.radius = radius;
        Circle.numOfCircles++; // or this.numCircles++
- Use for constants, `static double final PI = 3.146;`
  • static methods belong to the class instead of an object
  • Cannot be overriden as static methods are resolved at compile time
  • To access/mutate static fields, you can use a static method
    public static int getNumOfCircles() {
        return Circle.numOfCircles;

Nested classes

  • Encapsulation: nested class only useful in its enclosing class
  • Non-static (anonymous) inner classes can access all (even private) members of enclosing class
  • static nested classes
    • can only access static members of enclosing class
    • top-level class cannot be made static
class Circle {
    private double radius;
    public Circle() {
        new CircleCreator().create(this);
    private static class CircleCreator {
        private void create(Circle circle) {

Java Memory Model

  • Comprises of three different areas:
    • Stack
      • LIFO stack for storing actvation records of method calls
      • method local variables are stored here
    • Heap
      • for storing Java objects upon invoking new
      • garbage collection is done here
    • Non-heap (Metaspace since Java 8)
      • for storing loaded classes, and other meta data
      • static fields are stored here

Handling Exceptions

  • try block encompasses the business logic
  • catch block handles exeptions
try {
    FileReader file = new FileReader(args[0]); 
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file); 
    Point[] points = new Point[100];
    int numOfPoints = 0;
    while (scanner.hasNextDouble()) {
    double x = Double.parseDouble(; 
    double y = Double.parseDouble(; 
    points[numOfPoints] = new Point(x, y); numOfPoints++;
    DiscCoverage maxCoverage = new DiscCoverage(points, numOfPoints); 
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { 
    System.err.println("Unable to open file " + args[0] +
        "\n" + ex + "\n");

Catching Multiple Exceptions

  • Multiple catch blocks defined to handle each exception
  • Handling multiple exceptions in a single catch using |
  • Optional finally block used to house-keeping tasks
try {
    //random code
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    //do something
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExcpetion ex) {
    //do something else
} catch (NumberFormatException | NoSuchElementException ex) {
    //do other things
} finally {
    //do one last thing

Types of Exceptions

  • A checked exception is one that the programmer should actively anticipate and handle
    • Most exceptions are unchecked, those that are checked usually arise because of the use of special classes e.g. CompletableFuture
    • E.g. when opening a file, a FileNotFoundException should be explicitly handled as it can be anticipated
  • An unchecked exception is one that is unanticipated, usually the result of a bug
    • E.g. a NullPointerException surfaces when trying to call p.distanceto(q), with p being null
    • All checked exceptions should be caught (catch) or propagated upwards (throw)
  • Unchecked exceptions are sub-classes of RunTimeException
  • All Errors are also unchecked

Examples of Exception:

  • RuntimeException (unchecked)
  • ClassCastException (unchecked)
  • ArithmeticException (unchecked)
  • NullPointerException (unchecked)
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException (unchecked)
  • IllegalArgumentException (unchecked)

Examples of Error:

  • AssertionError
  • LinkageError
  • VirtualMachineError

throw an Exception

public Circle(Point p, Point q, double radius) {
    if (p.distanceTo(q) > 2 * radius) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( 
            "Input points are too far apart");
    if (p.equals(q)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( 
            "Input points coincide");
    this.radius = radius;
        this.centre = findCentre(p, q, radius);

Generating Exception

  • User defined exception by inheriting from existing ones
class IllegalCircleException extends IllegalArgumentException { 
    Point p;
    Point q;

    IllegalCircleException(String message) { 

    IllegalCircleException(Point p, Point q, String message) { 
        this.p = p;
        this.q = q; 

    public String toString() {
        return p + ", " + q + ": " + getMessage();

Notes on Exceptions

  • Only create your own exceptions if the exception you need doesn't exist
  • When overriding a method that throws a checked exception, the overriding method must throw only the same or more specific exception
  • Avoid catching Exception, aka Pokemon Exception Handling
  • Handle exceptions at the appropriate abstraction level, do not just throw and break the abstraction barrier.


