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RFD 173 KBMAPI and kbmd

1. Introduction

RFD 77 provides a high level overview of how cryptography will be used to provide authentication for Triton services as well as protecting the data residing on compute nodes. This RFD is focused on the details of the mechanisms that will be used to protect data at rest (also known as EDAR—​encrypted data at rest). Specific functionality to provide secured credential storage and authentication to instances (within kbmd, KBMAPI, as well as other parts of the Triton stack) will be addressed in a future RFD.

2. Overview

To protect the contents of machines running Triton, we will utilize the new encryption support in ZFS. During the initial setup of an encryption machine, a randomly-generated key is created and used to create the encrypted zpool. An uninitialized PIV token (which must be present for the encrypted setup to proceed) is also initialized during the setup process. The PIV token initialization performs several things:

  1. Several private keys are created by the PIV token (which it will not reveal).

  2. A randomly generated secret PIN is set on the PIV token. This PIN is required by the PIV token before certain keys generated in step 1 can be used.

Information about each initialization PIV token (including the randomly generated PIN) is saved in a trusted datacenter service (KBMAPI). The zpool key is then saved in an ECDH box. This ECDH box requires the PIV token to "open" the box and provide the key. For the PIV token to open the ECDH box, it must be given the PIN created during initialization. A service on each machine (kbmd) handles all the functions necessary for creating the encrypted zpool, unlocking the encrypted zpool during boot, as well as recovering from a lost of damaged PIV token.

3. Glossary

This work introduces several new concepts and related vocabulary to the Triton ecosystem. To facilitate effective communication key terms are defined below. Most of the terms have in-depth descriptions later in this document.

ebox: A container (i.e. data structure) for encrypted data and one or more sets of keys called configurations that may be used to decrypt the encrypted data.

ebox template: An ebox with no encrypted data that is used to describe the configuration sections of an ebox. A recovery configuration is commonly held and/or distributed in an ebox template.

PIV token: A hardware device, such as a smart card or YubiKey, that meets the Personal Identity Verification standard set forth in [FIPS 201](

primary token: The PIV token that is typically physically attached to a computer, such as by being inserted into a USB slot. It is typically used in combination with a PIN or password to access secrets stored in one or more eboxes.

recovery: The process by which the protected content of an ebox is accessed using a recovery configuration. This is a manual operation involving M challenges and responses as a result of a primary token failure.

recovery configuration: Two integers, M and N (M ⇐ N), and a set of N public keys, M of which may be used to perform recovery in the even that a primary token is not available. Each public key corresponds to a recovery PIV token.

recovery PIV token: A PIV token that is used during recovery

recovery registry: If a machine has many eboxes on it, a recovery registry may be used to keep track of the location of all eboxes and to allow a single set of M challenges and responses to perform recovery on all eboxes. A recovery registry is not present on a system that encrypts only one zpool (e.g. a system that has no zone soft tokens).

recovery token: A 32-byte random number used by a compute node to authenticate the compute node during recovery. Do not confuse with recovery PIV token.

wrapping key: Each ZFS dataset is encrypted with one or more keys, depending on the size of the dataset. Those keys are protected by a wrapping key, which is the key that is provided to zfs load-key and similar interfaces. The wrapping key may be changed with zfs change-key.

YubiKey: A cryptographic token produced by [Yubico]( This document is only concerned with those that implement the PIV standard and as such are considered PIV tokens.


As mentioned in Overview, a trusted node service will be needed in a datacenter to store the pins and recovery data for all of the PIV tokens in the datacenter. This service is the Key Backup and Management API (KBMAPI).

KBMAPI will be a fairly simple and minimal REST service. API endpoints provide the means for adding new PIV tokens, removing PIV tokens, recovering PIV tokens (i.e. replacing a PIV token), creating new recovery tokens for a PIV token, and providing the PIN of a PIV token.

When a PIV token is added, the KBMAPI service generates a recovery token (a 32 byte blob of random data) that will be stored on the CN. The recovery token is limited to 32 bytes due to limitations in the Shamir secret sharing code used during recovery. As described in XXX, normally the PIV token’s 9E key is used to authenticate requests. The recovery token acts as a second authentication token used only when replacing a PIV token.

When PIV tokens are deleted or reinitialized, the old PIV token data should be kept in a KBMAPI-maintained history. This history maintains the PIV token data for an amount of time defined by the KBMAPI_HISTORY_DURATION SAPI variable. The default shall be 15 days. The purpose is to provide a time-limited backup against accidental PIV token deletion.

4.1. Attestation

Some PIV tokens have extensions that allow for attestation — that is a method to show that a given key was created by the device and was not imported onto the PIV token. For YubiKeys, this is done by creating a special x509 certificate as detailed here.

If an operator wishes to require attestation, they must set the KBMAPI_REQUIRE_ATTESTATION SAPI parameter to true. In addition, the KBMAPI_ATTESTATION_CA SAPI parameter must be set to the CA certificate used for attestation.

Additionally, an operator may wish to limit the PIV tokens that are allowed to be used with KBMAPI to a known set of PIV tokens. To do so, an operator sets the SAPI parameter KBMAPI_REQUIRE_TOKEN_PRELOAD to true. A command line tool (working name kbmctl) is then used by the operator to load the range of serial numbers into KBMAPI. This is only supported for PIV tokens that support attestation (e.g. YubiKeys). In other words, enabling KBMAPI_REQUIRE_TOKEN_PRELOAD requires KBMAPI_REQUIRE_ATTESTATION to also be enabled (but not necessarily vice versa).

It should be noted that since both the attestation and device serial numbers are non-standard PIV extensions. As such, support for either feature will require kbmd / piv-tool and potentially kbmapi to support a particular device’s implementation. Similarly, enabling the feature requires the use of PIV tokens that implement the corresponding feature (attestation or a static serial number). The initial scope will only include support for YubiKey attestation and serial numbers.

In both cases, enforcement of the policy occurs during the provisioning process (i.e. at the time of a CreatePivtoken call). Changes to either policy do not affect existing PIV tokens in KBMAPI.

4.2. PIV Token object

The PIV token data is stored persistently by the KBMAPI service. A moray bucket is used for this purpose. The JSON config of the bucket is:

    "desc": "token data",
    "name": "tokens",
    "schema": {
        "index": {
            "guid": { "type": "string", "unique": true },
            "cn_uuid": { "type": "uuid", "unique": true }

The PIV token object itself is represented using JSON similar to:

    "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
    "serial": 5213681,
    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "pin": "123456",
    "recovery_tokens": [{
        "created": 123456789,
        "token": "jmzbhT2PXczgber9jyOSApRP337gkshM7EqK5gOhAcg="
    }, {
        "created": 2233445566,
        "token": "QmUgc3VyZSB0byBkcmluayB5b3VyIG92YWx0aW5l"
    "pubkeys": {
       "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
    "attestation": {
       "9e": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9d": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9a": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....."
Field Required Description



The model of the PIV token.



The serial number of the PIV token (if available).



The UUID of the compute node that contains this PIV token



The GUID of the provisioned PIV token.



The pin of the provisioned PIV token.



An array of recovery tokens. Used as an alternate authentication key when replacing a PIV token on a machine (usually due to loss or damage of the original PIV token). They also serve as proof to KBMAPI that a recovery operation was performed. When the recovery configuration is updated, a new recovery token is generated and added to the list. A history of previous tokens is kept to allow for propagation delays of new recovery configurations. The recovery token is a random binary value, displayed as well as sent over the wire as a base64 encoded string.



