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Blueprint Functions

João Pedro Dante edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 8 revisions

Available functions:

Attach Joy Con

Blueprint node example.

Initializes controller and starts sending commands to UE4.


  • Integer Controller Index - Can be obtained using the structure Joy Con Information
  • Integer Grip Index - It can be a number from 0 to 7, it is used to select the player.


  • Bool Success - Returns true if executed successfully.

Connect Joy Con

Blueprint node example.

Opens a HID connection to the controller via Bluetooth and initializes the controller parameters.


  • Joy Con Information Joy Con Information
  • Bool Use Imu - Enable the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)
  • Bool Use Localize - Enable the accelerometer and gyroscope.
  • Float Alpha - Sets the controller filter coefficient.


  • Bool Success - Returns true if executed successfully.

Detach Joy Con

Blueprint node example.

De-initialize control and stop sending commands to UE4.



  • Bool Success - Returns true if executed successfully.

Disconnect Joy Con

Blueprint node example.

Closes the HID connection to the controller and de-initializes the entire controller.



  • Bool Success - Returns true if executed successfully.

Resume Joy Con Connection

Blueprint node example.

Restarts the JoyCon thread since it is a FRunnable and is closed by Unreal when the game exits.


  • Bool Success - Returns true if executed successfully.

Get Attached Joy Cons

Blueprint node example.

Gets all attached controllers.

Get Connected Joy Cons

Blueprint node example.

Gets all connected controllers.

Get Joy Con Accelerometer

Blueprint node example.

Gets the accelerometer from the controller.

Get Joy Con Gyroscope

Blueprint node example.

Gets the gyroscope from the controller.

Get Joy Con Vector

Blueprint node example.

Gets the IMU Vector from the controller.

Re Center Joy Con

Blueprint node example.

Reset the controllers IMU position.

Search for Joy Cons

Blueprint node example.

Searches for all controllers connected to the system and returns their information.

Set Joy Con Filter Coefficient

Blueprint node example.

Sets the filter coefficient of the controller.

Set Joy Con Grip Mode

Blueprint node example.

Sets the mode of operation of the controller.