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sync moved to own file
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jpjones76 committed Nov 10, 2016
1 parent f42fdda commit 082fd47
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Showing 3 changed files with 242 additions and 242 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/SeisIO.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ IRISget, irisws, # Web/IRIS.jl
SeedLink, SeedLink!, has_sta, SLinfo, # Web/SeedLink.jl
GetSta, chparse, # Web/WebMisc.jl
evq, gcdist, distaz!, getpha, getevt, # Utils/event_utils.jl
pull, getbandcode, prune!, purge, purge!, gapfill!, note, # Utils/misc.jl
gapfill, ungap!, ungap, sync!, sync, chan_sort, #
pull, getbandcode, prune!, purge, purge!, chan_sort, note, # Utils/misc.jl
gapfill, ungap!, ungap, sync!, sync, gapfill!, # Utils/sync.jl
randseischa, randseisdata, randseisevent, randseishdr, # Utils/randseis.jl
fctopz, # Utils/resp.jl
parsetimewin, j2md, md2j, sac2epoch, u2d, d2u, tzcorr, # Utils/time_aux.jl
Expand All @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ include("Utils/misc.jl") # Utilities that don't fit elsewhere
include("Utils/time_aux.jl") # Time functions
include("Utils/file_aux.jl") # File functions
include("Utils/resp.jl") # Instrument responses
include("Utils/sync.jl") # Synchronization
include("Utils/event_utils.jl") # Event utilities

# Data converters
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240 changes: 0 additions & 240 deletions src/Utils/misc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,246 +91,6 @@ function purge!(S::SeisData)
purge(S::SeisData) = (T = deepcopy(S); purge!(T); return(T))

gapfill!(x, t, fs)
Fill gaps in x, as specified in t, assuming sampling rate fs
function gapfill!(x::Array{Float64,1}, t::Array{Int64,2}, fs::Float64; m=true::Bool, w=true::Bool)
(fs == 0 || isempty(x)) && (return x)
mx = m ? mean(x[!isnan(x)]) : NaN
u = round(Int, max(20,0.2*fs))
for i = size(t,1):-1:2
# Gap fill
g = round(Int, fs*μs*t[i,2])
g < 0 && (warn(@sprintf("Channel %i: negative time gap (t = %.3f); skipped.", i, g)); continue)
g == 0 && continue
j = t[i-1,1]
k = t[i,1]
N = k-j
splice!(x, k:k-1, mx.*ones(g))

# Window if selected
if w
if N >= u
x[j+1:k] .*= tukey(N, u/N)
warn(string(@sprintf("Channel %i: Time window too small, ",i),
@sprintf("x[%i:%i]; replaced with mean.", j+1, k)))
x[j+1:k] = mx
return x

gapfill(x::Array{Float64,1}, t::Array{Int64,2}, f::Float64) =
(y = deepcopy(x); gapfill!(y,t,f); return y)

Fill time gaps in S with the mean of data in S. If S is a SeisData structure,
time gaps in channel [i] are filled with the mean value of each channel's data.
function ungap!(S::SeisChannel; m=true::Bool, w=true::Bool)
N = size(S.t,1)-2
(N 0 || S.fs == 0) && return S
gapfill!(S.x, S.t, S.fs, m=m, w=w)
note(S, @sprintf("Filled %i gaps (sum = %i microseconds)", N, sum(S.t[2:end-1,2])))
S.t = [reshape(S.t[1,:],1,2); [length(S.x) 0]]
return S
function ungap!(S::SeisData; m=true::Bool, w=true::Bool)
for i = 1:1:S.n
N = size(S.t[i],1)-2
(N 0 || S.fs[i] == 0) && continue
gapfill!(S.x[i], S.t[i], S.fs[i], m=m, w=w)
note(S, i, @sprintf("Filled %i gaps (sum = %i microseconds)", N, sum(S.t[i][2:end-1,2])))
S.t[i] = [reshape(S.t[i][1,:],1,2); [length(S.x[i]) 0]]
return S
ungap(S::Union{SeisData,SeisChannel}; m=true::Bool, w=true::Bool) = (T = deepcopy(S); ungap!(T, m=m, w=w))

Synchronize time ranges of S and pad data gaps.
sync!(S, resample=true)
Synchronize S and resample data in S to the lowest non-null interval in S.fs.
sync!(S, resample=true, fs=FS)
Synchronize S and resample data in S to `FS`. Note that a poor choice of `FS`
can lead to upsampling and other bad behaviors. Resample requests are
ignored if S has only one data channel.
sync!(S, s=ST, t=EN)
Synchronize all data in S to start at `ST` and terminate at `EN`.
#### Specifying start time
Start time can be synchronized to a variety of values:
* `ST` = "max": Sync to earliest start time of any channel in `S`. (default)
* `ST` = "min": Use latest start time of any channel in `S`.
* `ST` numeric: Start at epoch time ST.
* ST is a DateTime: Start at ST.
* ST is a string other than "max" or "min": Start at DateTime(ST).
#### Specifying end time
* `ET` = "max": Synchronize to latest end time in `S`. (default)
* `ET` = "min": Synchronize to earliest end time in `S`.
* numeric, datetime, and other string values are as for `ST`.
function sync!(S::SeisData; resample=false::Bool, fs=0::Real,