A JSON object containing the public keys of the PIV token



The public key used for authentication after the PIV token has been unlocked.



The public key used for encryption after the PIV token has been unlocked.



The public key used for authenticating the PIV token itself without a pin (e.g. used when requesting the pin of a PIV token).



The attestation certificates for the corresponding pubkeys.

Note that when provisioning a PIV token, if any of the optional fields are known, (e.g. attestation or serial) they should be supplied during provisioning.

4.3. PIV token History

As a failsafe measure, when a PIV token is deleted, the entry from the PIV token bucket is saved into a history bucket. This bucket retains up to KBMAPI_HISTORY_DURATION days of PIV token data (see [kbmapi-history]).

The history bucket looks very similar to the PIV token bucket:

    "desc": "token history",
    "name": "token_history",
    "schema": {
        "index": {
            "guid": { "type": "string" },
            "cn_uuid": { "type": "uuid" },
            "active_range": { "type": "daterange" }

The major difference is that the index fields are not unique as well as the active_range index. An accidentally deleted PIV token that’s restored might end up with multiple history entries, and a CN which has had a PIV token replacement will also have multiple history entries.

The moray entry in the history bucket also looks similar, but not quite the same as the PIV token bucket:

    "active_range": "[2019-01-01 00:00:00, 2019-03-01 05:06:07]",
    "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
    "serial": 5213681,
    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "pin": "123456",
    "recovery_tokens": [{
        "created": 123456789,
        "token": "jmzbhT2PXczgber9jyOSApRP337gkshM7EqK5gOhAcg="
    }, {
        "created": 2233445566,
        "token": "QmUgc3VyZSB0byBkcmluayB5b3VyIG92YWx0aW5l"
    "pubkeys": {
       "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
    "attestation": {
       "9e": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9d": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9a": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....."
    "comment": ""

The major difference is the addition of the active_range property as well as the comment property. The active_range property represents the (inclusive) start and end dates that the provisioned PIV token was in use.

It’s permitted that the same provisioned PIV token might have multiple entries in the history table. An example would be a PIV token accidentally deleted and restored would have an entry for the deletion, and then a second entry when the PIV token is retired (or reprovisioned).

The comment field is an optional field that contains free form text. It is intended to note the reason for the deletion.

To protect the PIV token data in Moray, we will rely on the headnode disk encryption.

QUESTION: Even though the HN PIV token will not use the GetPivtokenPin API call to obtain its pin, should we still go ahead and store the data for the HN PIV token in KBMAPI? We cannot do it when we initialize the HN PIV token because we are running the HN setup (this there is no KBMAPI up and running), and we must use a different method to provide the PIN for a PIV token on a headnode.

4.4. Preloading PIV tokens

To support an operator preloading unprovisioned PIV tokens, we track ranges of serial numbers that are allowed to be provisioned. We use a separate moray bucket for tracking these ranges of serial numbers:

    "desc": "token serials",
    "name": "token_serial",
    "schema": {
        "index": {
            "ca_dn": { "type": "string" },
            "serial_range": { "type": "numrange" }

The entries look similar to:

    "serial_range": "[111111, 123456]",
    "allow": true,
    "ca_dn": "cn=my manf authority",
    "comment": "A useful comment here"
Field Description


An range of serial numbers. This range is inclusive.


Set to true if this range is allowed, or false is this range is blacklisted.


The distinguished name (DN) of the attestation CA for this PIV token. Used to disambiguate any potential duplicate serial numbers between vendors.


An operator supplied free form comment

The kbmctl command is used to manage this data.

4.5. Audit Trail

Given the critical nature of the PIV token data, we want to provide an audit trail of activity. While there is discussion of creating an AuditAPI at some point in the future, it currently does not look like it would be available to meet the current deadlines. Once available, we should look at the effort to migrate this functionality to AuditAPI.

In the meantime, we will provide the option of uploading the KBMAPI logs to a Manta installation using hermes or possibly the new log archiver service described in (../0163/[RFD163].

4.6. Responses

All response objects are application/json encoded HTTP bodies. In addition, all responses will have the following headers:

Header Description


When the response was send (RFC 1123 format)


The exact version of the KBMAPI server that processed the request


A unique id for this request.

If the response contains content, the following additional headers will be present:

Header Description


How much content, in bytes


The format of the response (currently always application/json)


An MD5 checksum of the response

4.7. HTTP Status Codes

KBMAPI returns one of the following codes on an error:

Code Description Details



Either no Authorization header was send, or the credentials used were invalid


Method Not Allowed

Method not supported for the given resource



A parameter was missing or invalid


Internal Error

An unexpected error occurred

If an error occurs, KBMAPI will return a standard JSON error response object in the body of the response:

    "code": "CODE",
    "message": "human readable string"

Where code is one of:

Code Description


Bad HTTP was sent


Something went wrong in KBMAPI


Bad arguments or a bad value for an argument


Authentication failed


A bad HTTP header was sent


A bad Api-Version string was sent


A required parameter was missing


The resource was not found


Something completely unexpected happened

5. KBMAPI Endpoints

These are the proposed endpoints to meet the above requirements. They largely document the behavior of the existing KBMAPI prototype (though in a few places describe intended behavior not yet present in the prototype).

In each case, each request should include an Accept-Version header indicating the version of the API being requested. The initial value defined here shall be '1.0'.

XXX: This is largely based on the behavior of CloudAPI. Check what the behavior of CloudAPI is if no version is supplied.

5.1. CreatePivtoken (POST /pivtokens)

Add a new initialized PIV token. Included in the request should be an Authorization header with a method of 'Signature' with the date header signed using the PIV token’s 9e key. The payload is a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Required Description



The GUID of the provisioned PIV token



The UUID if the CN that contains this PIV token



The pin for the PIV token generated during provisioning



The model of the PIV token (if known)



The serial number of the PIV token (if known)



The public keys of the PIV token generated during provisioning



The 9a public key of the PIV token



The 9d public key of the PIV token



The 9e public key of the PIV token



The attestation certificates corresponding to the 9a, 9d, and 9e public keys.

Note: for the optional fields, they should be supplied with the request when known. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to enforce this optionality on the server side, so we must depend on the CN to supply the optional data when appropriate.

If the signature check fails, a 401 Unauthorized error + NotAuthorized code is returned.

If any of the required fields are missing, a 409 Conflict + InvalidArgument error is returned.

If the guid or cn_uuid fields contain a value already in use in the tokens bucket, a new entry is not created. Instead, the 9e public key from the request is compared to the 9e key in the stored PIV token data. If the keys match, and the signature check succeeds, then the recovery_token value of the existing entry is returned and a 200 response is returned. This allows the CN to retry a request in the event the response was lost.

If the 9e key in the request does not match the 9e key for the existing token in the tokens bucket, but either (or both) the guid or cn_uuid fields match an existing entry, a 409 Conflict + NotAuthorized error is returned. In such an instance, an operator must manually verify if the information in the PIV token bucket is out of date and manually delete it before the PIV token provisioning can proceed.

If an operator has hardware with duplicate UUIDs, they must contact their hardware vendor to resolve the situation prior to attempting to provision the PIV token on the system with a duplicate UUID. While we have seen such instances in the past, they are now fairly rare. Our past experience has shown that attempting to work around this at the OS and Triton level is complicated and prone to breaking. Given what is at stake in terms of the data on the system, we feel it is an unacceptable risk to try to work around such a situation (instead of having the hardware vendor resolve it).

