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Jupyter Releaser


A set of helper scripts and GitHub Actions to aid in automated releases of Python and npm packages.

  • Enforces best practices:

    • Automated changelog for every release
    • Published to test server and verified with install and import of dist asset(s)
    • Commit message with hashes of dist file(s)
    • Annotated git tag in standard format
    • GitHub release with changelog entry
    • Verified url links in markdown and reStructuredText files
    • Verified integrity of Python manifest
    • Revert to Dev version after release (optional)
    • Forward port changelog entries into default branch
    • Dry run publish on CI
  • Prerequisites (see checklist below for details):

    • Markdown changelog
    • Bump version configuration (if using Python), for example tbump
    • Access token with access to target GitHub repo to run GitHub Actions
    • Access token for the test PyPI registry stored as TEST_PYPI_TOKEN
    • If needed, access token for npm.

Typical Workflow

  • When ready to make a release, a fork of jupyter-releaser and go to the Actions panel
  • Select the Draft Changelog workflow
  • Run the workflow with the version spec (usually the new version number)
  • When the run completes, review the changelog PR that was opened, making any desired edits
  • Merge the PR
  • Return to the Actions panel in the jupyter-releaser fork
  • Select the Draft Release workflow
  • Run the workflow with the same version spec as before, and an optional post version spec if you want to go back to a dev version in the target branch.
  • When the workflow completes, go to the releases page in the target repository and verify that the new draft release is there with the correct changelog and dist files.
  • Copy the url of the draft release.
  • Run the Publish Release workflow from the jupyter-releaser fork.
  • If the release was on a backport branch, a forward port PR will have been opened against the default branch with the new changelog entry. Review and merge this PR.


To install the latest release locally, make sure you have pip installed and run:

    pip install git+

Library Usage

    jupyter-releaser --help
    jupyter-releaser build-python --help
    jupyter-releaser check-links --help


All of the commands support CLI and Environment Variable Overrides. The environment variables are defined by the envvar parameters in the command options in The environment variables unique to jupyter-releaser are prefixed with RH_. A list of all env variables can be seen by running jupyter-releaser list-envvars.

The default values can also be overriden using a config file. Options can be overridden using the options section. You can also define hooks to run before and after commands in a hooks section. Hooks can be a shell command to run or a list of shell commands, and are specified to run before- or after- a command. Note: the only invalid hook name is before-prep-git, since a checkout of the target repository is not yet available at that point.

This is where jupyter-releaser looks for configuration (first one found is used):

    pyproject.toml (in the tools.jupyter-releaser section )
    package.json (in the jupyter-releaser property)

Example .jupyter-releaser.toml:

dist_dir = mydist

before-tag-version = "npm run pre:tag:script"

Example pyproject.toml section:

dist_dir = mydist

after-build-python = ["python scripts/", "python scripts/"]

Example package.json:

  "name": "my-package",
  "jupyter-releaser": {
    "options": {
      "dist_dir": "mydist"
    "hooks": {
      "before-publish-dist": "npm run pre:publish:dist"

Checklist for Adoption

Prep jupyter_releaser:

  • Clone this repository onto your GitHub user account.
  • GitHub Access token with access to target GitHub repo to run GitHub Actions, saved as GITHUB_TOKEN in the repository secrets.
  • Access tokens for the test PyPI registry stored as TEST_PYPI_TOKEN
  • If needed, access token for npm.

Prep target repository:

  • Switch to Markdown Changelog
    • We recommend MyST, especially if some of your docs are in reStructuredText.
    • Can use pandoc -s changelog.rst -o and some hand edits as needed.
    • Note that directives can still be used
  • Add HTML start and end comment markers to Changelog file - see example in (view in raw mode)
  • Add tbump support if using Python - see example metadata in pyproject.toml
    • We recommend putting setuptools metadata in setup.cfg and using version attr: <package_name>.__version__, see example setup.cfg
    • See documentation on setup.cfg metadata
    • If previously providing version_info, use get_version_info from jupyter_packaging, since tbump requires the intact version string, e.g.
from jupyter_packaging import get_version_info