  • Exceptions used to handle user mishaps, assertions used to prevent bugs.
  • Assertions are conditions that should be true at a particular point, say in a method, there are two types:
    • Preconditions are assertions about a program's state when a program is invoked
    • Postconditions are assertions about a program's state after a method finishes
  • There are two forms of assert statement:
    • assert expression;
    • assert expression1 : expression2;


  • An enum is a special type of class used for defining constants
enum Color {
Color color = Color.BLUE;
  • enum are type-safe; color = 1 is invalid
  • Each constant of an enum type is an instance of the enum class and is a field declare with public static final
  • Constructors, methods, and fields can be defined in enums

Access Modifiers

  • There is a default modifier other than public, private and protected
  • Java adopts an additional package abstraction mechanism that allow grouping of relevant classes/interfaces together under a namespace, just like java.lang
  • protected field can be accessed by other classes within the same package
  • The access level (most restrictive first) is given as follows:
    • private (visible to the class only)
    • default (visible to the package)
    • protected (visible to the package and all sub classes)
    • public (visible to the world)

Creating Packages

  • Include the following line at the top of the java files: package cs2030.shapes;

Chapter 7 - The Case Against The Null Reference

Maybe an Object

  • Creating a Maybe wrapper that wraps around an object.
  • Basically Optionals
public class Maybe<T> {
    private final T thing;

    private Maybe() {
        thing = null;

    public Maybe(T thing) {
        this.thing = thing;

    public static <T> Maybe<T> empty() {
        return new Maybe<T>();

Chaining Methods to a Maybe Object

  • A Maybe object needs to be able to take in methods
    • Intermediate Operations
    • Terminal Operations
  • We can pass an "action" to a method using a interface with an abstract doit method
interface Actionable<T> {
    void doit(T t);
  • Behaves similar to a Consumer<T>

From Anonymous Inner Class to Lambda

new Actionable<>() {
    public void doit(Circle c) {
        System.out.println(c.contains(new Point(0,0)));
  • Only the actual method in the anonymous inner class is useful, the class name does not add value
  • If there is only a single abstract method in the class, then the method name (doit) does not add value
  • A lambda epxression can be used a short hand:
Circle.getCircle(new Point(0, 0), 1).ifPresent(
    (Circle c) -> System.out.println(c.contains(new Point(0, 0))));

Lambda Expression

  • Lambda syntax: (parameterList) -> {statements}
  • Other lambda variants:
    • Inferred parameter type: (x, y) -> {return x * y;}
    • Body contains a single expression: (x, y) -> x * y
    • Only one parameter: x -> 2 * x (don't need brackets for input)
  • Methods can now be treated as values!
    • Assign lambdas to variables
    • Pass lambdas as arguments to other methods
    • Return lambdas from methods (your method now becomes a variable)

map-ping from One Value to Another

interface Mappable<T,R> {
    R apply(T t);

public class Maybe<T> {
    public <R> Maybe<R> map(Mapplable<T,R> mapper) {
        if (thing == null) {
            return Maybe.empty();
        } else {
            return new Maybe<R>(mapper.apply(thing));
  • Mappable here accepts a lambda that returns a value

TBH This is just Java's Optional Class

  • Some familiar methods of the Optional class includes:
public void ifPresent(Consumer<? super T> action);
public <U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper)
public Optional<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
  • Consumer<T> is a functional interface with a single abstract method accept(T t)
  • Function<T,R> has R apply(T t)
  • Predicate<T> has boolean test(T t)
  • Static methods include:
Optional.of(T value)
Optional.ofNullable(T value)

Local Class and Variable Capture

  • Lambdas and anonymous classes declared inside a method are called local classes
  • Local class (like local variable) is scoped within the method
    • has access to the varibales of the enclosing method/class
    • the local class actually makes a copy of these variables inside itself, i.e. the local class captures the local variables.
  • Java only allows a local class to access variables that are explicitly declared final or effectively (or implicitly) final (because a copy is being made)

flatMap-ping from One Value to Another (instead of Map)

  • We can use flatMap to "flatten" two Optionals into one
    • in layman terms, to apply the mapping function on the value of an Optional and flatten the resulting nested Optional
public <U> Optional<U> flatMap(
    Function<? super T, ? extends Optional<? extends U>> mapper)
  • An example to make you feel sane:
Circle.getCircle(new Point(0, 0), 1).flatMap(x -> x.getCentre());
  • In this case the getCentre() method actually returns an Optional<Circle>, using Map we would get an Optional<Optional<Circle>>, but with flatMap the object stored is replace with the circle in the new Optional.
  • BAM! You get Optional<Cirle>