If the request does not generate any of the above errors, the request is If the attestation section is supplied, the attestation certs must agree with the pubkeys supplied in the request. If they do not agree, or if KBMAPI_ATTESTATION_REQUIRED is true and no attestation certs are provided, a 409 Conflict + InvalidArgument error is returned.

If KBMAPI_REQUIRE_TOKEN_PRELOAD is true, the serial number of the PIV token as well as the attestation certificates of the PIV token in question must be present in the CreatePivtoken request. KBMAPI performs a search for a range of allowed serial numbers in the token_serial bucket whose attestation CA DN matches the attestation CA of the PIV token in the request. If the serial number is not part of an allowed range, a 409 Conflict + InvalidArgument error is returned.

In addition, a recovery_token is generated by KBMAPI and stored as part of the token object. This should be a random string of bytes generated by a random number generator suitable for cryptographic purposes.

Once the entry is updated or created in moray, a successful response is returned (201) and the generated recovery token is included in the response. The recovery token is encoded as base64.

Example request (with attestation)

POST /pivtokens
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2019 20:01:02 GMT
Authorization: Signature <Base64(rsa(sha256($Date)))>
Accept-Version: ~1
Accept: application/json

    "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
    "serial": 5213681,
    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "pin": "123456",
    "pubkeys": {
       "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
    "attestation": {
       "9e": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9d": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9a": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....."

An example response might look like:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 12345
Content-MD5: s5ROP0dBDWlf5X1drujDvg==
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 12:34:56 GMT
Server: Joyent KBMAPI 1.0
Api-Version: 1.0
Request-Id: b4dd3618-78c2-4cf5-a20c-b822f6cd5fb2
Response-Time: 42

    "recovery_token": "jmzbhT2PXczgber9jyOSApRP337gkshM7EqK5gOhAcg="

In order to make the request/response retry-able w/o generating and saving a new recovery_token each time (to prevent a single recovery configuration update from creating multiple recovery_tokens due to network/retry issues), any requests made after the initial PIV token creation to the same Location (i.e. POST /pivtokens/:guid) will result into the same PIV token object being retrieved.

This can be used too in order to generate new recovery tokens when a request is made at a given time after recovery_token creation. This time interval will be configurable in SAPI through the variable KBMAPI_RECOVERY_TOKEN_DURATION. By default, this value will be set to 1 day.

When the POST request is received for an existing PIV token, KBMAPI will verify the antiquity of the newest member of recovery_tokens and in case it exceeds the aforementioned KBMAPI_RECOVERY_TOKEN_DURATION value, it will generate a new recovery_token.

On all of these cases, the status code will be 200 Ok instead of the 201 Created used for the initial PIV token creation.

5.2. UpdatePivtoken (PUT /pivtokens/:guid)

Update the current fields of a PIV token. Currently, the only field that can be altered is the cn_uuid field (e.g. during a chassis swap). If the new cn_uuid field is already associated with an assigned PIV token, or if any of the remaining fields differ, the update fails.

This request is authenticated by signing the Date header with the PIV token’s 9e key (same as CreatePivtoken). This however does not return the recovery token in it’s response.

Example request:

PUT /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2019 20:01:02 GMT
Authorization: Signature <Base64(rsa(sha256($Date)))>
Accept-Version: ~1
Accept: application/json

    "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
    "serial": 5213681,
    "cn_uuid": "99556402-3daf-cda2-ca0c-f93e48f4c5ad",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "pin": "123456",
    "pubkeys": {
       "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
    "attestation": {
       "9e": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9d": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9a": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....."

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Location: /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1122
Content-MD5: s5ROP0dBDWlf5X1drujDvg==
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 10:27:43 GMT
Server: Joyent KBMAPI 1.0
Api-Version: 1.0
Request-Id: 7e2562ba-731b-c91b-d7c6-90f2fd2d36a0
Response-Time: 23

5.3. ReplacePivtoken (POST /pivtokens/:guid/replace)

When a PIV token is no longer available (lost, damaged, accidentally reinitialized, etc.), a recovery must be performed. This allows a new PIV token to replace the unavailable PIV token. When a recovery is required, an operator initiates the recovery process on the CN. This recovery process on the CN will decrypt the current recovery_token value for the lost PIV token that was created during the lost PIV token’s CreatePivtoken request or a subsequent CreatePivtoken request. For some TBD amount of time, earlier recovery_token values may also be allowed to account for propagation delays when updating recovery configurations using changefeed. KBMAPI may also optionally periodically purge members of a PIV token’s recovery_tokens array that are sufficiently old to no longer be considered valid (even when accounting for propagation delays).

The CN submits a RecoverPivtoken request to replace the unavailable PIV token with a new PIV token. The :guid parameter is the guid of the unavailable PIV token. The data included in the request is identical to that of a CreatePivtoken request. The major difference is that instead of using a PIV token’s 9e key to sign the date field, the decrypted recovery_token value is used as the signing key (in conjunction with some HMAC mechanism).

Instead of HTTP Signature auth using the SSH key, HMAC signature using the recovery_token as value will be used. Note that the http signature method requires that the resulting signature value is base64 encoded.

If the lost PIV token does not exists in KBMAPI we should reject the request with a 404 Not Found response.

If the request fails the authentication requests, a 401 Unauthorized error is returned.

If all the checks succeed, the information from the old PIV token (:guid) is moved to a history entry for that PIV token. Any subsequent requests to /pivtokens/:guid should either return a 404 Not found reply or, in case we add some kind of replaced_by: :new_guid attribute to the archived PIV token, we could also return 301 Moved Permanently with the new PIV token location.

The newly created PIV token will then be returned, together with the proper Location header (/pivtokens/:new_guid). In case of network/retry issues, additional attempts to retrieve the new PIV token information should be made through CreatePivtoken end-point for the new PIV token, and these requests should be signed by the new PIV token 9e key, instead of using HMAC with the old PIV token recovery_token.

An example request:

POST /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4/replace
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2019 20:01:02 GMT
Authorization: Signature keyId="xxxx",algorithm="hmac-sha512",headers="date",signature="<Base64(hmac-sha512($Date, $recovery_token))>"
Accept-Version: ~1
Accept: application/json

    "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
    "serial": 6324923,
    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "75CA077A14C5E45037D7A0740D5602A5",
    "pin": "424242",
    "pubkeys": {
       "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
    "attestation": {
       "9e": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9d": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9a": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....."

And an example response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /pivtokens/75CA077A14C5E45037D7A0740D5602A5
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 12345
Content-MD5: s5ROP0dBDWlf5X1drujDvg==
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 12:54:56 GMT
Server: Joyent KBMAPI 1.0
Api-Version: 1.0
Request-Id: 473bc7f4-05cf-4edb-9ef7-8b61cdd8e6b6
Response-Time: 42

    "model": "Yubico Yubikey 4",
    "serial": 5213681,
    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "75CA077A14C5E45037D7A0740D5602A5",
    "pubkeys": {
        "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
        "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
        "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
    "recovery_tokens": [ {
        created: 1563348710384,
        token: 'cefb9c2001b535b697d5a13ba6855098e8c58feb800705092db061343bb7daa10e52a97ed30f2cf1'

Note that the location contains the guid of the new PIV token.

5.3.1. ListPivtokens (GET /pivtokens)

Gets all provisioned PIV tokens. The main requirement here is no sensitive information of a PIV token is returned in the output.

Filtering by at least the cn_uuid as well as windowing functions should be supported.