# Do not edit order of operations
ungap!(S, m=false, w=false)
start_times = zeros(S.n)
end_times = zeros(S.n)
c = find(S.fs .== 0)
for i in c
start_times[i] = S.t[i][1,2]
end_times[i] = sum(S.t[i][:,2])
k = find((S.fs .> 0).*[!isempty(S.x[i]) for i=1:S.n])
for i in k
S.x[i] -= mean(S.x[i])
start_times[i] = round(Int, S.t[i][1,2]*S.fs[i]) / S.fs[i]
[end_times[i] = length(S.x[i])/S.fs[i] for i in k]
# Do not edit order of operations

# Possible options for s
if isa(s,Real)
t_start = round(Int, s/μs)
elseif isa(s,DateTime)
t_start = round(Int, Dates.datetime2unix(s)/μs)
starts = start_times[k]
if s == "max"
t_start = minimum(starts)
elseif s == "min"
t_start = maximum(starts)
t_start = round(Int, Dates.datetime2unix(DateTime(s))/μs)

# Possible options for t
if isa(t,Real)
t_end = t_start + round(Int, t/μs)
elseif isa(t,DateTime)
t_end = round(Int, Dates.datetime2unix(t)/μs)
ends = end_times[k] + start_times[k]
if t == "max"
t_end = maximum(ends)
elseif t == "min"
t_end = minimum(ends)
t_end = round(Int, Dates.datetime2unix(DateTime(t))/μs)
t_end <= t_start && error("No time overlap with given start \& end times!")
@printf(STDOUT, "Synching %.2f seconds of data\n", (t_end - t_start)*μs)

# Resample
if resample && S.n > 1
f0 = fs == 0 ? minimum(S.fs[S.fs .> 0]) : fs
N = floor(Int64, f0*(t_end-t_start)*μs)-1
for i = 1:S.n
S.fs[i] == 0 && continue
isapprox(S.fs[i],f0) && continue
S.x[i] = resample(S.x[i], f0/S.fs[i])
S.fs[i] = f0
note(S, i, @sprintf("Resampled to %.1f", f0))

sstr = string(Dates.unix2datetime(t_start*μs))
tstr = string(Dates.unix2datetime(t_end*μs))

# Pad and truncate
end_times += start_times

# Loop over non-timeseries data
for i in c
if S.fs[i] == 0
t = cumsum(S.t[i][:,2])
j = find(t_start .< t .< t_end)
S.x[i] = S.x[i][j]
if isempty(j)
S.t[i] = Array{Int64,2}()
note(S, i, @sprintf("Channel emptied; no samples in range %s--%s.", sstr, tstr))
t = t[j]
t = [t[1]; diff(t)]
S.t[i] = reshape(t,length(t),1)
note(S, i, @sprintf("Samples outside range %s--%s pulled.", sstr, tstr))

# PRE LOOP: fill empty items
for i = 1:S.n
if length(S.x[i]) == 0 && S.fs[i] > 0
S.x[i] = zeros(1 + round(Int, S.fs[i]*(t_end-t_start)*μs))
S.t[i] = [1 t_start; length(S.x[i]) t_end]
note(S, i, "Replaced empty data array with zeros.")

for i in k
fsμ = S.fs[i]*μs
dt = round(Int, 1/fsμ)

mx = mean(S.x[i])

# truncate X to values within bounds
t = t_expand(S.t[i], S.fs[i])
j = find(t_start .< t .< t_end)
S.x[i] = S.x[i][j]

# prepend time series data that begin late
if (start_times[i] - t_start) >= dt
ni = round(Int, (start_times[i]-t_start)*fsμ)
prepend!(S.x[i], collect(repeated(mx, ni)))
note(S, i, join(["Prepended ", ni, " values."]))
end_times[i] = t_start + round(Int, length(S.x[i])/fsμ)

if (t_end - end_times[i]) >= dt
ii = round(Int, (t_end-end_times[i])*fsμ)
append!(S.x[i], collect(repeated(mx, ii)))
note(S, i, join(["Appended ", ii, " values."]))
S.t[i] = [1 t_start; length(S.x[i]) 0]
note(S, i, "Synched to "*sstr*" -- "*tstr)
return S

T = sync(S)
Synchronize time ranges of S and pad data gaps.
T = sync(S, downsample=true)
Synchronize S and downsample data to the lowest non-null interval in S.fs.
sync(S::SeisData; r=false::Bool) = (T = deepcopy(S); sync!(T, resample=r);
return T)

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