Chapter 8 - Towards Functional and Declarative Programming

Pure Function

  • A pure function is one that takes in arguments and returns a deterministic value, witth no other side effects
    • Pureness does not means it is correct
  • Side effets:
    • Program input and output
    • Throwing exceptions
    • Modifying external state
  • Absence of side effeccts is a necessary condition for referential transparency:
    • Any expression can be replaced by its resulting value, without having to change the property of the program

Handling Side Effects within a Context

<R> IList<R> map(Function<T, R> f) {
    ArrayList<R> newList = new ArrayList<>(); /* create new list */
    for (T items : list) { /* iterate through the old list */
        newList.add(f.apply(item)); /* add into new list after applying function f */
    return new IList<R>(newList);


  • map in both Optional and IList implements the following:
interface Functor<T> {
    public <R> Functor<R> f(Function<T,R> func);
  • A functor is a box that functions can be applied on
  • Must obey two functor laws:
    • if func is an identity function x -> x, then it should not change the functor
    • if func is a composition gh, then the resulting functor should be the same as calling f with h and then with g


  • This is a functor with built in operations.
  • flatMap in Optional implements the following:
interface Monad<T> {
    public Monad<T> of(T value);
    public <R> Monad<R> f(Function<T, Monda<R>> func);
  • Monad laws:
    • Left identity: Monad.of(x).flatMap(f) = f.apply(x)
    • Right identity: monad.flatMap(x -> Monad.of(x)) = monad
    • Associative: monad.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) = monad.flatMap(x -> f.apply(x).flatMap(g))

External Iteration

  • Another example of handling context, that of looping
  • An imperative loop specifies how to loop and sum
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10, i++) {
    sum += i;
  • Realise the variables i and sum mutates at each iteration
  • Errors could be introduced when
    • sum is initialised wrongly before the loop
    • looping variable x is initialised wrongly
    • loop condition is wrong
    • increment of x is wrong
    • aggregation of sum is wrong

Internal Iteration

  • A declarative approach that specifies what to do
int sum = IntStream
    .rangeClosed(1, 10)
  • No need to specify how to iterate through elements or use any mutatable variables
  • IntStream handles all the iteration details

Intermediate and Terminal Operations

  • Intermediate operations (like map) use lazy evaluation
  • Does not perform any operations until a terminal op is called
  • Terminal operation uses eager evaluation, i.e. perform the requested operation when they are called

Stateless vs Stateful Operations

  • Intermediate stream operations like filter and map are stateless, i.e. processing one stream element does not depend on other stream elements
  • There are hwoever, stateful intermediate operations that depend on the current state e.g. sorted, limit, distinct

Method References

  • .forEach(x -> System.out.println(x)) can be replaced by .forEach(System.out::println)
  • Types of method references:
    • reference to a static method
    • reference to an instance method
    • reference to a constructor

Boolean Terminal Operations

  • Useful terminal operations that return a boolean result:
    • noneMatch returns true if none of the elements pass the given predicate
    • allMatch returns true if every element passes the given predicate
    • anyMatch returns true if at least one element passes the given predicate

Stream Elements

  • Each inter operation results in a new stream
  • Each new stream is an object representing the processing steps that have been specified up to that point
  • When initiating a stream pipeline with a terminal op, the inter op prcoessing steps are applied one stream element after another
  • Stream elements can only be consumed once
    • Cannot iterate through a stream multiple times

User-defined Reductions

  • Terminal operations are specific implementations of reduce
  • Using reduce in place of sum
    .reduce(0, (x, y) -> x + y)
  • First arg to reduce is the op's identity value
  • Second arg is the lambda that receives two int value, adds them and returns the result
    • First calculation uses identity value 0 as left operand and the result of the prior calculation subsequently
    • Right operand is the new input
    • If stream is empty, identity is returned

Infinite Stream

  • Lazy evaluation allows us to work with infinite streams as not every thing needs to be calculated
  • Intermediate operations can be used to restrict the total number of elements
  • iterate generates an ordered sequence starting using the first argument as a seed value
  • E.g. to find first 500 primes:
    .iterate(2, x -> x + 1)
    .filter(x -> isPrime(x))

Stream<T>'s reduce Operator

  • it is declared as: T reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> accumulator)
  • Overloaded reduce method

Chapter 9 - The Art of Laziness

Towards An Immutable Implementation

  • What defines an IFL?