An example request:

GET /pivtokens
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2019 02:04:45 GMT
Accept-Version: ~1
Accept: application/json

An example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Location: /pivtokens
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 11222333
Content-MD5: s5ROP0dBDWlf5X1drujDvg==
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2019 02:04:45 GMT
Server: Joyent KBMAPI 1.0
Api-Version: 1.0
Request-Id: af32dafe-b9ed-c2c1-b5e5-f5fefc40aba4
Response-Time: 55

            "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
            "serial": 5213681,
            "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
            "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4"
            "pubkeys": {
               "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
               "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
               "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
            "model": "Yubico YubiKey 5",
            "serial": 12345123,
            "cn_uuid": "e9498ab2-d6d8-ca61-b908-fb9e2fea950a",
            "guid": "75CA077A14C5E45037D7A0740D5602A5",
            "pubkeys": {
               "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
               "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
               "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."

5.4. GetPivtoken (GET /pivtokens/:guid)

Gets the public info for a specific PIV token. Only the public fields are returned.

Example request:

GET /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2019 02:10:32 GMT
Accept-Version: ~1
Accept: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Location: /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 12345
Content-MD5: s5REP1dBDWlf5X1drujDvg==
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2019 02:10:35 GMT
Server: Joyent KBMAPI 1.0
Api-Version: 1.0
Request-Id: de02d045-f8df-cf51-c424-a21a7984555b
Response-Time: 55

   "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
   "serial": 5213681,
   "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
   "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4"
   "pubkeys": {
      "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
      "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
      "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."

5.5. GetPivtokenPin (GET /pivtokens/:guid/pin)

Like GetPivtoken, except it also includes the pin. The recovery_token field is not returned. This request must be authenticated using the 9E key of the token specified by :guid to be successful. An Authorization header should be included in the request, the value being the signature of the Date header (very similar to how CloudAPI authenticates users);

This call is used by the CN during boot to enable it to unlock the other keys on the PIV token.

An example request:

GET /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4/pin
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2019 02:11:32 GMT
Accept-Version: ~1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Signature <Base64(rsa(sha256($Date)))>

An example reply:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Location: /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4/pin
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2231
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2019 02:11:33 GMT
Api-Version: 1.0
Request-Id: 57e46450-ab5c-6c7e-93a5-d4e85cd0d6ef
Response-Time: 1

    "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
    "serial": 5213681,
    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "pin": "123456",
    "pubkeys": {
       "9e": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9d": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA...",
       "9a": "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYA..."
    "attestation": {
       "9e": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9d": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....",
       "9a": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----....."

5.6. DeletePivtoken (DELETE /pivtokens/:guid)

Deletes information about a PIV token. This would be called during the decommission process of a CN. The request is authenticated using the 9e key of the PIV token.

Sample request:

DELETE /pivtokens/97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Signature <Base64(rsa(sha256($Date)))>
Api-Version: ~1
Content-Length: 0

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Content-Type, Date, Api-Version, Response-Time
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Api-Version, Request-Id, Response-Time
Connection: Keep-Alive
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 11:26:19 GMT
Server: Joyent KBMAPI 1.0.0
Api-Version: 1.0.0
Request-Id: f36b8a41-5841-6c05-a116-b517bf23d4ab
Response-Time: 997

Note: alternatively, an operator can manually run kbmctl to delete an entry.

6. Recovery Configuration(s)

We need to support the following features related to recovery config propagation: 1. A mechanism to ensure that we do not push recovery config X until recovery config X-1 has been sucessfully activated on all consumers. 2. An override mechanism that allows recovery config X to be pushed to consumers before earlier configs are known to be active. 3. A means to test the most recent recovery config before activation across the general population. 4. The ability to not activate a recovery configuration that has been staged.

Which was translated into: 1. KBMAPI must maintain an inventory of where each configuration is present and whether it is staged or active. This inventory needs to be robust in the face of down or rebooting nodes at any point during the staging and activation phases. 2. There should be a way to unstage a staged recovery configuration. 3. There should be a way to replace a staged recovery configuration. 4. There must be a way to unstage or replace a staged recovery configuration. 5. A mechanism for activating a staged configuration on a single compute node must exist.

Each configuration object contains a template, which is a base64 encoded string created by the cmd pivy-box template create -i <name> …​.

Here is how a template is created using pivy-box interactive mode:

$ pivy-box tpl create -i backup
-- Editing template --
Select a configuration to edit:

  [+] add new configuration
  [-] remove a configuration
  [w] write and exit
Choice? +
Add what type of configuration?
  [p] primary (single device)
  [r] recovery (multi-device, N out of M)

  [x] cancel
Choice? r
-- Editing recovery config 1 --
Select a part to edit:

  [n] 0 parts required to recover data (change)
  [+] add new part/device
  [&] add new part based on local device
  [-] remove a part
  [x] finish and return
Choice? +
GUID (in hex)? E6FB45BDE5146C5B21FCB9409524B98C
Slot ID (hex)? [9D]
Key? ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBADLQ8fNp4/+aAg7S/nWrUU6nl3bd3eajkk7LJu42qZWu8+b218MspLSzpwv3AMnwQDaIhM7kt/HhXfYgiQXd30zYAC/xZlz0TZP2XHMjJoVq4VbwZfqxXXAmySwtm6cDY7tWvFOHlQgF3SofE5Fd/6gupHy59+3dtLKwZMMU1ewcPm8sg== kbmapi test one token
-- Editing part 1 --
Read-only attributes:
  GUID: E6FB45BDE5146C5B21FCB9409524B98C
  Slot: 9D
  Key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBADLQ8fNp4/+aAg7S/nWrUU6nl3bd3eajkk7LJu42qZWu8+b218MspLSzpwv3AMnwQDaIhM7kt/HhXfYgiQXd30zYAC/xZlz0TZP2XHMjJoVq4VbwZfqxXXAmySwtm6cDY7tWvFOHlQgF3SofE5Fd/6gupHy59+3dtLKwZMMU1ewcPm8sg==

Select an attribute to change:
  [n] Name: (null)
  [c] Card Auth Key: (none set)

  [x] finish and return

This is the final result, after adding several keys to the recovery config:

$ pivy-box tpl show backup
-- template --
version: 1
  type: recovery
  required: 2 parts
    guid: E6FB45BDE5146C5B21FCB9409524B98C
    name: xk1
    slot: 9D
    key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBADLQ8fNp4/+aAg7S/nWrUU6nl3bd3eajkk7LJu42qZWu8+b218MspLSzpwv3AMnwQDaIhM7kt/HhXfYgiQXd30zYAC/xZlz0TZP2XHMjJoVq4VbwZfqxXXAmySwtm6cDY7tWvFOHlQgF3SofE5Fd/6gupHy59+3dtLKwZMMU1ewcPm8sg==
    guid: 051CD9B2177EB12374C798BB3462793E
    name: xk2
    slot: 9D
    key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBAA6H1gT8uJBMc7mknW7Wi0M2/2x/65lKZy9DLM9x60pU6wt8KsBI2PKJoUY/7Jq6dyIRckVzNh15z78agjshPu9aQHiKVRn8lEbNTuAuCr6NbEx62yQbAamf85qpQMaUT47hjHhP5srMMGb7cjBTCO1rTsVOxYcIc7bmnLEy69nRmpxaA==
    guid: D19BE1E0660AECFF0A9AF617540AFFB7
    name: xk3
    slot: 9D
    key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBABrFyNJvVBr80bWBE9Df/b/GOnIypNxURgD0D64Nt7iT6oF163shFWLXJ04TPPSAgSX57/8e7lohol9pSczXMQaQQGaefYZKMfUvyeXpcNsu1m47axaq/HwKpwGGW0LgQ2VZQhWDQjDPP8Yr3s/krNXoV/ArwWJT7HwHocL5y7eN4TUcQ==

