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Airflow dag for generating training data for a land segmentation ML model using the EO-Learn API and Geopandas

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Airflow dag for generating training data for a land segmentation ML model using the EO-Learn API and Geopandas. It is meant to be run on Google Cloud Composer and output to a GCS bucket.

Although it worked well on my side, it might not be bullet proof for all scenarios. It was mostly for my own practice.

1. Get url of Corine Land Cover 2018 geopackage (zip file)

2. Create a Sentinel Hub account and take note of your instance ID You will find your instance ID in the Configuration Utility section in the "Simple WMS template" area

3. Create a new layer called TRUE-COLOR-S2-L2A on Sentinel Hub

 1. Click "Edit" in Configuration Utility section (in Simple WMS template area)
 2. Then "Add new layer" at the top
			 . Enter "TRUE-COLOR-S2-L2A" as name
			 . In "Data Processing" select "TRUE_COLOR" as Base Product and "RGB visualization" in Visualization options
			 . Copy script to editor
			 . Click on "Set Custom Script"
 3. Save layer

4. Create your area of interest as Geojson (Europe only)
There should only be 1 geometry in the Geojson

5. Create and set a gcloud project

6. Create a Cloud Composer environment

gcloud beta composer environments create landcover-data-prep \
--location us-central1 \
--zone us-central1-b \
--machine-type c2-standard-4 \
--disk-size 100 \
--image-version composer-latest-airflow-1.10.2 \
--labels env=beta \

7. Install required packages in environment

gcloud composer environments update landcover-data-prep \
--update-pypi-packages-from-file requirements.txt \
--location us-central1

8. Fill in and upload variables_config.json file

	"variables_config": {
		"email": ["your_email_here"],
		"landcover_url": "corine_land_cover_2018_url_here",
		"aoi_geojson_url": "url_here",
		"sentinelhub_instance_id": "instance_id_here",
		"crs_output": "epsg:32631",
		"project_id": "your_google_cloud_project_id",
		"bucket_output": "your_google_cloud_bucket",
		"region": "europe-west4",
		"zone": "europe-west4-a"

9. Upload dag and assets to GCP with:


10. Trigger dag manually


Airflow dag for generating training data for a land segmentation ML model using the EO-Learn API and Geopandas






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