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Recoded SEGY
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jpjones76 committed Dec 8, 2016
1 parent 400651e commit 0fc4805
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Showing 11 changed files with 257 additions and 467 deletions.
532 changes: 186 additions & 346 deletions src/Formats/SEGY.jl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

157 changes: 56 additions & 101 deletions src/Formats/Win32.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,74 +1,57 @@
getcha(cf) = (f = open(cf, "r"); F = readlines(f); close(f); return F)

function get_netStr(orgID,netID)
fname = string(Pkg.dir(),"/SeisIO/src/FileFormats/jpcodes.csv")
isfile(fname) || return "Unknown"
nets = readdlm(fname, ';')
i = find((nets[:,1].==orgID).*(nets[:,2].==netID))
if isempty(i)
return "Unknown"
return nets[i[1],:]
# =======================================================
# Auxiliary functions not for export

# stupid, but effective
function int4_2c(s::Array{Int32,1})
p = map(Int32, [-8,4,2,1])
p = Int32[-8,4,2,1]
return dot(p, s[1:4]), dot(p, s[5:8])

function win32dict(Nh::UInt16, cinfo::String, hexID::String, StartTime::Float64, orgID::String, netID::String)
k = Dict{String,Any}()
k["hexID"] = hexID
k["orgID"] = orgID
k["netID"] = netID
k["netName"] = get_netStr(orgID,netID)
k["locID"] = @sprintf("%i%i", parse(orgID), parse(netID))
parse(k["locID"]) > 99 && (warn(string("hexID = ", hexID, "locID > 99, loc code can't be set.")); k["locID"] = "")
k["data"] = Array{Int32,1}()
k["OldTime"] = 0
k["seisSum"] = 0
k["seisN"] = 0
k["seisNN"] = 0
k["startTime"] = StartTime
k["gapStart"] = Array{Int64,1}(0)
k["gapEnd"] = Array{Int64,1}(0)
k["fs"] = Float32(Nh)
k = Dict{String,Any}("hexID" => hexID, "orgID" => orgID, "netID" => netID, "data" => Array{Int32,1}(),
"OldTime" => 0, "seisSum" => 0, "seisN" => 0, "seisNN" => 0, "startTime" => StartTime,
"locID" => @sprintf("%i%i", parse(orgID), parse(netID)), "gapStart" => Array{Int64,1}(0), "gapEnd" => Array{Int64,1}(0), "fs" => Float32(Nh))

# Ensure my locID kluge doesn't produce garbage
parse(k["locID"]) > 99 && (warn(string("For hexID = ", hexID, ", locID > 99; location ID unset.")); k["locID"] = "")

# Get local (Japanese) network and subnet
nets = readdlm(string(Pkg.dir(),"/SeisIO/src/Formats/jpcodes.csv"), ';')
i = find((nets[:,1].==orgID).*(nets[:,2].==netID))
k["netName"] = isempty(i) ? "Unknown" : nets[i[1],:]

# Entries from channel line
c = split(cinfo)
k["scale"] = parse(c[13]) / (parse(c[8]) * 10^(parse(c[12])/20))
k["scale"] = Float64(parse(c[13]) / (parse(c[8]) * 10^(parse(c[12])/20)))
k["lineDelay"] = Float32(parse(c[3])/1000)
k["unit"] = c[9]
k["fc"] = Float32(1/parse(c[10]))
k["hc"] = Float32(parse(c[11]))
k["loc"] = [parse(c[14]), parse(c[15]), parse(c[16])]
k["pCorr"] = parse(Float32, c[17])
k["sCorr"] = parse(Float32, c[18])
# A comment column isn't strictly required by the win format specs
k["comment"] = length(c) > 18 ? c[19] : ""
return k

function getcid(Chans, ch)
function getcid(Chans::Array{String,1}, hexID::String)
for i = 1:1:length(Chans)
L = split(Chans[i])
if L[1] == ch
if L[1] == hexID
return i, join(L[4:5],'.')
return -1, ""
# =======================================================

S = r_win32(filestr, chanfile)
Read all win32 data matching string pattern `filestr`, with corresponding
channel file `chanfile`, into dictionary S. Keys correspond to win32
S = readwin32(filestr, chanfile)
Read all win32 files matching pattern `filestr` into SeisData object `S` using channel file `chanfile`.
function r_win32(filestr::String, cf::String; v=false)
Chans = getcha(cf)
function readwin32(filestr::String, cf::String; v=false::Bool)
Chans = readlines(cf)
seis = Dict{String,Any}()
files = lsw(filestr)
nf = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,8 +114,10 @@ function r_win32(filestr::String, cf::String; v=false)
V = read(fid, fmt, N)
x[2:end] = [bswap(i) for i in V]
# cumsum doesn't work on int32...?