Here is how to get the values used by KBMAPI for a given template:

const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const input = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/.ebox/tpl/name');
// This is the template:
// => '6wwBAQECAgMBCG5pc3RwNTIxQwIAy0PHzaeP/mgIO0v51q1FOp5d23d3mo5JOyybu\nNqmVrvPm9tfDLKS0s6cL9wDJ8EA2iITO5Lfx4V32IIkF3d9M2AEEOb7Rb3lFGxbIf\ny5QJUkuYwCA3hrMQABCG5pc3RwNTIxQwIAOh9YE/LiQTHO5pJ1u1otDNv9sf+uZSm\ncvQyzPcetKVOsLfCrASNjyiaFGP+yaunciEXJFczYdec+/GoI7IT7vWkEEAUc2bIX\nfrEjdMeYuzRieT4CA3hrMgABCG5pc3RwNTIxQwMAaxcjSb1Qa/NG1gRPQ3/2/xjpy\nMqTcVEYA9A+uDbe4k+qBdet7IRVi1ydOEzz0gIEl+e//Hu5aIaJfaUnM1zEGkEEEN\nGb4eBmCuz/Cpr2F1QK/7cCA3hrMwA=\n'
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha512');
// And this is the hash value, used as identifier:
// => 'f85b894ed02cbb1c32ea0564ef55ee2438a86c5a4988ca257dd7c71953f349d9cf0472838099967d9ec4ca15603efad17f6ac6b3f434c9080f99d6f2041799d7'
// Instead of the hash (or together with), we can also generate a UUID
// using the following procedure:
var buf = hash.digest();
// variant:
buf[8] = buf[8] & 0x3f | 0xa0;
// version:
buf[6] = buf[6] & 0x0f | 0x50;
var hex = buf.toString('hex', 0, 16);
var uuid = [
    hex.substring(0, 8),
    hex.substring(8, 12),
    hex.substring(12, 16),
    hex.substring(16, 20),
    hex.substring(20, 32)

6.1. Recovery configurations FSM

Recovery configurations will go through a Finite State Machine during their expected lifecycles. The following are the definitions of all the possible states for recovery configurations:

  • new: This state describes the raw parameters for the recovery configuration (mostly template) before the HTTP request to create the recovery configuration record in KBMAPI has been made.

  • created: Once the recovery configuration has been created into KBMAPI through the HTTP request to POST /recovery_configurations. The recovery configuration now has a unique uuid, the attribute created has been added and, additionally, the process to stage this configuration through all the Compute Nodes using EDAR has been automatically started. (TBD: Shall this really be automatic or should we make it require a explicit HTTP request, just in case we want to just stage + activate on a single CN for testing before we proceed with every CN?)

  • staged: The recovery configuration has been spread across all the CNs using EDAR (or at least to all the CNs using EDAR available at the moment we made the previous HTTP request). Confirmation has been received by KBMAPI that the "staging" process has been finished.

  • active: The request to activate the configuation across all the CNs where it has been previously staged has been sent to KBMAPI. The transtion from staged to active will take some time. We need to keep track of the transition until it finishes.

  • expired: When a given recovery configuration has been replaced by some other and we no longer care about it being deployed across the different CNs using EDAR. This stage change for recovery configurations is a side effect of another configuration transitioning to active.

                            +-------------| unstaging |--------------+
                            |             +-----------+              |
                            |                              unstage() |
                            v                                        |
    +------+   POST    +---------+   stage() +---------+        +--------+
    | new  | --------> | created | --------> | staging | -----> | staged |
    +------+           +---------+           +---------+        +--------+
                           ^                                        |  ^
             reactivate()  |                                        |  |
       +-------------------+                             activate() |  |
       |                                                            |  |
  +---------+   expire() +---------+         +-------------+        |  |
  | expired | <--------- | active  |  <----- |  activating | <------+  |
  +---------+            +---------+         +-------------+           |
       |                     |                                         |
       | destroy()           |  deactivate()   +--------------+        |
       v                     +---------------> | deactivating |--------+
  +---------+                                  +--------------+
  | removed |

While there is an expired state, a given recovery configuration can only reach such state only when another one has been activated. There’s no other value in keeping around an "expired" recovery configuration than allowing operators to reuse the same configuration several times w/o having to remove previous records due to the requirement for UUID uniqueness and the way it’s generated through template hash. This configuration needs to be re-staged to all the CNs again, exactly the same way as if it were a new one.


  1. We need to be able to recover from CNAPI being down either at the beginning or in the middle of a transition.

  2. We need to be able to recover from KBMAPI going down in the middle of a transition.

  3. We need to be able to provide information regarding a transition not only to the client which initiated the process with an HTTP request, but to any other client instance, due to eventual console sessions abruptly finished or just for convenience.

  4. We need to be able to "undo" transitions. It’s to say, "unstage" a work in progress staging process or "deactivate" a work in progress activation process.

  5. We agree that it’s OK to begin these "undo" processes when the process we’re trying to rollback has reached an acceptable level of progress. For example, if we want to deactivate a recovery configuration whose activation is in progress, taking batches of 10 CNs at time, and we have already processed 20 CNs and are in the middle of the process of the next 10, it’ll be OK to wait until the activation of those 10 CNs has been completed before we stop the activation of any more CNs and begin the deactivation of the 30 CNs we are already done with.

  6. We may have more than one KBMAPI instance (HA-Ready) and each one of these instances may receive requests to report either progress on the transition or current list of CNs with one or other recovery configuration active.

With all these requirements, we need to have a persistent cache which can be accessed not only by the process currently orchestrating the transition between two possible recovery configuration state, but by any other process or instance trying to provide information regarding such process or the consequences of it. We need to have a process which will orchestrate the transition, updating this persistent cache with progress as needed. This process will also lock the transition so there isn’t any other attempt to run it from more than one process at time.

This persistent cache will store, for each transition, the following information:

  1. The recovery configuration this transition belongs to.

  2. List of CNs/PIV Tokens to take part into the transition process (probably will be just the CNs using EDAR which are running at the moment the transition has been started)

  3. List of CNs where the transition has been completed and, in case of failure, as much information as possible regarding such failures.

  4. List of taskid for each CN where the transition is in progress. These will match with taskid for cn-agent into each CN which can be accessed through CNAPI using either GET /tasks/:task_id or GET /tasks/:task_id/wait.

  5. An indicator of wether or not the transition has been aborted.

  6. An indicator of whether or not the transition is running (possibly the unique identifier of the process orchestrating the transtion)

KBMAPI should provide:

  1. A process to orchestrate (run) the transtions (possibly backed up by a transient SMF service, which will come up handy in case of process exiting)

  2. An end-point to watch transitions progress.

We will have a moray bucket called kbmapi_recovery_configs with the following JSON config:

    "desc": "Recovery configuration templates",
    "name": "kbmapi_recovery_configs",
    "schema": {
        "index": {
            "uuid": { "type": "uuid", "unique": true },
            "hash": { "type": "string", "unique": true },
            "template": { "type": "string" },
            "state": { "type": "string" },
            "created": {"type": "date"},
            "staged": {"type": "date"},
            "activated": {"type": "date"},
            "expired": {"type": "date"}

Note the state field will include not only the final FSM states, but also the transitioning states so possible values are: created, staging, unstaging, staged, activating, deactivating, active, expired and reactivating. There’s no transition associated with expire status, b/c that happens as a result of another configuration becoming the active one.

