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Firewall API (FWAPI)
tables, code-friendly
Rules, Firewalls

FWAPI (Firewall API)

This is the reference documentation for FWAPI, the Firewall API for SmartDataCenter (SDC).


Design principles

The FWAPI design principles are:

  • It should be easy to manage rules for large numbers of machines easily - you should never have to manage the same rule for a number of machines.
  • Managing these rules should be made easier using the VM's metadata (eg: tags)
  • The firewall should live outside of the VM: it should be as if the VM is connected to its own physical firewall sitting between it and the rest of the world.
  • Updating firewall rules should happen out of band - it should be impossible to lock out whatever's doing the updating.
  • Updates should happen as instantaneously as possible, and should not require rebooting of the VM.

For more information about the implementation and various pieces of the firewalling system, consult the architecture and troubleshooting guide.

See also the examples for some common use-cases.

Default Policy

The default policy for a VM with its firewall enabled is:

  • block all inbound traffic
  • allow all outbound traffic

This default policy cannot be changed - you must add rules that get applied in addition to these defaults.


Important things to remember:

  • Rules are not necessarily per instance.
  • Rather, one rule can affect many VMs through the tags or all vms targets.
  • All user rules are tied to that users' owner_uuid, which restricts the rules to VMs that they own.
  • The exception is global rules - these are set by the administrator, and will apply to all VMs in the datacenter (not just for a particular owner). There is currently only one of these enabled by default, which allows pings from any host.
  • Rules can be individually enabled or disabled.

In the case of two rules that affect the same VM and port, the rule that goes counter to the default policy takes precedence. This means:

  • If you have an incoming BLOCK and an incoming ALLOW rule for the same VM and port, the ALLOW will override.
  • If you have an outgoing BLOCK and an outgoing ALLOW rule for the same VM and port, the BLOCK will override.


Important things to remember:

  • Firewall rules only affect a VM if it has the firewall_enabled property set to true.
  • Updating tags on the VMs will affect what rules are applied to the VM.
  • FWAPI firewall rules only work with SmartOS VMs. KVM VMs are not supported yet.

An Example

Say you are running a website - you have a number of web servers that make connections to a number of database servers. You want the following firewall behaviour:

  • Anyone on the internet can speak HTTP and HTTPS to the webservers
  • Webservers only can speak to the database servers on the database port
  • Webservers and database servers can SSH to each other

To implement this in FWAPI, you would first add three rules:

"Anyone on the internet can speak HTTP and HTTPS to the webservers":

FROM any TO tag www ALLOW tcp port (80 and 443)

"Webservers only can speak to the database servers on the database port":

FROM tag www TO tag db ALLOW tcp port 5432

"Webservers and database servers can SSH to each other":

FROM all vms to all vms ALLOW tcp port 22

"all vms" here means "all VM instances that are owned by that user"

There are two more steps necessary:

  • Updating all webserver VMs with tag www
  • Updating all database VMs with tag db

Please see the examples page for more examples.

Rule Syntax

Rules are written in a Doman Specific Language (DSL). References for it are:


These endpoints manage firewall rules.

GET /rules

Returns a list of all rules.


All inputs are optional filters on the list. Adding these filters will match rules with these targets in either the FROM or TO side of the rule.

Field Type Description
ip String IP
owner_uuid UUID Owner UUID
subnet String Subnet CIDR
tag String tag

Example: list all rules belonging to the admin owner_uuid

GET /rules
    -d owner_uuid=930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853

      "description": "allow pings to all VMs",
      "enabled": true,
      "global": true,
      "rule": "FROM any TO all vms ALLOW icmp TYPE 8 CODE 0",
      "uuid": "27775f65-d377-4979-9c7c-63c9d4f98525",
      "version": "1386743867795.003240"
      "description": "One new rule",
      "enabled": true,
      "owner_uuid": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
      "rule": "FROM (ip OR ip TO vm dfbcc139-990f-4b49-bb62-d3d6bd2fd52d ALLOW tcp PORT 559",
      "uuid": "d92dcf67-a74b-4fda-9019-82a5d74af551",
      "version": "1386898045802.093012"

GET /rules/:uuid

Returns a rule.

