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Okta Super Widget demo app

A live version of this app is avilable here:


The easiest way to install the Super Widget Demo is to download a .zip file of the (HTML, CSS, JS) assets for the demo.

.zip files of each release are avaiable on the ”releases” section of the GitHub page for the Super Widget Demo. Visit the releases section and download the most recent .zip file.

The filename of the .zip file will look like this:

Start a webserver on your local machine to serve the static files from the .zip files by doing the following:

  • Unzip this file on your local machine
  • Open a terminal
  • Change your working directory (cd) to the directory of the unzipped files
  • Start up a webserver for the static files on localhost:4000 as follows:
    • If you have Python installed, you can use the webserver that is built-in to Python as follows: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4000 (Python is installed by default on macOS and is installed by default on most GNU/Linux distrbutions)
    • http-server is a simple command-line HTTP server written for node.js that will work on GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows
  • Configure your Okta org to work with this demo by following the instructions below.
  • Visit http://localhost:4000 to start the demo on your machine

Installing from source

If you want to make in-depth modifications to this demo on your own machine, the best way to do this would be to clone this repository to your local machine and set up Jekyll as follows:

  1. Install Jekyll:
    gem install bundler jekyll
  2. Clone this repo:
    git clone
  3. cd into this repo:
    cd super-widget
  4. Configure your Okta org to work with this demo by following the instructions below.
  5. Modify the configuration settings in the index.html file as approprate for your Okta org
  6. Run jekyll serve
  7. Visit http://localhost:4000

Configuring your Okta org to work with this demo

The Super Widget demo depends on an Okta org that is configured with an OIDC app as well as an Authorization Server.

These are configured as follows:

Start editing the index.html file you downloaded

  • Use your favorite text editor to open the index.html you downloaded.
  • Replace with the base URL for your Okta org.

Create an Authorization Server

In your Okta org, select the items below in this order:

Admin → Security → API → Authorization Servers

  • Click the “Add Authorization Server” button
  • Configure as follows:
    • Name: Super Widget
    • Audience: http://localhost:4000
    • Description: Leave blank
    • Click the “Save” button
  • You will now see the configuration page for the “Super Widget” authorization server that you just set up
  • Click on the “Access Policies” tab
  • Click the “Add Policy” button
    • Name: “Accept all”
    • Description: “Accept all clients”
    • Assign to “All clients”
    • Click the “Create Policy” button
  • You will now have a new access policy
  • Click the “Add Rule” button
    • Name the rule “Accept all”
    • Keep all other default settings
  • Click the “Create Rule” button
  • Click the “Back to Authorization Servers” link on the top left of the screen
  • Copy the “Issuer URI” from the Authorization Server you just configuerd, open the index.html file in this project and replace with the URI for the Authorization Server you just configured.

Set up an OIDC app for the Super Widget

In your Okta org, select the items below in this order:

Admin → Applications → Applications → Add Application → Create New App

This will open a “Create a New Application Integration” window,

  • Configure the new Application Integration as follows:
    • Platform: Single Page App (SPA)
    • Sign on method: OpenID Connect
    • Click the “Create” button
  • You will see a “Create OpenID Connect Integration” page, configure as follows:
    • Application Name: Super Widget
    • Login Redirect URIs: http://localhost:4000
    • Click the “Save” button
  • You will see the “General” tab of the app you just created
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the tab
  • Copy the “Client ID” value and replace the 0oaexo9c530ZUVuOj0h7 value in index.html with the Client ID to the app you just created.

Configure CORS in Okta

In your Okta org, select the items below in this order:

Admin → Security → API → Trusted Origins

Then configure the Trusted Origin as follows:

  • Name: http://localhost:4000
  • Origin URL: http://localhost:4000
  • [X] CORS
  • [X] Redirect

Configure Redirect URLs in Okta

In your Okta org, select the items below in this order:

Admin → Applications → [The OIDC app you created above] → “General” Tab → “Edit” button

Add the URL for your site as a Login redirect URI: “http://localhost:4000”

How to deploy this app to your own site

Upload files to your host

  1. Configure the app for your site: This is done by editing the configuration lines at the start of the “index.html” file Per the instructions above.
  2. Run jekyll build This compiles all of the Jekyll templates and creates static files in the _site directory
  3. Copy all of the files in _site to your static file host.


This demo app is intended to demonstrate the Okta Sign-In Widget as well as the configuration and customization features that are demonstrated.

The existing and planned capabilities of this demo are below:

Existing Capabilities

  • Customization of the demo logo and colors, based on the domain name of the prospect.
  • Demonstration of how to customize the Okta Sign In Widget
    • Logo
    • Language
    • Title and submit button text
  • Demonstration of Okta Sign In Widget features, including:
    • Self-service Registration
    • Password Reset
    • Sign in with LinkedIn (can be configured for others as well)
    • MFA Enrollment (depends on how the demonstration org is configured)
    • MFA (depends on how the demonstration org is configured)
  • Demonstration of the three major ways to secure a web app with Okta
    1. Using the Okta Sign-In Widget
    2. “No Widget” using the Okta Auth JavaScript SDK
    3. Via a redirect to an Okta org
  • Post-Login capabilities:
    • Decoding of the id_token from Okta
    • Making a CORS request to Okta to fetch a list of assigned apps (depends on how the demonstration org is configured)
  • Logging out of an Okta session

Planned Capabilities

These are planned features, please feel free to add support for these features yourself. Create a Pull Request for your improvements when you do!

Testing checklist

This is the suggested manual testing procedure for the Super Widget:

  • [ ] Make sure the page loads

On the “Home” tab:

  • [ ] The Okta Sign-In widget is displayed
  • [ ] (After some delay, perhaps) “Sign In” button on Widget is dark “Okta” blue (this tests that the SASS is being parsed)
  • [ ] Changing language to ja turns Widget language to Japanese
  • [ ] Changing language to en turns Widget language back to English
  • [ ] Changing i18n.en.primaryauth.submit to Test changes button text
  • [ ] Adding comma after i18n: { results in error and the widget is not reloaded (this tests that linting is happening in the CodeMirror editor)
  • [ ] Moving cursor near bracket shows matching bracket (this tests that the CodeMirror editor is configured for JavaScript and shows matching brackets)
  • [ ] Clicking on “SASS” tab changes to SASS code
  • [ ] On the SASS tab: changing the first argument ($fonts) to Comic Sans MS changes all visible fonts on the Okta Sign-In Widget

Test the configuration dialog:

  • [ ] Clicking on “Wrench button” opens the configuration dialog
  • [ ] Changing “Customer Domain” to another domain (like “”) updates logo, “Color #1”, and “Color #2”


Single Page Application that demonstrates the Okta Sign-In Widget







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