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Manufacturing Specifications

This repository contains Joyent's communications to our hardware partners defining how compute nodes are to be assembled and configured.

Part Definition Schema

Every part in the database is defined by a single JSON file. There are two high-level classes: OEM parts (all of which have a prefix of 270), and non-OEM parts. While both share a common schema, certain aspects of the schema are applicable only to one or other other. Therefore each schema element is described as being mandatory or optional for each part class.

Top-level Properties

These properties are valid only at the top level. They cannot be changed in a dashroll; therefore, they cannot be present in a change log (see below).


  • Status: Mandatory for all parts

The pn property is a string specifying the base part number (with prefix and suffix but without dashroll or revision numbers; see below) of this part.


  • Status: Mandatory for all parts

The desc property is a string containing a free-form UTF-8 text description of the part. This description should be limited to 80 characters or fewer.


  • Status: Optional

The alias property is a string containing a free-form UTF-8 text alternate name for the part. This is used for display purposes only and is useful for providing friendly or casual alternative names for human use.


  • Status: Not supported for OEM parts; Mandatory otherwise

The dashrolls property is an array of dashroll objects, the schema of which is described in detail below.

Generic Properties

These properties are valid at the top level and within a change log (see below). If present in a change log, the value of the property will supersede the existing value, if any, for the dashroll to which the change log applies and all subsequent dashrolls, unless and until superseded by the value in a subsequent dashroll's change log.


  • Status: Mandatory for OEM parts, Optional otherwise

The mfg property is a string containing one of the keywords in manufacturers.json. If this property is not present for a part, the default manufacturer will be assumed.


  • Status: Mandatory for OEM parts, Not Supported otherwise

The mfgpn property is a string containing the original manufacturer's part number for the part. This is distinct from the manufacturer using the part number pn.


  • Status: Optional

The ref property describes one or more references describing or defining the part in greater detail. The property may be either a reference object or an array of reference objects. A reference object has the following properties:

  • Status: Mandatory

The ref.uri property is a string containing the well-formed URI of the specification or other reference material.

  • Status: Optional

The ref.title property is a string containing a free-form UTF-8 display name to be used when displaying a link to the reference material.

Dashrolls and Change Logs

Every non-OEM part has at least one dashroll or change log. The first dashroll is numbered 01 and must define the set of constituent parts forming the part (if any). Subsequent dashrolls will be numbered in decimal succession up to a maximum of 99. The first (and only the first) dashroll may define the constituents property as shown below.

Each dashroll object may contain an optional set of properties the values of which override the values of the top-level properties described in "Generic Properties" above. The value of each such property overrides the value established at the top level or by a previous dashroll (if any).

In addition, each dashroll object contains a mandatory change log object describing the changes to constituent parts or quantities thereof. The change log is specified by the changes property as shown below. This property is not valid in the first change log. Change logs are processed cumulatively; each dashroll is defined by the contents of all previous change logs as described below.

Finally, each dashroll has a revision number. A part's active dashroll is the highest-numbered dashroll with a revision number of 50 or greater. No dashroll at revision 50 or higher may contain any part not at revision 50 or higher. The transition of a part's BOM to rev 50 serves as an indication that the part (or the relevant dashroll of the part) is ready for revenue shipment. The revision number is specified by the rev property as described below.

The revision number is incremented any time the part's definition is changed in ways not visible to consumers (that is, form, fit, or function or the software analogues). If a change is made to the form, fit, or function of hardware or any visible interface provided or required by software, of a part that is at revision 50 or higher, a new dashroll is required instead. Prior to revision 50, any number of changes may be made to the definition of the part.

Change Log Validity and Ordering

A change log must not contain both addition and removal of the same constituent part. Only the net change in quantity required should be reflected in either an add or remove property for each constituent part.

The replace operation is applied to the existing BOM prior to changes to the required quantity via add or remove properties. Thus, if a change log contains both an add object and a replace object containing the same property name, it is invalid. In such instance, the add object must contain a property named for the replacement constituent part specified as that property's value in the replace object. The same restriction applies to the remove object.

Removal of a constituent part that does not exist or is not contained in the accumulated BOM is not allowed, and a changelog specifying that removal is invalid. Similarly, no part that is not a constituent of the previous dashroll of the specified part may appear as the name of a property in the replace object.


  • Status: Optional in the first dashroll; Not Supported otherwise

The dashroll.constituents property is an object whose properties are part numbers from within the database, which may be specified at the dashroll level if the constituent part has at least one dashroll defined. The value of each property is an integer indicating the number of that component part required to build the part.


  • Status: Mandatory

The dashroll.rev property is an integer in the range [1,99] that represents the revision level of the dashroll. See the discussion of dashrolls and revision numbers above.


  • Status: Optional, unless no Generic Properties are specified in which case Mandatory

The dashroll.changes property is an object describing the differences between the current and previous dashroll. It has at least one of the properties listed below.

  • Status: Optional; see above

The dashroll.changes.add property is an object conforming to the same schema as the dashroll.constituents property described above. For each property of this object, the quantity of the constituent part specified by the named property will be increased by that property's integer value.

  • Status: Optional; see above

The dashroll.changes.remove property is an object conforming to the same schema as the dashroll.constituents property described above. For each property of this object, the quantity of the constituent part specified by the named property will be reduced by that property's integer value. The quantity of a constituent part may not be reduced below 0.

  • Status: Optional; see above

The dashroll.changes.replace property is an object whose properties are named for the constituent part number, with dashroll if the constituent part has at least one dashroll, to be replaced. The value of each such property is a string specifying the part number of the part with which it is to be replaced, with dashroll if the replacement part has at least one dashroll.

Replacement affects only constituent parts listed in this part's top-level BOM; that is, the list of parts contained in the dashroll.constituents property and modified by subsequent change logs. It does not affect the constituent parts of those referenced parts or any other lower-level constituent parts thereof. The quantity of the part replaced is unchanged.

When specifying a replacement in which the replacement part's general function is similar to or the same as the part it is replacing, this property is to be used in preference to properties in the add and remove objects defined above. However, this property should not be used to specify the removal of one constituent part from the BOM and the unrelated addition of some other constituent part.

Validation of BOMs

BOMs are validated based on the criteria described above. In addition, no BOM may contain a part number for which no BOM is available. Reference properties e.g. mfg, may not reference nonexistent entities. No two BOMs may define the same part (that is, no two JSON BOM files may contain objects with the same pn property value).

Circular dependencies in constituent part chains will be detected and are not permitted.

Part numbers are checked for validity. All valid part numbers satisfy exactly the following regular expression:


All dependencies will be checked to ensure that they satisfy the revenue-ready constraints described above with respect to revision levels.

A dependency on a constituent part must explicitly specify a dashroll if that constituent part has at least one dashroll defined. All non-OEM parts must define at least one dashroll. The specification may call for a dependency on a constituent part at a dashroll other than the currently active one; however, the tools will emit a warning if this condition exists for a dependent dashroll at rev 50 or higher.

BOMs missing Mandatory properties or containing properties listed above as Not Supported will be rejected.

All changes to this repository must pass BOM validation, as determined by the check target.


It is expected that specifications for many parts will be integrated into this repository. Each specification is associated with a root part number (not a dashroll) so that history can be maintained. Since, unlike the BOMs themselves, these specifications are not defined as a history of changes, any reference to a specification must be made to a URI providing the revision of the specification applicable to that dashroll. Any change to a specification must be accompanied by a new dashroll (or revision, if appropriate) to the part defined by that specification. The simplest way to achieve this is to use the SHA-specific Github URI in the specification's ref.uri property.

Specifications should be written in plain text or Markdown.