    • The head value
    • The tail list
    • Whether the list is empty
  • Suppliers are used for delayed data

class IFLImpl<T> implements IFL<T> {
    private final Supplier<T> head;
    private final Supplier<IFLImpl<T>> tail;

    private IFLImpl(Supplier<T> head, Supplier<IFLImpl<T>> tail) {
        this.head = head;
        this.tail = tail;

    boolean isEmpty() {
        return false;

Chapter 10 - From Sequential To Parallel Streams

Parallel Streams

  • Uses a common ForkJoinPool via the static ForkJoinPool.commonPool() method
  • Parallelizing the search for primes
long count = IntStream.range(2_000_000, 3_000_000)
    .filter(x -> isPrime(x))
  • parallel() intermediate op has to be placed right after a datasource
    • turns on a boolean flag to switch the stream pipeline to be parallel
    • invoked anywhere between the data source and terminal
  • Stream is split into multiple chunks, with each chunk processed independently and result summarized at the end

Debuggin Parallel Streams

  • To time the execution of a process
    • java.time.Instant's now() method returns the current Instant from the sys clock
    • java.time.Duration's between() returns the Duration of two Instances (an implementation of Temporal)
    • Duration's toMillis()/toNanos()/... extracts the desired representation of the duration

Instant start, stop;
start =;
/* perform some task */
stop =;

long timeInMillis = Duration.between(start, stop).toMillis();
  • To debug and manage each execution thread
    • Thread.currentThread()
    • Thread.sleep(long millis) cause the currently executing threa to sleep for specified number of ms
      • Used within a try.. catch block
      • Example, letting a thread sleep for one second
try {
} catch (InterruptedExeception e) { }

Correctness of Parallel Streams

  • To ensure correct parallel execution, stream operations
    • must not interfere with stream data (true for sequential streams also)
    • preferably stateless with no side effect (prevent ConcurrentModificationExeception)
  • The following is erroneous:
    .filter(x -> isPrime(x))
    .forEach(x -> result.add(x));
  • Use .collect instead:
    .filter(x -> isPrime(x))
  • Can also use .forEachOrdered(Consumer<? super T> action), or a thread-safe list CopyOnWriteArrayList

Inherently Parallelizable reduce

  • Consider Stream's three-argument reduce method:
<U> U reduce(U identity, 
    BiFunction<U, ? super T, U> accumulator, 
    BinaryOperator<U> combiner)

interface BiFunction<T,U,R> {
    abstract R apply(T t, U u);

interface BinaryOperator<T> {
    /* this implements BiFunction and has an apply method as well */
  • Rules to follow:
    • combiner.apply(identity, i) must be equal to i.
    • combiner and accumulator must be associative, i.e. order of application does not matter
    • combiner and accumulator must be compatible, i.e. combiner.apply(u, accumulator.apply(identity, t)) must be equal to accumulator.apply(u, t)

Fork and Join in Parallel Streams

  • Parallelizing a trivial task actually creates more work in terms of parallelizing overhead
  • Only worthwhile if task is complex enough that the benefit of parallelization outweighs the overhead.

Chapter 11 - Fork/Join Framework

Fork and Join

B b = f(a); /* this start first */
C c = g(b); /* can be done concurrently */
D d = h(b); /* can be done concurrently*/
E e = n(c,d); /* join */

CompletableFuture<B> b = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> f(a));
CompletableFuture<C> c = b.thenApply(x -> g(x);
CompletableFuture<C> d = d.thenApply(x -> h(x);
CompletableFuture<E> e = c.thenCombine(d, (x, y) -> n(x,y));
  • f(a) invoked before g(b) and h(b); n(c, d) invoked after
  • If g(b) and h(b) does not produce side effects, then parallelize
  • fork task g to exceute at the same time as h, and join back task g later
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;

class Summer extends RecursiveTask<integer> {
    protected Integer compute() {
            if (high - low < threshold) {
                int sum = 0;
                for (int i = low; i < high; i++) {
                    sum += array[i];
                return sum;
            } else {
                int middle = (low + high) / 2;
                Summer left = new Summer(array, low, middle);
                Summer right = new Summer(array, middle + 1, high);
                return right.compute() + left.join();