# cumsum doesn't work on Int32 in Julia as of 0.4.x
[x[i] += x[i-1] for i in 2:1:length(x)]

# Account for time gaps
gap = NewTime - seis[id]["OldTime"] - 1
if ((gap > 0) && (seis[id]["OldTime"] > 0))
Expand All @@ -155,6 +140,7 @@ function r_win32(filestr::String, cf::String; v=false)
nf += 1

# Fill data gaps
for i in collect(keys(seis))
J = length(seis[i]["gapStart"])
Expand All @@ -174,72 +160,41 @@ function r_win32(filestr::String, cf::String; v=false)
seis["fname"] = filestr
seis["cfile"] = cf
return seis

function win32toseis(D = Dict{String,Any}())
K = sort(collect(keys(D)))
seis = SeisData()
S = SeisData()
K = sort(collect(keys(seis)))

# Create SeisData object from this mess
for k in K
!isa(D[k],Dict{String,Any}) && continue
fs = D[k]["fs"]
units = D[k]["unit"]
(net, sta, chan_stub) = split(k, '.')
fc = D[k]["fc"]
hc = D[k]["hc"]
b = getbandcode(fs, fc = fc) # Band code
g = 'H' # Gain code
c = chan_stub[1] # Channel code
c == 'U' && (c = 'Z') # Nope
cha = string(b,g,c)
loc = D[k]["locID"]
# Location codes are based on Japanese numeric network codes
# This is done because the SEED standard currently only has one Japanese
# network listed; JMA, under code "JP"

id = join(["JP", sta, loc, cha], '.')
# There will be issues here; Japanese files use NIED or local station
# names, which don't necessarily match international station names. See e.g.
# for an example of the (lack of) correspondence
!isa(seis[k], Dict{String,Any}) && continue

fs = seis[k]["fs"]
units = seis[k]["unit"]
x = map(Float64, seis[k]["data"])
t = [1 round(Int,seis[k]["startTime"]/μs); length(seis[k]["data"]) 0]
src = string("Win32,", u2d(time()), ",", filestr)
notes = [string(" Channel file ", seis["cfile"]); string(" Location comment: ", seis[k]["comment"])]
misc = Dict{String,Any}(i => seis[k][i] for i in ("hexID", "orgID", "netID", "fc", "hc", "pCorr", "sCorr", "lineDelay", "comment"))

x = map(Float64, D[k]["data"].*D[k]["scale"])
t = [1 round(Int,D[k]["startTime"]/μs); length(D[k]["data"]) 0]
src = "win32"
notes = [string(now, " Record source: ", D[k]["netName"]);
string(now, " Location comment: ", D[k]["comment"]);
string(now, " Read from file ", D["fname"]);
string(now, " Channel file ", D["cfile"])]
misc = Dict{String,Any}()
if units == "m/s"
resp = fctopz(fc, hc=hc, units=units)
resp = fctopz(seis[k]["fc"], hc=seis[k]["hc"], units=units)
resp = Array{Complex{Float64},2}(0,2)
[misc[sk] = D[k][sk] for sk in ("hexID", "orgID", "netID", "fc", "hc", "pCorr", "sCorr", "lineDelay", "comment")]

seis += SeisChannel(id=id,
loc=[D[k]["loc"]; 0; 0],
return seis

S = readwin32(filestr, chanfile)
# There will be issues here. Japanese files use NIED or local station
# names, which don't necessarily match international station names. See e.g.
# for an example of the (lack of) correspondence
(net, sta, chan_stub) = split(k, '.')
b = getbandcode(fs, fc = seis[k]["fc"]) # Band code
g = 'H' # Gain code
c = chan_stub[1] # Channel code
c == 'U' && (c = 'Z') # Nope

Read all win32 data matching string pattern `filestr`, with corresponding
channel file `chanfile`; return a seisdata object S.
id = join(["JP", sta, seis[k]["locID"], string(b,g,c)], '.')