# Version string must appear intact for tbump versioning
__version__ = '1.4.0.dev0'
version_info = get_version_info(__version__)
  • Add a GitHub Actions CI step to run the check_release action. For example:
- name: Check Release
  if: ${{ matrix.python-version == '3.9' }}
  uses: jupyter-server/jupyter_releaser/.github/actions/check-release@v1
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  • Update or add that describes the onboarding and release process, e.g.
# Release Workflow

- [ ] Set up a fork of `jupyter-releaser` if you have not yet done so.
- [ ] Run through the release process, targeting this repo and the appropriate branch
  • Optionally add configuration to the target repository if non-standard options or hooks are needed.
  • Optionally add workflow for cancel to cancel previous workflow runs when a new one is started - see cancel.yml
  • If desired, add check_release job, changelog, and tbump support to other active release branches
  • Try out the Draft Changelog and Draft Release process against a fork of the target repo first so you don't accidentally push tags and GitHub releases to the source repository.

Backport Branches

  • Create backport branches the usual way, e.g. git checkout -b 3.0.x v3.0.1; git push origin 3.0.x
  • When running the Publish Release Workflow, an automatic PR is generated for the default branch in the target repo, positioned in the appropriate place in the changelog.

Workflow Details

Draft ChangeLog Workflow

  • Manual Github workflow
    • Inputs are the target repo, branch, and the version spec
  • Bumps the version
    • By default, uses tbump or bump2version to bump the version based on presence of config files
      • We recommend tbump instead of bump2version for most cases because it does not handle patch releases well when using prereleases.
  • Prepares the environment
    • Sets up git config and branch
  • Generates a changelog (using github-activity) using the PRs since the last tag on this branch.
    • Gets the current version and then does a git checkout to clear state
    • Adds a new version entry using a HTML comment markers in the changelog file
    • Optionally resolves meeseeks backport PRs to their original PR
  • Creates a PR with the changelog changes
  • Can be re-run using the same version spec. It will add new entries but preserve existing ones (in case they have been hand modified).
  • Note: Pre-release changelog sections are not automatically combined, but you may wish to do so manually.

Draft Release Workflow

  • Manual Github workflow
    • Inputs are target repository, branch, version spec and optional post version spec
  • Bumps version using the same method as the changelog action
  • Prepares the environment using the same method as the changelog action
  • Checks the changelog entry
    • Looks for the current entry using the HTML comment markers
    • Gets the expected changelog values using github-activity
    • Ensures that all PRs are the same between the two
  • For Python packages:
    • Builds the wheel and source distributions if applicable
    • Makes sure Python dists can be installed and imported in a virtual environment
  • For npm package(s) (including workspace support):
    • Builds tarball(s) using npm pack
    • Make sure tarball(s) can be installed and imported in a new npm package
  • Checks the package manifest using check-manifest
  • Checks the links in Markdown and reStructuredText files
  • Adds a commit that includes the hashes of the dist files
  • Creates an annotated version tag in standard format
  • If given, bumps the version using the post version spec
  • Pushes the commits and tag to the target branch
  • Publishes a draft GitHub release for the tag with the changelog entry as the text

Publish Release Workflow

  • Manual Github workflow
    • Input is the url of the draft release
  • Downloads the dist assets from the release
  • Verifies shas and integrity of release assets
  • Publishes assets to appropriate registries
  • If the tag is on a backport branch, makes a forwardport PR for the changelog entry

Check Release Workflow

  • Runs on CI in the target repository to verify compatibility and release-ability.
  • Runs the Draft Changelog, Draft Release, and Publish Release actions in dry run mode
  • Publishes to the Test PyPI server
  • Deletes the Release
  • Does not make PRs or push git changes


Changelog gets out of sync

Create a new manual PR to fix the PR and re-orient the changelog entry markers.

PR is merged to the target branch in the middle of a "Draft Release"

The release will fail to push commits because it will not be up to date. Delete the pushed tags and re-start with "Draft Changelog" to pick up the new PR.