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webpack plugin for creating assets to be used with server rendered web frameworks.


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Templated Assets Webpack Plugin

templated-assets-webpack-plugin is a plugin for using webpack generated assets with server rendered web frameworks.

Build Status


If you need to reference webpack generated assets server-side, then templated-assets-webpack-plugin aim to make that process easier. Here's a configuration based on webpack's caching docs:

const path = require("path");
const TemplatedAssetsWebpackPlugin = require("templated-assets-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    app: path.join(__dirname, "index.js")
  output: {
    filename: "[name].[contenthash].js"
  plugins: [
    new TemplatedAssetsWebpackPlugin({
      rules: [
          name: ["app", "vendors"]
          name: "runtime",
          output: {
            inline: true
  optimization: {
    runtimeChunk: "single",
    splitChunks: {
      cacheGroups: {
        defaultVendors: {
          test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
          name: "vendors",
          chunks: "all"

Use cases

The plugin aims to be unopinionated and cover a broad range of use cases, but specifically the following:

  • When hashing webpack's assets, generate partial views for server rendered web frameworks (like ASP.NET or Express), with webpack's hashes intact. This is achieved by using predefined templates (built-in or custom) to wrap webpack's output.
  • Wrap webpack built assets in HTML tags. Generate assets with CSS inlined for critical path rendering, or include webpack's runtime (AKA manifest) server-side.
  • Generate extended assets by applying the source to predefined or custom templates, or a template engine.


  • npm install templated-assets-webpack-plugin --save-dev
  • yarn add templated-assets-webpack-plugin --dev


templated-assets-webpack-plugin takes a set of rules for defining how to wrap assets. Out of the box, comes templates for inlining or referencing scripts and styles.


Processing webpack's assets is enabled by specifying rules for mapping asset(s) to a template. Rules are given as arguments when initializing templated-assets-webpack-plugin. Each rule can match and template multiple assets. Next section describes rule options.

Match assets

Use name or test to match assets to be templated by name or filename. One of them is required to be specified. If both are used, test takes precedence. Use exclude if you want to filter out webpack built assets from being processed.

Property Type Default value Description
name string/Array N/A Match asset by name
test RegExp N/A Match asset by filename
exclude RegExp none Filter out assets
// match asset name (string|Array)
name: "match-this-chunk-name",
name: ["chunk-name", "other-chunk-name"],
// or match asset filename (regex)
test: /match-filename\.js$/,
// exclude (regex) assets from being templated; tests filename
exclude: /^[0-9]+\./

Define templates

The plugin's shipped with built-in templates for linking or inlining scripts and styles. Therefor, the template property isn't required, but enables customization. If the template property is specified as function, you're given full control of how to process assets. template can also be defined as an object, which adds functionality for adding header and/or footer.

Property Type Default value Description
template string/object/function script/link tag Template for wrapping asset
replace string/RegExp ##URL##/##SOURCE## Placeholder for asset url/source
args Array [] Extra args to template function
// path to custom template (string)
// not required, defaults to built-in templates
template: path.join(__dirname, "template-path/my-custom-template.tmpl"),
// or granually define template specifics
template: {
  // path to custom template (string)
  // not required, defaults to built-in templates
  path: path.join(__dirname, "template-path/my-custom-template.tmpl"),
  // find placeholder/content in template for subsitution with asset url/source (regex|string)
  // not required, defaults to ##URL## or ##SOURCE##
  replace: "***REPLACE-THIS***",
  // if specified, prepends header to templated asset (string|function)
  header: "<!-- PREPEND THIS -->",
  // if specified, appends footer to templated asset (string|function)
  footer: () => "<!-- APPEND THIS -->"
// or full control of templating asset (function)
template: (asset, callback, ...args) => {
  const {
    // source asset filename
    // asset source
    // built-in processor's result
    // url: url to asset, including publicPath (or "/")
  } = asset;

  // rule specific args
  const ruleArgs = args;

  // example asset templating
  const templatedAsset = processCustom();

  // notify done with templated asset (string)
// if specified, arguments to custom templating function
args: [],
// find placeholder/content in template for subsitution with asset url/source (regex|string)
// not required, defaults to ##URL## or ##SOURCE##
// note: if `template.replace` specified, template object's `replace` takes precedence
replace: "***REPLACE-THIS***"

Templated asset output

When templated assets are created its contents can either contain the source of a webpack compiled asset or an URL to the asset. Which used is defined in the output property. To align with frameworks for server rendering, the generated templated asset's filename can be updated with name, prefix and extension. If needed, custom output locations can be set.

Property Type Default value Description
output object Partial HTML files with URL reference Asset type and file output
// configure templated asset output
// not required, default included in webpack's output with assets referenced by URL
output: {
  // assign name to templated asset (default: chunk name/filename)
  // useful when chunk name has not been assigned in webpack
  name: "a-templated-asset",
  name: (defaultName) => defaultName.split(".")[0],
  // prefix templated asset's filename (default: no prefix)
  prefix: "__",
  // templated asset's file extension (default: html)
  extension: "cshtml",
  // URL referencing a webpack asset (including `publicPath`)
  url: true,
  // include async attribute (default: false)
  async: false,
  // include defer attribute (default: false)
  defer: false,
  // link asset with nomodule attribute (default: false)
  nomodule: false,
  // link module asset (default: false)
  module: false,
  // inline asset's source (default: false)
  // takes precedence over reference by URL
  inline: false,
  // include templated asset in webpack's default output (default: true)
  emitAsset: false,
  // output folder(s) for templated assets
  // duplicate asset created if `emitAsset` is true
  path: "a/directory",
   // output to multiple folders
  path: ["first/output/directory", "create/copy/here"]

Plugin examples

To get up to speed quicker with plugin configuration, take a look at an example build where various rules are used.

Try the build by executing npm run example. Included are rules for e.g. inlining webpack's runtime and custom templating for webpack's chunk manifest.


  • For feedback, bugs or change requests, please use Issues.
  • For direct contact, tweet @jouni_kantola.