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API Reference

.. module:: jwt

.. function:: encode(payload, key, algorithm="HS256", headers=None, json_encoder=None)

    Encode the ``payload`` as JSON Web Token.

    :param dict payload: JWT claims, e.g. ``dict(iss=..., aud=..., sub=...)``
    :param str key: a key suitable for the chosen algorithm:

        * for **asymmetric algorithms**: PEM-formatted private key, a multiline string
        * for **symmetric algorithms**: plain string, sufficiently long for security

    :param str algorithm: algorithm to sign the token with, e.g. ``"ES256"``.
        If ``headers`` includes ``alg``, it will be preferred to this parameter.
    :param dict headers: additional JWT header fields, e.g. ``dict(kid="my-key-id")``.
    :param json.JSONEncoder json_encoder: custom JSON encoder for ``payload`` and ``headers``
    :rtype: str
    :returns: a JSON Web Token

.. function:: decode(jwt, key="", algorithms=None, options=None, audience=None, issuer=None, leeway=0)

    Verify the ``jwt`` token signature and return the token claims.

    :param str jwt: the token to be decoded
    :param str key: the key suitable for the allowed algorithm

    :param list algorithms: allowed algorithms, e.g. ``["ES256"]``

        .. warning::

           Do **not** compute the ``algorithms`` parameter based on
           the ``alg`` from the token itself, or on any other data
           that an attacker may be able to influence, as that might
           expose you to various vulnerabilities (see `RFC 8725 §2.1
           <>`_). Instead,
           either hard-code a fixed value for ``algorithms``, or
           configure it in the same place you configure the
           ``key``. Make sure not to mix symmetric and asymmetric
           algorithms that interpret the ``key`` in different ways
           (e.g. HS\* and RS\*).

    :param dict options: extended decoding and validation options

        * ``verify_signature=True`` verify the JWT cryptographic signature
        * ``require=[]`` list of claims that must be present.
          Example: ``require=["exp", "iat", "nbf"]``.
          **Only verifies that the claims exists**. Does not verify that the claims are valid.
        * ``verify_aud=verify_signature`` check that ``aud`` (audience) claim matches ``audience``
        * ``verify_iss=verify_signature`` check that ``iss`` (issuer) claim matches ``issuer``
        * ``verify_exp=verify_signature`` check that ``exp`` (expiration) claim value is in the future
        * ``verify_iat=verify_signature`` check that ``iat`` (issued at) claim value is an integer
        * ``verify_nbf=verify_signature`` check that ``nbf`` (not before) claim value is in the past

        .. warning::

            ``exp``, ``iat`` and ``nbf`` will only be verified if present.
            Please pass respective value to ``require`` if you want to make
            sure that they are always present (and therefore always verified
            if ``verify_exp``, ``verify_iat``, and ``verify_nbf`` respectively
            is set to ``True``).

    :param Union[str, Iterable] audience: optional, the value for ``verify_aud`` check
    :param str issuer: optional, the value for ``verify_iss`` check
    :param float leeway: a time margin in seconds for the expiration check
    :rtype: dict
    :returns: the JWT claims

.. module:: jwt.api_jwt

.. function:: decode_complete(jwt, key="", algorithms=None, options=None, audience=None, issuer=None, leeway=0)

    Identical to ``jwt.decode`` except for return value which is a dictionary containing the token header (JOSE Header),
    the token payload (JWT Payload), and token signature (JWT Signature) on the keys "header", "payload",
    and "signature" respectively.

    :param str jwt: the token to be decoded
    :param str key: the key suitable for the allowed algorithm

    :param list algorithms: allowed algorithms, e.g. ``["ES256"]``

        .. warning::

           Do **not** compute the ``algorithms`` parameter based on
           the ``alg`` from the token itself, or on any other data
           that an attacker may be able to influence, as that might
           expose you to various vulnerabilities (see `RFC 8725 §2.1
           <>`_). Instead,
           either hard-code a fixed value for ``algorithms``, or
           configure it in the same place you configure the
           ``key``. Make sure not to mix symmetric and asymmetric
           algorithms that interpret the ``key`` in different ways
           (e.g. HS\* and RS\*).

    :param dict options: extended decoding and validation options

        * ``verify_signature=True`` verify the JWT cryptographic signature
        * ``require=[]`` list of claims that must be present.
          Example: ``require=["exp", "iat", "nbf"]``.
          **Only verifies that the claims exists**. Does not verify that the claims are valid.
        * ``verify_aud=verify_signature`` check that ``aud`` (audience) claim matches ``audience``
        * ``verify_iss=verify_signature`` check that ``iss`` (issuer) claim matches ``issuer``
        * ``verify_exp=verify_signature`` check that ``exp`` (expiration) claim value is in the future
        * ``verify_iat=verify_signature`` check that ``iat`` (issued at) claim value is an integer
        * ``verify_nbf=verify_signature`` check that ``nbf`` (not before) claim value is in the past

        .. warning::

            ``exp``, ``iat`` and ``nbf`` will only be verified if present.
            Please pass respective value to ``require`` if you want to make
            sure that they are always present (and therefore always verified
            if ``verify_exp``, ``verify_iat``, and ``verify_nbf`` respectively
            is set to ``True``).

    :param Iterable audience: optional, the value for ``verify_aud`` check
    :param str issuer: optional, the value for ``verify_iss`` check
    :param float leeway: a time margin in seconds for the expiration check
    :rtype: dict
    :returns: Decoded JWT with the JOSE Header on the key ``header``, the JWS
     Payload on the key ``payload``, and the JWS Signature on the key ``signature``.


TODO: Document PyJWS class


.. currentmodule:: jwt.exceptions

Base exception when decode() fails on a token

Raised when a token cannot be decoded because it failed validation

Raised when a token's signature doesn't match the one provided as part of the token.

Raised when a token's exp claim indicates that it has expired

Raised when a token's aud claim does not match one of the expected audience values

Raised when a token's iss claim does not match the expected issuer

Raised when a token's iat claim is in the future

Raised when a token's nbf claim represents a time in the future

Raised when the specified key is not in the proper format

Raised when the specified algorithm is not recognized by PyJWT

Raised when a claim that is required to be present is not contained in the claimset