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Dunder - geeky message API

Build Status codecov GolangCI

Dunder the message JSON API provides gateway for sharing messages directly out of you console. For best experience you may want to write your own tool for sharing messages or just use curl :)

Status - under heavy development

Don't consider Dunder as stable, everything may change. Beware software may also contain bugs!

Local development setup

Some tips how to get service up and running. Please familiarize yourself with Makefile it may provide some helpful commands. Note that go.mod file requires Go 1.13, it should be safe to build service with older versions.

Setup tls certs

TLS certs for development are stored under tls directory. Use mkcert to generate valid local certificates.

$ mkcert -install
$ mkcert -cert-file ./tls/crt.pem -key-file ./tls/key.pem "*" dunder.test localhost ::1

Setup local database

Currently Dunder provides only CockroachDB backend. However implementation is based on gorm so potentially it's possible to port it to other databases. Note that some inline SQL may be compatible only with Postgres.

Run docker-compose up to setup local CockroachDB cluster. Setup provides useful web interface at port 8080. Please consult docker-compose.yaml as some folder may need to be created to mount cluster data volumes.

Docker compose includes prebuild version of dunder connected with database cluster and it's available immediately after docker compose startup on port 9000. In this scenario dunder would use defaultdb database.

If you want to swap to other database you need to create it and set --cockroach.database flag. For example using postgresql-client:

$ createdb -p 26257 -h localhost -U root -e live_database

You could achieve same result by using CockroachDB repl client:

$ cockroach sql --insecure

And running create database SQL statement.

Running service

Service main code is placed under cmd directory. You need to build binary and run service.

$ go build -o bin/dunder cmd/*.go
$ ./bin/dunder --config_file config.yaml

You can also get information about available command line options by running:

$ ./bin/dunder -h
Usage of dunder:
      --use_tls                     Connection uses TLS if true, else plain TCP
      --port int                    GRPC port
      --log_level string            Options: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic string       
      --cockroach.database string   
      --cockroach.user string       
      --tls.crt string              TLS certificate file path
      --tls.key string              TLS key file path
      --config_file string          provide a config file path
  -h, --help                        print this help menu

Related flags could be set with config file config.yaml:

use_tls: true
  crt: tls/crt.pem
  key: tls/key.pem
port: 9000
debug: true

  host: localhost
  should_migrate: true
  debug: true
  database: live_database
  user: root

Send some messages

Post some messges:

$ TOKEN=`echo -n $USER | base64 -w0`
$ curl -d '{"text": "some text", "hashtags":["tag1", "tag2"]}' -H"Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://localhost:9000/message
$ curl -d '{"text": "some other text", "hashtags":["tag3", "tag4"]}' -H"Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://localhost:9000/message

User header is required and users are dynamically created as Dunder don't provide yet any endpoints for user management.

Get messages with filtering

Get some messages using eg. tag query:

$ curl https://localhost:9000/message?hashtag=tag1

Filter options:

- from_date - from date range
- to_date - to date range
- limit - response limit (default 100)
- cursor - pagination cursor
- user_name - filter by user name
- hashtag - filter by hashtag


Trends provides at smallest minute granularity statistics of messages occurrence with option to filter with hashtag. Aggregation option would accept time.Duration format and it's minimal value is 1m.

$ curl "https://localhost:9000/trend?to_date=2019-09-23&aggregation=1m&from_date=2019-09-22&hashtag=dummy3"

Trends options:

- from_date - from date range
- to_date - to date range
- hashtag - filter by hashtag
- aggregation - aggregation period

Further development

This section describes some further development steps to release Dunder to public.


Standard method is to build helm chart and scale service using Kubernetes cluster. Some reference implementation could be look up here. CockroachDB could be also easily setup and maintained in K8S cluster. Usually it's good choice to use ingress-nginx controller with TLS termination.

Kubernetes and TLS

Simplest approach is to use LetEncrypt and cert-manager to manage TLS along with DNS resolver. Certificates are stored directly in K8S secrets and can be mounted to service or used by ingress controller if TLS termination is made on LB level.

Monitoring and health checks

Kubernetes rolling update and load balancing requires decently working health checks for readiness and liveness probes. This enable load balancing and rolling update to happen properly with no down times or missed requests.

With OpenCensus it's easy to implement tracing and monitoring layers, to gain insights on usage and performance of service. By using OpenCensus one would have a lot of options for exporting tracing and metrics. For even deeper dive if application is deployed on GKE there is very nice tool for profiling with pprof so flame charts are directly available on Stackdriver page. Some additional reference.

Architecture expansion and performance

Current implementation may need some further optimization around SQL statements to get best efficiency at scale. Probably some geo partitioning tricks would be useful along with distributing app servers in different locations around world.

The nature of instant message sharing systems is that user would usually expect to see some recent messages. System could then evict old messages to other storage where they can be searched eg. using only batch jobs, so live database would be efficient in querying most recent messages.

Tweaking efficiency even further I would recommend to look at CQRS and Event Sourcing techniques eg. using SQL database as hard storage (command part) and piping commands down to eg. Redis cluster where query part would occur.


In current state Dunder is missing a lot of tests. Most critical path repository implementation have same parts covered (and may be improved). As this repository is just POC it would require some extra effort to cover all paths. However design of service allows for easy testing with eg. mockery since service layers depend on interface implementations rather then on concrete structures.