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Closed Aug 15, 2015 100% complete

Convert project from native NetBeans metafile format to Apache Maven.

Rationale: Maven format is supported by all major Java IDEs (eg. Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans.) A recent survey had 97% of responders say they use an IDE, with 48% using Eclipse, 26% using IntelliJ IDEA non-free, 10% using NetBeans and 7% using IntelliJ IDEA free. Now, this is just …

Convert project from native NetBeans metafile format to Apache Maven.

Rationale: Maven format is supported by all major Java IDEs (eg. Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans.) A recent survey had 97% of responders say they use an IDE, with 48% using Eclipse, 26% using IntelliJ IDEA non-free, 10% using NetBeans and 7% using IntelliJ IDEA free. Now, this is just one web survey, but if it has a grain of truth in it, then it seems that by having a common free project format, possibly an order of magnitude increase in potential collaborators could be achieved if free choice of IDE is a deciding factor.

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