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fixed pf parsing, hdr; type-stable nextline
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jpjones76 committed Aug 13, 2018
1 parent 9774222 commit f815bbb
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 98 deletions.
231 changes: 133 additions & 98 deletions src/Formats/UW.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
# ============================================================================
# Utility functions not for export
function nextline(pf::IO, c::Char)
tmpstring = chomp(readline(pf))
while tmpstring[1] != c
tmpstring = readline(pf)
if eof(pf)
tmpstring = -1
eof(pf) && return "-1"
s = "\0"
while s[1] != c
eof(pf) && return "-1"
s = chomp(readline(pf))
return tmpstring
return s

function getpf(froot::String, lc::Array{UInt8,1})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ function uwpf!(S::SeisEvent, pickfile::String; v=0::Int)
m = 0
pline = nextline(pf,'.')
v>2 && println(stdout, pline)
while pline != -1
while pline != "-1"
m += 1
sta = pline[2:4]
cmp = pline[6:8]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,115 +71,153 @@ function uwpf!(S::SeisEvent, pickfile::String; v=0::Int)

H = uwpf(hf, v::Int)
H = uwpf(pf, v::Int)
Read University of Washington-format seismic pick file `hf` into SeisHdr `H`. `v` controls verbosity, set `v>0` for verbose debug mode.
Read University of Washington-format seismic pick file `pf` into SeisHdr struct `H`. `v` controls verbosity; set `v > 0` to dump verbose debug info. to STDOUT.
function uwpf(pickfile::String, v::Int)
pf = open(pickfile, "r")
A = nextline(pf,'A')
v>0 && println(stdout, A)
D = Dict{String, Any}()

# Initialize variables that will fill SeisHdr structure
LOC = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, 3); LOC[1:3] .= NaN;
MAG = -5.0f0
ID = zero(Int64)
OT = zero(Float64)

# Read begins --------------------------------------------------------------
A = nextline(pf, 'A')
(v > 1) && println(stdout, A)
c = 0
if length(A) == 75 || length(A) == 12
y = 0
y = zero(Int8)
c = 1900
y = 2
y = Int8(2)
D = Dict{String,Any}()
D["type"] = A[2]

# Start time
ot = d2u(DateTime(string(Meta.parse(A[3:4+y]) + c)*A[5+y:12+y],"yyyymmddHHMM"))
OT = d2u(DateTime(string(Base.parse(Int64, A[3:4+y]) + c)*A[5+y:12+y], "yyyymmddHHMM"))

si = [13,19,27,36,42,43,47,51,54,58,61,66,71,74] .+ y
ei = [18,26,35,41,42,46,49,53,57,60,65,70,72,75] .+ y
si = Int8[13, 19, 27, 36, 42, 43, 47, 51, 54, 58, 61, 66, 71, 74] .+ y
ei = Int8[18, 26, 35, 41, 42, 46, 49, 53, 57, 60, 65, 70, 72, 75] .+ y
L = length(si)

if length(A) > (14+y)
ah = [A[si[i]:ei[i]] for i=1:L]
# Parse numeric and string headers
nh = [Meta.parse(ah[i]) for i in [1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]]
# [sec, evdp, mag, numsta, numpha, gap, dmin, rms, err]
(evla,evlo,qual,vmod) = (ah[2],ah[3],ah[13],ah[14])

# Set start time of each channel
ot += nh[1]
dep = nh[2]
mag = Float32(nh[3])

# Lat, Lon, Dep, Mag
lat = (Meta.parse(evla[1:3]) + Meta.parse(evla[5:6])/60 + Meta.parse(evla[7:8])/6000) * (evla[4] == 'S' ? -1.0 : 1.0)
lon = (Meta.parse(evlo[1:4]) + Meta.parse(evlo[6:7])/60 + Meta.parse(evlo[8:9])/6000) * (evlo[5] == 'W' ? -1.0 : 1.0)
mag_typ = "M_d (UW)"

elseif length(A) > 12+y
reg = A[14+y]
error(string("Teleseism, source region: ", reg, "; pickfile unusable! (use `uwdf` for datafile)"))
if length(A) > (14 + y)
# Parse reset of Acard line
ah = String[A[si[i]:ei[i]] for i = 1:L]