We may want to keep a list of configurations for historical purposes.

The persistent transition cache will be stored into another moray bucket with the following structure:

    "desc": "Recovery configuration transitions",
    "name": "kbmapi_recovery_config_transitions",
    "schema": {
        "index": {
            "recovery_config_uuid": { "type": "uuid" },
            "name": { "type": "string" },
            "targets" : {"type": ["uuid"] },
            "completed" : {"type": ["uuid"] },
            "wip": { "type": ["uuid"] },
            "taskids": { "type": ["string"] },
            "concurrency": { "type": "integer" },
            "locked_by": { "type": "uuid" },
            "aborted": {"type": "boolean"}


Where targets is the collection of CNs which need to be updated, completed is the list of those we’re already done with, wip are the ones we’re modifying right now and taskids are the CNAPI’s provided taskid for each one of the CNs included in wip so we can check progress of such tasks using CNAPI. locked_by should be the UUID of the process which is currently orchestrating the transition.

We need to provide a way to check for stale processes leaving a transition locked. Having a way to periodically check for such processes sanity would be ideal. Looking for moray’s mtime for the transtion object and compare against a default timeout would be a fine starting point.

6.2. End-points

KBMAPI needs end-points to support the following command:

kbmctl recovery <add|show|list|activate|deactivate|stage|unstage|remove>

The following end-point and routes will be created:

HTTP Resource /recovery_configs:
  • GET /recovery_configs (ListRecoveryConfigs)

  • POST /recovery_configs (AddRecoveryConfig)

  • GET /recovery_configs/:uuid (ShowRecoveryConfig)

  • PUT /recovery_configs/:uuid?action=stage (StageRecoveryConfig)

  • PUT /recovery_configs/:uuid?action=unstage (UnstageRecoveryConfig)

  • PUT /recovery_configs/:uuid?action=activate (ActivateRecoveryConfig)

  • PUT /recovery_configs/:uuid?action=deactivate (DeactivateRecoveryConfig)

  • PUT /recovery_configs/:uuid?action=reactivate (ReactivateRecoveryConfig)

  • GET /recovery_configs/:uuid/watch (WatchRecoveryConfigTransition)

  • DELETE /recovery_configs/:uuid (RemoveRecoveryConfig)

Note that all the PUT requests will share the same URL and parameters.

6.3. AddRecoveryConfig (POST /recovery_configs)

Field Required Description



Base64 encoded recovery configuration template.



Number of ComputeNodes to update concurrently (default 10).



Boolean, allow the addition of a new recovery config even if the latest one hasn’t been staged (default false).



Boolean, automatically proceed with the staging of the recovery configuration across all nodes using EDAR w/o waiting for the HTTP request for stage.

6.4. WatchRecoveryConfigTransition (GET /recovery_configs/:uuid/watch?transition=\<name\>)

Field Required Description



The uuid of the recovery configuration to watch.



The name of the transition to watch for the given config.

Watch the transition from one recovery config state to the next one into the FSM.

This end-point will provide details regarding the transition progress using a JSON Stream of CNs which are or have already completed the transition, together with an eventual error message in case the transition failed for any of these CNs. When the transition has finished for all the CNs a final END event will be sent and the connection will be closed.

The format of these Transition Progress Events is still TBD.

In case a configuration has already finished a the given transition, the stream will be automatically closed right after the first response has been sent.

6.5. ListRecoveryConfigs (GET /recovery_configs)

Get a list of recovery configurations. Note that both, this and the ShowRecoveryConfig end-points will grab all the existing PIV tokens in KBMAPI and provide a counter of how many PIV tokens are using each config. Additionally, the show recovery config will provide the uuids (hostnames too?) of the CNs using a given recovery configuration.

6.6. ShowRecoveryConfig (GET /recovery_configs/:uuid)

Field Required Description



The uuid of the recovery configuration to retrieve.

This returns a JSON object containing the selected recovery configuration. This is a JSON object like:

    "uuid": "f85b894e-d02c-5b1c-b2ea-0564ef55ee24",
    "template": "AAAewr22sdd...",
    "hash": "0123456789abcdef",
    "created": "ISO 8601 Date",
    ["activated": "ISO 8601 Date",]
    ["expired": "ISO 8601 Date",]


6.7. UpdateRecoveryConfig (PUT /recovery_configs/:uuid?action=stage|unstage|activate|deactivate|reactivate)

Field Required Description



The uuid of the recovery configuration to stage.



The transition to apply to the recovery configuration.



Number of ComputeNodes to update concurrently (default 10).



In case we want to stage this configuration just for a given pivtoken (on a given Compute Node)

Note that in case pivtoken guid is provided, the recovery configuration state will not change.

6.7.1. RemoveRecoveryConfig (DELETE /recovery_configs/:uuid)

Field Required Description



The uuid of the recovery configuration to remove.

Only a recovery configuration that isn’t in use by any CN can be removed.

6.7.2. Other notes

Note that we need at least one recovery config for everything to work properly. We’ll need to figure out a way to provide such configuration either during initial headnode setup or during initial kbmapi install …​

At first pass we’ll assume that there are no encrypted CNs at all and that if we want to encrypt some, we’ll provide a mechanism to grab this config from the CN before we move ahead with the setup.

For now, we’ll just ensure that KBMAPI will reply with a hint regarding the need of adding a recovery configuration before we can add new PIV tokens.

6.8. Inventory: Recovery Configs associated with PIV tokens

There are different possible options to keep an up2date inventory of which recovery configuration is already staged and/or active into each CN with encrypted zpools (and therefore which recovery tokens associated witht those recovery configurations have been generated for the PIV tokens associated with these CNs).

The list of PIV Tokens stored by KBMAPI can be used as a cache of which configurations are present into each CN using EDAR. Each one of these PIV tokens have one or more recovery tokens associated with a given recovery configuration.

For example, for a CN with UUID 15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5 which has been created when a recovery configuration with hash f85b894ed0…​ was active, we’ll initially have the following object with one associated recovery token:

    "model": "Yubico YubiKey 4",
    "serial": 5213681,
    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "pin": "123456",
    "recovery_tokens": [{
        "created": 123456789,
        "activated": 123456789,
        "token": "jmzbhT2PXczgber9jyOSApRP337gkshM7EqK5gOhAcg...",
        "config": "recovery config template ..."
    "pubkeys": {
       "9e": "...",
       "9d": "...",
       "9a": "..."
    "attestation": {
       "9e": "....",
       "9d": "....",
       "9a": "...."

Note that on this initial case, the values for recovery_tokens[0].created and recovery_tokens[0].activated are the same, b/c this is the value we used for the initial CN setup.

If we have the need to generate another recovery token for this same PIV token, while the same configuration object is active, we’ll have the following modification to the PIV token’s recovery_tokens member:

    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "recovery_tokens": [{
        "created": 123456789,
        "activated": 123456789,
        "expired": 134567890,
        "token": "jmzbhT2PXczgber9jyOSApRP337gkshM7EqK5gOhAcg...",
        "config": "recovery config template ..."
    }, {
        "created": 134567890,
        "activated": 134567890,
        "token": "ecf1fc337276047347c0fdb167fb241b89226f58c95d...",
        "config": "another recovery config template ..."

