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Closed Dec 19, 2015 100% complete

Preliminary list of features:

  1. Ministerial Positions
  • Assigning of ministries
  • Ministry unit ownership
  • Byzantium II screen (set references on load !)
  1. Regency & Emperorship
  • Voting for regent
  • Byzantium II rules of engagement ?
  • Emperorship

Note: the due date is pulled out of a hat, total guesswork

Preliminary list of features:

  1. Ministerial Positions
  • Assigning of ministries
  • Ministry unit ownership
  • Byzantium II screen (set references on load !)
  1. Regency & Emperorship
  • Voting for regent
  • Byzantium II rules of engagement ?
  • Emperorship

Note: the due date is pulled out of a hat, total guesswork

This milestone is closed.

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