Thread Pools

  • Java maintains a pool of worker threads
    • Each thread is an abstraction of a running task
    • Task submitted to the pool for execution, and joins the global queue or worker queue
    • Worker thread picks a task from the queue to execute
  • ForkJoinPool is the class the implements the thread pool for RecusiveTask (a sub-class of ForkJoinTask)
  • To submit the task to the thread pool for execution, either
    • task.compute() that invokes task immediately; may result in stack overflow if too many recursive tasks
    • invoke(task) that gets the task to join the queue, waiting to be carried out by a worker (recommended)

Order of Fork/Join

  • Fork-join pair acts like a call (fork) and return (join) from a parallel recursive function.
    • Return (joins) should be performed innermost-first
a.fork(); b.fork();
b.join(); a.join();
  • This is subtantially more efficient than joining task a before task b

  • Work-stealing threadpools have a fixed number of threads

    • Any blocking operation will reduce overall performance
  • .join() returns the computed result and can be called multiple times because it's internal .isAlive will be false

Overhead of Fork/Join

  • Forking and joining creates additional overhead
    1. Wrap the computation in an object
    2. Submit object to a queue of tasks
    3. Workers go through the queue to execute task

Explore different variants and combintions of fork, join and compute invocations

  • Most appropriate:
return f2.compute() + f1.join();
  • Works, but slow since Java subexpressions are evaluated left to right, i.e. for A + B, A is evaluated first before B. So f1.join() needs to wait for f1.fork() to complete before f2.compute() can be evaluated.
return f1.join() + f2.compute();
  • Sequentially recursive, not different from (b) but still slightly faster as there is no overhead involved in forking and joining. Everything is done by the main thread:
return f1.compute() + f2.compute();
  • Apart from the first recursion, main thread delegates all other work to worker threads in the common pool:
return f2.join() + f1.join();
  • a fork() must be followed by a join() to get the result back.

Chapter 12 - Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous Computation

  • Create a thread that runs the compute method
class Async {
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        System.out.println("Before calling compute()");

        Thread t = new Thread(() -> new UnitTask().compute());
        System.out.println("After calling compute()");
  • Passing a Runnable to the Thread constructor (similar to Supplier)
  • Runnable is a SAM (Single Abstract Method) with the abstract run() method
  • Start the thread with start() method (cf. run() method)

Thread Completion via join()

  • Wait for thread to complete using the join method
try {
    System.out.println("Before calling compute()");

    Thread t = new Thread(() -> new UnitTask().compute());

    System.out.println("Do independent task...");

    System.out.println("Waiting at join()");
    System.out.println("After calling compute()");
} catch (InterruptedException e) { }
  • join() throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted


  • Rather than busy-waiting, a callback can be specified
  • A callback (more aptly call-after) is any executable code that is passed as an argument to other code so that the former can be called back (executed) at a certain time
  • The execution may be immediate (synchronous callback) or happen later (asynchronous callback)
  • Avoid repetitive checking to see if the asynchronous task completes
  • Callback may be invoked from a thread but is not a requirement
  • An observer pattern can be utilized where the callback can be invoked, say notifyListener

Creating a Listener

  • The conventional way of creating a listener is via an interface
  • Motivated by the Observer pattern
public interface listener {
    public void notifyListener();

From Runnable to Callable Interface

  • Callable runs in a separate thread and returns a value when completed, as well as allowing exceptions to be thrown
  • SAM with abstract <V> call() method
  • Pass Callable (or Runnable) to the submit method of an ExecutorService
    • ForkJoinPool is an implementor of ExecutorService
  • submit method returns a Future object
    • Returns Future<V>(Callable) or Future<?>(Runnable)
  • Future's get() method waits for execution to complete and retrieves result; returns null in the case of Runnable
  • get method requires both InterruptedException and ExecutionException to be caught
class Async {
        public static void main(String[] args) { 
            System.out.println("Before calling compute()");

            Future<Integer> future = new ForkJoinPool().submit(
                    () -> new UnitTask().compute());

            try {
                System.out.println("Do independent task...");
                System.out.println("Done indepndent task...");