readwin32(f::String, c::String; v=false::Bool) = (
D = r_win32(f, c, v=v); return(win32toseis(D)))
S += SeisChannel(id=id, name=k, x=x, t=t, gain=seis[k]["scale"], fs=fs, units=units, loc=[seis[k]["loc"]; 0; 0], misc=misc, src=src, resp=resp, notes=notes)
return S
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/SeisIO.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ parsemseed, readmseed, parsesl, readmseed, parserec, # Formats/mSEED.j
rlennasc, # Formats/LennartzAsc.jl
prunesac!, chksac, sachdr, sactoseis, get_sac_keys, parse_sac, # Formats/SAC.jl
rsac, readsac, wsac, writesac, #
readsegy, segyhdr, pruneseg, segytosac, segytoseis, r_segy, # Formats/SEGY.jl
readsegy, segyhdr, # Formats/SEGY.jl
readuw, uwdf, uwpf, uwpf!, # Formats/UW.jl
readwin32, win32toseis, r_win32, # Formats/Win32.jl
batch_read, # Formats/BatchProc.jl
Expand Down
Binary file added test/2016.343.01.05.00.CC.TIMB..EHZ.R.mseed
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added test/2016.343.01.05.00.UW.TDH..EHZ.R.mseed
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added test/2016.343.01.05.00.UW.VLL..EHZ.R.mseed
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added test/2016.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added test/2016.
Binary file not shown.
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions test/examples.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,22 @@
using SeisIO

# IRIS SeedLink server
println("SeedLink example: TIME mode, 3 stations, IRIS server")
# IRIS SeedLink session
sta = ["GPW UW"; "MBW UW"; "SHUK UW"]
seis = SeedLink(sta, s=0, t=60)

# US FDSN get, multiple stations
println("FDSNget example: 5 stations, 2 networks, all channels, last 600 seconds")
# US FDSNget example: 5 stations, 2 networks, all channels, last 600 seconds
CHA = "*"
T = -600
S = now()
seis = FDSNget(net=NET, sta=STA, cha=CHA, s=S, t=T)

# Iris web service, single station, written to SAC
println("irisws example saved as mini-SEED")
# Iris web service, single station, written to miniseed
seis = irisws(net="CC", sta="TIMB", cha="EHZ", t=-300, fmt="miniseed")

# Iris web service, multiple stations, saved to SeisIO native
println("IRISget example: 6 channels, 10 minutes, synchronized, saved in SeisIO format")
# IRISget example: 6 channels, 10 minutes, synchronized, saved in SeisIO format"
S = "2016-05-16T14:50:00"
T = 600
Expand Down
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions test/file_formats.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,18 +4,17 @@ uw_root = "SampleFiles/99062109485W"
sac_file = "SampleFiles/test.sac"

SEG = r_segy(segy_file, f="nmt")
SEG = readsegy(segy_file, nmt=true, fast=false)
println("...header accuracy...")
@test_approx_eq(SEG["scale_fac"]/SEG["gainConst"], 1.90735e-06)
@test_approx_eq(SEG["nzyear"], 2002)
@test_approx_eq(SEG["nzjday"], 50)
@test_approx_eq(SEG["nzhour"], 2)
@test_approx_eq(SEG["nzmin"], 1)
@test_approx_eq(SEG["nzsec"], 34)
@test_approx_eq(SEG["nzmsec"], 913)
@test_approx_eq(SEG["sampDT"], 10000)
@test_approx_eq(1/SEG.gain, 1.9073486328125e-6)
@test_approx_eq(SEG.misc["year"], 2002)
@test_approx_eq(SEG.misc["day"], 50)
@test_approx_eq(SEG.misc["hour"], 2)
@test_approx_eq(SEG.misc["min"], 1)
@test_approx_eq(SEG.misc["sec"], 34)
@test_approx_eq(SEG.fs, 100.0)
println(" accuracy...")
@test_approx_eq(SEG["data"][1:10], [-1217,-1248,-1252,-1258,-1251,-1243,-1204,-1178,-1188,-1157])
@test_approx_eq(SEG.x[1:10], [-1217,-1248,-1252,-1258,-1251,-1243,-1204,-1178,-1188,-1157])

println("Lennartz ASCII...")
A = rlennasc(lenn_file)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/seisdata_test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ S += readsac(sac_file) # SAC
@test_approx_eq(S.t[S.n][end,2], 0.0)

S += readsegy(segy_file, f="nmt") # SEGY rev 0 mod PASSCAL
S += readsegy(segy_file, nmt=true) # PASSCAL SEGY r0
@test_approx_eq(S.t[S.n][1,1], 1.0)
@test_approx_eq(S.t[S.n][end,1], length(S.x[S.n]))
Expand Down

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