The moment the new recovery_token has been activated, the previous one will be expired.

Then, when we add a new recovery configuration, a new recovery token will be added to each KBMAPI’s PIV token and this information will be stored into the CN too. We’ll call this latest recovery token to be "staged".

    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "recovery_tokens": [{
        "created": 123456789,
        "activated": 123456789,
        "expired": 134567890,
        "token": "jmzbhT2PXczgber9jyOSApRP337gkshM7EqK5gOhAcg...",
        "config": "recovery config template ..."
    }, {
        "created": 134567890,
        "activated": 134567890,
        "token": "ecf1fc337276047347c0fdb167fb241b89226f58c95d...",
        "config": "another recovery config template ..."
    }, {
        "created": 145678901,
        "token": "aff4fbb14b3de5c7e9986...",
        "config": "yet another recovery config template ..."

Once we activate a recovery configuration already staged into all our active CNs using EDAR, each CN will update its local information accordingly and the KBMAPI’s PIV token object will look as follows:

    "cn_uuid": "15966912-8fad-41cd-bd82-abe6468354b5",
    "guid": "97496DD1C8F053DE7450CD854D9C95B4",
    "recovery_tokens": [{
        "created": 134567890,
        "activated": 134567890,
        "expired": 145678911,
        "token": "ecf1fc337276047347c0fdb167fb241b89226f58c95d...",
        "config": "another recovery config template ..."
    }, {
        "created": 145678901,
        "activated": 145678911,
        "token": "aff4fbb14b3de5c7e9986...",
        "config": "yet another recovery config template ..."

Note there is no need to keep more than the recovery tokens asociated with the currently active and staged configurations. Previous recovery tokens can be removed as part of the process of adding/activating a new one, given the information they may provide will be useless at this point and in the future.

6.8.1. Implementation details

In order to provide reasonable search options for client applications trying to figure out which recovery configuration is active or staged into each Compute Node, storing the recovery tokens as an array within the PIV Tokens moray bucket is not the better approach. Instead, we’ll use a specific bucket where we’ll save each token’s properties and references to the PIV token that owns the recovery token, and the recovery configuration used for that token.

    "desc": "Recovery tokens",
    "name": "kbmapi_recovery_tokens",
    "schema": {
        "index": {
            "pivtoken_uuid": { "type": "uuid" },
            "configuration_uuid": { "type": "uuid" }
            "token": { "type": "string"},
            "created": {"type": "number"},
            "activated": {"type": "number"},
            "expired": {"type": "number"}

These recovery tokens will be then fetched from the PIV tokens model and loaded sorted by created value.

For new recovery config staging the CNs will be interested into the recovery config hash and template so those values should be provided together with the recovery token in order to avoid the need for another HTTP request.

For other actions like activate, cancel, remove …​ the recovery config uuid would do just fine (or the hash, since it can also be used to refer the same resource).

TODO: Shall we use date type for all these dates instead of numbers? I dunno which was the original reason for using timestamps here.

6.9. Inventory Update

During the add/activate new config phase, there are different possible ways to keep inventory "up to date", meaning that PIV tokens stored into KBMAPI DB cache should reflect the reality of what it’s already present into the CNs using EDAR.

Of these, the most simple one is to just wait for each addition/activation/removal (…​ whatever the KBMAPI task) to be completed. Using this approach there will be no need at all for changefeed publisher or subscribers.

+--------+  Add recovery cfg task  +-------+  run task  +----------+
| KBMAPI | ----------------------> | CNAPI | ---------> | cn-agent |--+
+--------+                         +-------+            +----------+  |
     ^   provide taskid to           |  ^   provide information       |
     |   wait for completion         |  |   about task progress       |
     +-------------------------------+  +-----------------------------+

Here, the "add recovery config" CN-Agent task consists of:

  • Either we’ll send the recovery_token’s details when we call the POST /servers/:server_uuid/recovery_config end-point, or we’ll let the cn_agent know that it has to perform an HTTP request to POST /pivtokens/:guid authenticated with the 9e key of the Yubikey attached to the CN in order to retrieve such information. Let’s assume at first that the simplest path will be used and, in order to save the extra HTTP request for each one of the CN agents, we’ll provide the information on the original HTTP request to CNAPI. Params: recovery token, hash, PIV token guid, action (add|activate|…​).

  • The cn_agent will store then the values for the new recovery config and the new recovery token.

  • The cn_agent will refresh local sysinfo to include the information about the new config hash.

  • KBMAPI will wait for task completion.

Drawbacks/Advantages regarding using changefeed pub/sub:

  • We need to block awaiting tasks completion while running the task from KBMAPI into multiple CNs. Given we want to run this task into a configurable number of CNs in parallel, we should provide some kind of TASK_TIMEOUT which will be fired, for example, when CNAPI "thinks" that a server is running, but either the server isn’t or cn-agent instance there is down. Failure into a single node shouldn’t result into failure for all nodes, specially if it’s a known failure like "node is down" or "cn-agent" is down. On these cases, we should still have the new recovery tokens created into KBMAPI or some other flag for later usage of a CN which, due to whatever reason, has been unable to complete the given recovery config task.

  • When a node hasn’t been able to complete the requested task due to whatever the reason (node down, cn-agent down, task execution failure) we need to provide a mechanism for the node to automatically try to get the latest configuration during the next boot of cn-agent. On these cases, we can add a task to cn-agent’s init (similar to the current sysinfo or status report ones), where the agent will perform a check against KBMAPI end-point for its own CN and verify that the local information is consistent with whatever is expected into KBMAPI and, in case it’s not, initiate a process similar to the one run during the aforementioned process.

             HTTP Request /pivtokens/:cn_uuid/pin.
             This is an HTTP Signature signed request
+----------+   Tusing 9e key from Yubikey.                +--------+
| cn-agent | -------------------------------------------> | KBMAPI |<-+
+----------+ <------------------------------------------  +--------+  |
     |         PIV token including recovery tokens.                   |
     |                                                                ^
     v                                                                |
Compare local config and token                                        |
against received information.      |  Once the task has been finished ^
In case of differences, init a new |  update PIV token in KBMAPI      |
"recovery config" related task.    |------->------>------>------->----+

Note this task will be executed only when cn-agent detects that it’s running at a server where EDAR is in use (encrypted zpool information, available from sysinfo).

  • This approach has no issues with a possible flow or concurrent requests to either CNAPI or KBMAPI from the different cn-agents, since the tasks will run in batches of configurable number of CNs and we’ll wait for completion, using a known size queue.

  • Changefeed, either usig cn-agent or a custom kbm-agent means having publishers and subscribers keeping connections and processes up for something which shouldn’t happen very frequently (recovery config modifications).

7. kbmctl

This is a command line tool that exists in the KBMAPI zone used to manage the KBMAPI data by an operator. In earlier revisions, this was called kbmadm, but that could cause confusion with kbmd’s kbmctl, so a different name was chosen.

7.1. kbmctl serials add

Usage: kbmctl serials add -d CA_dn start [end]

Adds the range [start, end] (i.e. inclusive) that use CA_dn as their attestation CA to the list of PIV tokens that can be provisioned. If end is omitted, the range is treated as [start, start] (i.e. a single entry).

7.2. kbmctl serials delete

Usage: kbmctl serials delete -d CA_dn start [end]

Removes the serial number range [start, end] which use CA_dn as their attestation CA to the list of PIV tokens that can be provisioned. If end is omitted the range is treated as [start, start] (i.e. a single entry).

