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This is the accompanying repository for our NeurIPS 2020 paper titled "On 1/n neural representation and robustness".


A recent finding by Stringer et al. 2019 found that the eigenspectrum of the empirical covariance matrix of the neural activity in mouse V1 followed a power-law, i.e. regardless of the input statistics, where for natural images a universal exponent of was observed. A corresponding theory was put forward as a potential rationale for the existence of a eigenspectrum. While the theory was illuminating, the advantages of a representation with eigenspectrum decaying slightly faster than is not apparent. To investigate further, we turn to deep neural networks as a testbed.

Spectrally regularized Deep Neural Networks

In general, the distribution of eigenvalues of a deep neural network is intractable and a priori there is no reason to believe it should follow a power law. To enforce a eigenspectrum, we directly regularize the eigenvalues of the activations at layer l, denoted by , towards a desired eigenspectrum, denoted by , which follows a power-law:

where \tau is a cut-off that dictates which eigenvalues should be regularized and \beta is a hyperparameter that controls the strength of the regularizer.

Running Experiments

In neurips_experiments/,, and correspond to the experiments ran in sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 respectively.

Experiment 1

The vanilla networks can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=True.

The spectrally regularized networks can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=False.

Note that the networks can be trained on the GPU by passing in --cuda=True.

Experiment 2

The vanilla MLPs can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=True --arch="mlp" .

The MLPs with whitened intermediate representations (denoted as Vanilla-Wh in section 4.2) can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=True --arch="mlp" --flat=True.

The MLPs where only the last hidden layer is spectrally regularized (denoted as SpecReg in section 4.2) can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=False --arch="mlp" .

The MLPs where only the last hidden layer is spectrally regularized and the intermediate representation is whitend (denoted as SpecReg-Wh in section 4.2) can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=False --arch="mlp" --flat=True .

(Note that to repeat these same experiments on CNNs pass in --arch="cnn" instead. Also, networks can be trained on the GPU by passing in --cuda=True.)

Experiment 3

The vanilla MLPs can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=True --arch="mlp" .

The MLPs where every hidden layer is spectrally regularized (denoted as SpecReg in section 4.3) can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=False --arch="mlp" .

The MLPs whose input-output Jacobian is regularized (denoted as Jac in section 4.3) can be trained by calling neurips_experiments/ --vanilla=True --arch="mlp" --jac=True.

(Note that to repeat these same experiments on CNNs pass in --arch="cnn" instead. Also, networks can be trained on the GPU by passing in --cuda=True.)


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