Field Type Description
owner_uuid UUID If set, will not return the rule unless its owner_uuid matches (optional)

Example: get a rule

GET /rules/d92dcf67-a74b-4fda-9019-82a5d74af551

  "description": "One new rule",
  "enabled": true,
  "owner_uuid": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "rule": "FROM (ip OR ip TO vm dfbcc139-990f-4b49-bb62-d3d6bd2fd52d ALLOW tcp PORT 559",
  "uuid": "d92dcf67-a74b-4fda-9019-82a5d74af551",
  "version": "1386898045802.093012"

PUT /rules/:uuid

Modifies a rule.


Field Type Description
description String Rule description (optional)
enabled Boolean Whether or not the rule is enabled (optional, default: false)
global Boolean Whether or not the rule is global (optional)
owner_uuid UUID Owner UUID of the rule (optional)
rule String The firewall rule (see the rule syntax guide) (optional)

Note: One of global or owner_uuid is required.

Example: disable a rule

PUT /rules/42859d04-c0f1-47d1-910e-382ffe07d029
    -d enabled=false

  "description": "One new rule",
  "enabled": false,
  "owner_uuid": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "rule": "FROM (ip OR ip TO vm dfbcc139-990f-4b49-bb62-d3d6bd2fd52d ALLOW tcp PORT 559",
  "uuid": "d92dcf67-a74b-4fda-9019-82a5d74af551",
  "version": "1386898045802.093012"

GET /rules/:uuid/vms

Returns the VMs affected by a rule.


Field Type Description
owner_uuid UUID Owner UUID to filter VMs by

Example: get the UUIDs of VMs affected by a rule

GET /rules/fb5ad3b7-9602-43c8-b286-8a7c0627a438/vms | json -a uuid

POST /rules

Creates a rule.


Field Type Description
description String Rule description (optional)
enabled Boolean Whether or not the rule is enabled (optional, default: false)
global Boolean Whether or not the rule is global (optional)
owner_uuid UUID Owner UUID of the rule (optional)
rule String The firewall rule (see the rule syntax guide) (optional)

Note: One of global or owner_uuid is required.

Example: create a rule

POST /rules
    -d description="One new rule"
    -d enabled=true
    -d owner_uuid=930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853
    -d rule="FROM (ip OR ip TO vm dfbcc139-990f-4b49-bb62-d3d6bd2fd52d ALLOW tcp PORT 559"

  "description": "One new rule",
  "enabled": true,
  "owner_uuid": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "rule": "FROM (ip OR ip TO vm dfbcc139-990f-4b49-bb62-d3d6bd2fd52d ALLOW tcp PORT 559",
  "uuid": "d92dcf67-a74b-4fda-9019-82a5d74af551",
  "version": "1386898045802.093012"

DELETE /rules/:uuid

Deletes a rule.


Field Type Description
owner_uuid UUID If set, will not delete the rule unless its owner_uuid matches (optional)

Example: delete a rule

DELETE /rules/42859d04-c0f1-47d1-910e-382ffe07d029
    -d owner_uuid=930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853



These endpoints display the firewall rules that apply to VMs.

GET /firewalls/vms/:uuid

Returns the rules that apply to a VM.


Field Type Description
owner_uuid UUID Owner UUID of the rule (optional)

Example: get the rules that apply to VM 2ca7d243-215f-41d7-a8ed-c83e4712a8bf

GET /firewalls/vms/2ca7d243-215f-41d7-a8ed-c83e4712a8bf

      "description": "allow pings to all VMs",
      "enabled": true,
      "global": true,
      "rule": "FROM any TO all vms ALLOW icmp TYPE 8 CODE 0",
      "uuid": "27775f65-d377-4979-9c7c-63c9d4f98525",
      "version": "1386743867795.003240"
      "enabled": true,
      "owner_uuid": "e6fcbc64-3f32-11e2-a144-bf78292e9628",
      "rule": "FROM ip TO tag tag2 ALLOW tcp PORT 80",
      "uuid": "fb5ad3b7-9602-43c8-b286-8a7c0627a438",
      "version": "1362178611215.099554"


This is an internal API endpoint used by the firewaller agent to fetch rules from the API. Its interface is unstable and for internal use only.

