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File metadata and controls

193 lines (138 loc) · 8.27 KB


pyAniSort is a command line utility that will sort and rename anime video files into folders separated by the name of the series.

I made this as a way to practice python. Filename matching is not the most accurate and it will overwrite existing files without asking for confirmation. There will not be any more updates to this tool. If you actually want to sort anime I recommend filebot or sonarr instead.


Link to PyPI page:
There is also a windows installation binary if you don't want to install pip.

Make sure that you are using the python3 version of pip when installing.
This program only works with python3

$ pip install pyanisort

If you don't have pip installed you can run these commands from the terminal to get it
$ wget
$ sudo python3
$ sudo pip3 install pyanisort


There are two different commands that pyAnisort has:
The first being sort
And the second undo

The sort command

The sort command requires two arguments the from directory and the to directory

The verify option will check the CRC's of the files before and after sorting to verify file integrity
-v, --verify Will compare the crc's of the file before and after the move

The copy option will copy files rather than move them. Copied files will not be reflected in the history csv file
-c, --copy Will copy files instead of move them(history.csv will not be updated)

The silent option turns off any parts of the script that would ask for user input
-s, --silent Turn off console interactivity

The history argument takes the name of a csv file that will store the renaming history
--history FILE changes where to save history file ('history.csv' is the default)

$ pyAniSort sort 'from/directory' 'to/directory' -s --history history.csv

The program will sort this:

|-- From Folder/
|   | [Sub Group A] Series Name - 01 [ABCD1234].mkv
|   | [Sub Group A] Series Name - 02 [ABCD1234].mkv
|   | [Sub Group A] Series Name - 03 [ABCD1234].mkv
|   | [Sub Group B] Other Series Name Ep01 [ABCD1234].mkv
|   | [Sub Group B] Other Series Name Ep02 [ABCD1234].mkv
|   | [Sub Group B] Other Series Name Ep03 [ABCD1234].mkv
|   | [Sub Group B] Other Series Name OP [ABCD1234].mkv
|   | [Sub Group B] Other Series Name ED1 [ABCD1234].mkv

To This:

|-- To Folder/
|   |-- Series Name/
|   |   |-- Series Name - 01 - title.mkv
|   |   |-- Series Name - 02 - title.mkv
|   |   |-- Series Name - 03 - title.mkv
|   |-- Other Series Name/
|   |   |-- Other Series Name - 01 - title.mkv
|   |   |-- Other Series Name - 02 - title.mkv
|   |   |-- Other Series Name - 03 - title.mkv
|   |   |-- Other Series Name - OP01.mkv
|   |   |-- Other Series Name - ED01.mkv

The undo command

The undo command will use the history.csv file to undo the sorting operation in case there was an error.

There are two required positional arguments that are required for the undo command

The verify option will check the CRC's of the files before and after sorting to verify file integrity
-v, --verify Will compare the crc's of the file before and after the move

The history argument takes the name of a csv file that will store the renaming history
--history FILE changes where to save history file ('history.csv' is the default)

$ pyanisort undo startLine endLine --history history.csv

The first one will tell the program what line of the file to start on and the second will tell it what line to end on.
This allows better control of what files to undo

Running the following command will start undoing the files stored in history.csv from line 30 to line 40, or until the end of the file if there are less than 40 lines.
$ pyanisort undo 30 40

this next command will undo all of the files stored in the history.csv file.
$ pyanisort undo 0 0

Both of the following commands will only undo the file at line 44 of the history.csv file
$ pyanisort undo 44 44
$ pyanisort undo 44 0

After any one of these commands are used the history.csv file will be modified to reflect the undo operation.

Logs and other Important Files

Logs and program data is stored in the following locations:
Windows: %APPDATA%\pyAniSort
Linux: ~/.pyanisort

There are two files that are automatically created when pyAniSort is run.
prefNames.csv and history.csv

prefNames.csv - Prefered show names

This file is for storing information about the show. This helps save time when gathering show information multiple times. There are three values stored in the csv file the anime ID (aid), official show name, and the parsed name

The aid is the unique id that the anidb database uses for the show
The official show name is the full series name pulled from the anidb. It is also the name that will be used when renaming and sorting the video files.
The parsed name is the name that has been pulled from the filename before it was sorted.

aid Official Name Parsed Name
9541 Shingeki no Kyojin Shingeki no Kyojin
9787 Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru NouCome

This is the contents of prefNames.csv that match the table

9541,Shingeki no Kyojin,Shingeki no Kyojin
9787,"Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru",NouCome

One of the useful things about putting this information in a csv file like this is that the changes can be made to it outside of the program.

For example:
The official name of NouCome above is quite a mouthfull. It also takes up a lot of space and might even make new filenames run into the 255 character limit on windows.

So wouldn't it be better if you could change this:
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru

To it's shorthand name:

You can do this by editing the prefName.csv file. I suggest using a standard text editor than Excel. Excel might mess up the file and cause a problem when the program reads it.

So you would edit the prefName.csv file from:

9541,Shingeki no Kyojin,Shingeki no Kyojin
9787,"Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru",NouCome

To this:

9541,Shingeki no Kyojin,Shingeki no Kyojin

Now when the program goes to rename your files it will use NouCome instead of Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru

history.csv - File rename history

There are two columns in the history.csv file. The first refers to the original location of a video file and the second refers to the sorted location

Original Name Sorted Name
D:\test_files[Sub Group A] Series Name - 01 [ABCD1234].mkv D:\Anime\Series Name\Series Name - 01 - title.mkv
D:\test_files[Sub Group B] Other Series Name Ep01 [ABCD1234].mkv D:\Anime\Other Series Name\Other Series Name - 01 - title.mkv

This is an example ot the contents of history.csv useing real filenames

D:\test_files\[EveTaku] Shingeki no Kyojin - 25 (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[783716E5].mkv,D:\Anime\Shingeki no Kyojin\Shingeki no Kyojin - 25 - The Wall Raid on Stohess District (3).mkv
D:\test_files\[Irrational Typesetting Wizardry] NouCome - 01 [F87C6CC0].mkv,"D:\Anime\Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru\Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru - 01 - That Choice Put My Life in Motion.mkv"

Possible Errors

There are a few possible errors that may occur when running this script


0000-00-00 00:00:00,000 - pyanisort.findtitle - ERROR - findtitle : 62 - Error parsing through cache\0000.xml.gz: Banned

This means that the server has gotten too many requests from the machines IP address.
It will refuse any more connections for the next couple hours.

This is a security measure put in place by the server and I have not found any other method of getting around it other than by waiting a couple hours to run the script again

Contact Me

Questions or comments about pyAniSort? send me an email at