                Integer result = future.get();
                System.out.println("After compute(): " + result);
            } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { }

Useful Methods of Future interface

  • isDone() returns true when the task completes
  • get() returns the result of the computation, waiting for it if needed
  • get(timeout, unit) returns the result of the computation, waiting for up to the timeout period if needed (unit is in the type of DAYS, SECONDS, MINUTES etc.)
  • isCancelled() returns true of the task has been cancelled
  • cancel(interrupt) tries to cancel the task - if interrupt is true, cancel even if the task has started; otherwise, cancel only if the task is still waiting to get started

From Future to Promise

  • A future is a read-only container of a yet-to-exist result
  • A promise is a future that can be completed, hence in Java a promise is implemented as CompletableFuture
  • CompletableFuture implements Future, and the calle can construct it, return it immediately to the caller and start the async task

Implementing Promise via CompletableFuture

public Future<integer> callee() {
    CompletableFuture<Integer> promise = new CompletableFuture<>();

    new ForkJoinPool().submit(() -> {
        int result = new UnitTask().compute();
    return promise;
  • The caller (e.g. main) is only aware of the Future object due to polymorphism: Future<Integer> future = new Async().callee();
  • Unlike Future, CompletableFuture may be explicitly completed by settings its value and status

Encapsulating Asynchronous Logic

  • static methods runAsync and supplyAsync creates CompletableFuture instances of out Runnable and Suppliers respectively
public static void main(String[] args) { 
    System.out.println("Before calling compute()");

   CompletableFuture<Integer> future = CompletableFuture
        .supplyAsync(() -> new UnitTask().compute());
    try {
        System.out.println("Do independent task...");
        System.out.println("Done indepndent task...");

        Integer result = future.get();
        System.out.println("After compute(): " + result);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { }
  • ThenAccept() accepts a Consumer and the Future chain passes the result of computation to it; returns a CompletableFuture<Void>
  • CompletableFuture is meant to be written like a stream, with method chaining e.g.
CompletableFuture<Void> future = 
    .supplyAsync(() -> new UnitTask().compute())
    .thenAccept(s -> 
        System.out.println("After compute(): " + s));
System.out.println("Do independent task");
System.out.println("Done independent task");
  • Just like get(), the join() method is blocking and returns the result when complete

Converting a Synchronous method to an Asynchronous method

  • Base method:
static A foo(A a) {
    return a.incr().decr();
  • With supplyAsync:
static CompletableFuture<A> foo(A a) {
    return CompletableFuture
        .supplyAsync(() -> a.incr().decr());
  • With supplyAsync and thenApply:
static CompletableFuture<A> foo(A a) {
    return CompletableFuture
        .supplyAsync(() -> a.incr());
        .thenApply(x -> x.decr());
  • With SupplyAsync and thenApplyAsync:
/* thenApplyAsync is run in a separate thread */
static CompletableFuture<A> foo(A a) {
    return CompletableFuture
        .supplyAsync(() -> a.incr());
        .thenApplyAsync(x -> x.decr());
  • To wait for the result:
A a = foo(new A());
// do something else
  • How to use thenCombine:
static CompletableFuture<A> bar(A a) {
    return CompletableFuture
        .supplyAsync(() -> a.incr);

CompletableFuture<A> b = foo(new A()).thenCompose(x -> bar(x));
  • CompletableFutures need to always be joined back.
  • CompletableFuture is a monad:
    • completedFuture is equivalent to of
    • thenCompose is flatMap
    • thenApply is map
    • thenAccept is accept and returns void
    • thenCombine takes in a CompletionStage and a merging BiFunction
static CompletableFuture<A> baz(A a, int x) {
    if (x == 0) {
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new A(0));
    } else {
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> a.incr().decr());

CompletableFuture<Void> all = CompletableFuture.allOf(
        foo(new A()),
        bar(new A()),
        baz(new A(), 1));
  • How to use handle() in CompletableFuture (handle() takes in a bifunction with inputs being result and throwable):
CompletableFuture<A> exec = CompletableFuture
    .supplyAsync(() -> new A().decr().decr())
    .handle((result, exception) -> {
        if (result == null) {
            System.out.println("ERROR: " + exception);
            return new A();
        } else {
            return result;



AY19/20 Semester 1 CS2030 Programming Methodology II






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