POST /resolve

This endpoint is used by the firewaller agent to fetch rules and assist with determining which remote VMs need to be transfered to a Compute Node. It is intended to resolve the following information:

For a given set of VMs that have a certain set of tags,

  • What firewall rules apply to those VMs?
  • What data do I need to request from VMAPI to retrieve VMs on other Compute Nodes that are targets of those rules?


Field Type Description
owner_uuid UUID Owner UUID of the rule (required)
vms Array of UUIDs VM UUIDs to query (optional)
tags Object Tag key / values to query (optional)

Example: get the rules that apply to VM 2ca7d243-215f-41d7-a8ed-c83e4712a8bf

POST /resolve -d '
  "owner_uuid": "98c2d1f4-66f4-468c-97ff-4b19c5d9ab22",
  "tags": {
    "foo": [ "bar", "blah" ]
  "vms": [ "b3073275-3c07-44ed-9e20-4c4fe3bb1e7f" ]

  "rules": [
      "enabled": false,
      "owner_uuid": "98c2d1f4-66f4-468c-97ff-4b19c5d9ab22",
      "rule": "FROM (tag foo = bar OR tag foo = baz) TO tag other ALLOW tcp PORT 53",
      "uuid": "fe1a83d9-2925-4c31-8b5d-ced893521a84",
      "version": "1407839134259.054114"
      "enabled": false,
      "owner_uuid": "98c2d1f4-66f4-468c-97ff-4b19c5d9ab22",
      "rule": "FROM (tag role = db OR tag role = www) TO tag foo = blah ALLOW tcp PORT 54",
      "uuid": "e0f3de04-d10e-4f54-9625-393196e66b69",
      "version": "1408036607587.069377"
      "description": "allow pings to all VMs",
      "enabled": true,
      "global": true,
      "rule": "FROM any TO all vms ALLOW icmp TYPE 8 CODE 0",
      "uuid": "34db1b5a-4097-4c91-b2bc-291b6efe67c0",
      "version": "1407798898407.030641"
      "enabled": true,
      "owner_uuid": "98c2d1f4-66f4-468c-97ff-4b19c5d9ab22",
      "rule": "FROM tag something TO vm b3073275-3c07-44ed-9e20-4c4fe3bb1e7f ALLOW tcp PORT 8080",
      "uuid": "7cf05767-74a9-4f22-a224-08eb54c935dd",
      "version": "1408036482005.069377"
  "tags": {
    "role": [ "db", "www" ],
    "something": true
  "vms": [],
  "allVMs": false,
  "owner_uuid": "98c2d1f4-66f4-468c-97ff-4b19c5d9ab22"

In the response above:

  • rules is the list of rules that apply to that set of VMs and tags.
  • tags is a mapping of tag key / values to retrieve. If a key is set to true, all VMs that have a tag with that name need to be retrieved, regardless of the tag's value. If set to an array of values, tags with that name and the values in the array need to be retrieved.
  • vms is a list of VM UUIDs to retrieve.
  • allVMs indicates that all VMs from this owner need to be retrieved.

Note that the values returned effectively form an OR query, so for the example above, we need to retrieve VMs with (tag role = db) OR (role = www) OR (tag something).



  • Added /rules/:uuid/vms endpoint.
  • Added /firewalls/vms/:uuid endpoint.


  • /rules/:uuid/vms: owner_uuid is no longer optional.


  • POST /rules/:uuid and PUT /rules/:uuid now require the global parameter if owner_uuid is not set.