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Joy Chen edited this page Sep 25, 2016 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the lektor-foundation wiki! Here you'll find information on the theme and how to use it.

This is a Zurb Foundation 6 ( theme for the Lektor static content management system ( To get started, download the theme, navigate to the location where you downloaded the theme, and run "lektor server" to preview the theme.


Things to Note

If you use this theme, you don't have to run "lektor quickstart" because this theme is already a Lektor project itself. Head into the "site.lektorproject" file and make sure you change the name of the project. You can also choose to change the "site.lektorproject" file name to something like "mysite.lektorproject" as long as you keep the ".lektorproject" ending.


The main layout file was edited to provide a base, but there isn't much to be seen in this section right now. However, in the future, I plan on adding a couple base page templates. My main focus currently is adding Foundation components as flow blocks.


The theme comes with an HTML minimization plugin straight out of the box, but if you would like to remove it, simply delete the line that says

lektor-htmlmin = 0.2

You can also add packages (plugins) by specifying the name and version of the plugin you are interested in under the [packages] heading.

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