7.3. kbmctl PIV token delete

Usage: kbmctl pivtoken delete guid

Deletes the PIV token with the given guid

7.4. kbmctl restore

Usage: kbmctl restore [-f] [-c cn_uuid] guid [timestamp]

Restores the data for the PIV token with the given uuid from the history table. If multiple entries for the same GUID are present, timestamp must be supplied to identify the entry to restore (the entry whose active range contains timestamp is chosen). Optionally, restore the PIV token to the given CN (if different from the history entry).

If the given CN already has a provisioned PIV token assigned to it, this fails unless the -f flag is provided.

7.5. kbmctl history

Shows the history entries

XXX: Add more detail.

7.6. kbmctl recovery <add|list|activate|cancel|remove>

7.6.1. kbmctl recovery add

  • How is the recovery configuration provided?

    kbmctl recovery add -f <ebox-template>

Where template is generated with pivy box.

  • Interactive mode could exist that invokes pivy box, but not required.

  • Makes a call to KBMAPI

  • No special authentication, beyond having access to admin network.

    kbmctl recovery add -n 10 - do 10 at time

7.6.2. kbmctl recovery list

See which configurations are in use

$ kbmctl recovery list
abcdef  7      old
123456  1      active
abc123  0      stage

See who is using those that are in use

$ kbmctl recovery list 123456
uuid1 or hostname...

Obvious KMBAPI endpoints

7.6.3. kbmctl recovery activate

  • will fail if not forced when not all compute nodes are on the active config or the stage configuration

    kbmctl recovery activate [-f]
  • Does pushing out all very quickly cause a cn-agent → cnapi storm that hurts cnapi or moray?

7.6.4. kbmctl recovery cancel

  • between add and activate

7.6.5. kbmctl recovery remove

  • removing an unused recovery config

8. kbmd

8.1. Introduction

kbmd (read: kaboom-dee) has 3 big areas of responsibility:

Firstly, it’s responsible for the "recovery" process — when a server has lost its primary YubiKey/PIV token, it is responsible for providing the interface an administrator uses (either on the console or a pty) to recover encryption keys, set up a new YubiKey, and get the system back on track. Since this logically requires it to be able to set up new YubiKeys from scratch, it’s also involved in the initial setup process to keep all the responsibility for that together.

Secondly, it’s responsible for the "unlock" process at boot — determining whether the primary YubiKey is available, getting the PIN (from boot-time module or pool config for standalone, or spawning a client to talk to KBMAPI), and if those fail, deciding whether to enter "recovery".

Thirdly, it’s responsible for everything during normal runtime that’s required to make those two processes work. This mostly means keeping track of the encrypted data boxes on the machine and the "recovery registry" (getting to that in a sec). It also means operating a door server and accepting requests from a commandline admin tool, "kbmadm".

The name "kbmd" reflects this — "Key Backup and Management Daemon". (Definitely not a backronym so we can pronounce it "kaboom". Definitely not.)

Encrypted boxes on the system fundamentally come in two forms — there’s the boxes associated with the zpool (one set for the primary YubiKey and one set for recovery), and then there are boxes for each of the keys stored by the RFD77 soft-token (recall that the soft-token individually encrypts its keys even when zpool encryption is enabled, as part of the effort to make a "class break" that compromises all of the keys on the system in one single operation, as difficult as possible).

The boxes themselves are stored as a zfs property (rfd77:config). The currently size limitations of zfs properties should allow for a single property to store approximately 8 boxes worth of data.

The soft-token keys have to be boxed individually to the primary PIV token (so that the primary PIV token can’t unlock all of them in a single operation), but they do not have to be boxed individually to the backup keys. In fact, it would be pretty inconvenient if they were, because we would have to do the challenge-response process at least N times for a machine with N zones on it.

So instead, the soft-token keys' backup comes in the form of a single large box (keyed only to the backup keys) which unlocks all of them. Every time we need to add or remove something from that box, we have to regenerate it from scratch using the individual boxes targeted to the primary YubiKey. So we keep a plaintext record next to it of the locations of all of the primary YubiKey boxes on disk. We call this whole structure together the "recovery registry".

This implies that the storage of these keys is somewhat managed by the system, and it is. When the soft-token wants to generate a new key, it has to coordinate with kbmd (via its door) to let it know the correct filesystem paths to find the primary boxes, and make sure the entries are added to the recovery registry and everything there is dealt with.

Since this happens when a new zone is provisioned, and an attacker is generally assumed to be able to provision things in the system, we don’t really want this to cause us to bring keys belonging to existing zones into RAM in a predictable controllable fashion. So the recovery registry is in fact split into two parts — the "old generation" and "new generation". When we add new keys we add them to the "new generation" and regenerate that only. Then, every 6-12 hours or so (completely at random) we combine the old and new generations together and regenerate the whole thing. This avoids an attacker being able to control the timing and nature of this operation easily (and it also means we don’t have to regenerate the whole registry every time we make a change — we basically bulk a bunch of changes up).

8.2. Usage

kbmd is managed using the kbmadm command. This communicates with kbmd via a private channel (currently a door) to send requests and receive responses. The behavior and format of the data sent across the door between kbmd and kbmadm is considered a private interface. Mixing versions of kbmd and kbmadm is explicitly not supported — they should always be updated in tandem. Since initial delivery of both programs is targeted to be a part of the platform image, this shouldn’t impose any additional maintenance burden.

kbmadm create-zpool args…​

Creates an encrypted zpool. args are the same arguments as zpool create. This initializes an attached PIV token (must be present), registers the PIV token with KBMAPI (receiving a recovery token in the process), creates a random encryption key for the pool, creates an ebox with the zpool key and recovery token (using the current recovery template for the recovery configuration) and then runs zpool create.

kbmadm unlock dataset

Opens the ebox associated with the given dataset, loads the key for the dataset, and if the dataset corresponds to the topmost dataset of a pool, mounts all the normal datasets that are typically mounted during a zpool import. If the dataset is the top most dataset in a pool, and is the system zpool (as denoted by the presence of /pool/.system_pool), the PIV token used to unlock the dataset’s ebox is designated as the system PIV token.

Note: we currently only create eboxes for the top most dataset in a pool, but since it would actually be more work to restrict the unlock to a top-most dataset, we leave the ability to unlock any dataset with an ebox for possible future use.

kbmadm recover

Start a recovery of an ebox (see In depth: recovery below).

kbmadm update-recovery

Update the recovery configuration of an ebox. This is currently for testing purposes, but may be retained for use in standalone (non-Triton) installations.

8.3. In depth: recovery

A recovery instance is created when another program running as root with full privs connects to the kbmd door and sends a "begin recovery" request (kbmadm recover). If kbmd decides it needs to initiate recovery on the console (e.g. during boot), it forks a child to start kbmadm to do this and places it on the console.

The "begin recovery" request is followed by a "conversation" similar to a PAM conversation: kbmd gives the client some text and instructions on what to ask the user and what options to allow them to reply with, the client replies with the user’s response, kbmd gives more questions to ask the user etc.

At the end of the conversation, kbmd does not reply to the final response until recovery is complete.

kbmd does the following before replying to the final response:

  1. A new token value is added to the rfd77:config zfs property on the primary zpool (i.e. zones).

  2. New managed box files with the GUID of the new token are created.

  3. Remove the old primary token from the rfd77:config zfs property on the primary zpool.

  4. Cleanup old managed box files: any box for a GUID not in rfd77:config or otherwise not known are deleted.

8.4. Boxes and eboxes