# origin time, event depth, and magnitude
OT += Base.parse(Float64, ah[1])
LOC[3] = Base.parse(Float64, ah[4])
MAG = Base.parse(Float32, ah[6])

# record whether depth is fixed
D["fixdepth"] = ah[5] == "F" ? true : false

# Keep these as strings; we'll convert them below
evla = ah[2]
evlo = ah[3]

# Rest become dictionary entries
aline_keys = String["numsta", "numpha", "gap", "dmin", "rms", "err", "qual", "vmod"]
for (j, k) in enumerate(aline_keys)
if j < 3
D[k] = Base.parse(Int32, ah[j+6])
elseif j > 6
D[k] = ah[j+6]
D[k] = Base.parse(Float32, ah[j+6])

# Convert lat and lon to decimal degrees
LOC[1] = (Base.parse(Float64, evla[1:3]) + Base.parse(Float64, evla[5:6])/60.0 + Base.parse(Float64, evla[7:8])/6000.0) * (evla[4] == 'S' ? -1.0 : 1.0)
LOC[2] = (Base.parse(Float64, evlo[1:4]) + Base.parse(Float64, evlo[6:7])/60.0 + Base.parse(Float64, evlo[8:9])/6000.0) * (evlo[5] == 'W' ? -1.0 : 1.0)

elseif length(A) > 12 + y
reg = A[14 + y]
error(string("Teleseism, source region: ", reg, "; pickfile unusable! (use `uwdf` for datafile)"))

# Error line...mostly pointless crap, left as a string w/limited parses for fast QC
# Error line
eline = nextline(pf,'E')
if eline != -1
(D["meanRMS"], D["sdAbout0"], D["sswres"], D["ndfr"], D["fixxyzt"],
D["sdx"], D["sdy"], D["sdz"], D["sdt"], D["sdmag"], D["meanUncert"]) =
(eline[12:17], eline[18:23], eline[24:29], eline[30:37], eline[38:41], eline[42:45],
eline[46:50], eline[51:55], eline[56:60], eline[61:65], eline[66:70], eline[76:79])
for i in ("meanRMS", "sdAbout0", "sswres", "ndfr", "sdx", "sdy", "sdz",
"sdt", "sdmag", "meanUncert")
D[i] = Meta.parse(D[i])
eline = nextline(pf, 'E')
if eline != "-1"
# Effectively: 10x MeanRMS SDabout0 SDaboutMean SSWRES NDFR FIXXYZT SDx SDy SDz SDt Mag 5x MeanUncert
# 10x f6.3 f6.3 f6.3 f8.2 i4 a4 f5.2 f5.2 f5.2 f5.2 f5.2 5x f4.2
eline_keys = String["MeanRMS", "SDabout0", "SDaboutMean", "SSWRES", "NDFR", "FIXXYZT", "SDx", "SDy", "SDz", "SDt", "Mag", "MeanUncert"]
si = Int8[11, 17, 23, 29, 37, 42, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 76]
ei = Int8[16, 22, 28, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 79]
for (j, k) in enumerate(eline_keys)
s = strip(eline[si[j]:ei[j]])
if !isempty(s)
D[k] = Base.parse(j == 5 ? Int32 : Float32, eline[si[j]:ei[j]])

# Alternate magnitude line
# Alternate magnitude line(s)
sline = nextline(pf, 'S')
if sline != -1
@warn("Alternate magnitude found, M_d overwritten.")
(mag, mag_typ) = (Meta.parse(sline[1:5]), sline(6:8))
if sline != "-1"
if haskey(D, "smag")
push!(D["smag"], sline)
D["smag"] = sline

# Focal mechanism line(s)
mline = nextline(pf,'M')
m = 0
if mline != -1
D["mech_lines"] = Array{String,1}()
while mline != -1
m += 1
push!(D["mech_lines"], mline)
mline = nextline(pf,'M')
v>0 && println(stdout, "Processed ", m, " focal mechanism lines.")
if mline != "-1"
D["mech_lines"] = Array{String, 1}(undef, 0)
while mline != "-1"
m += 1
push!(D["mech_lines"], mline)
mline = nextline(pf,'M')
v>0 && println(stdout, "Processed ", m, " focal mechanism lines.")

# Comment lines
loc_name = ""
event_id = 0
m = 0
cline = nextline(pf,'C')
if cline != -1
D["comment"] = Array{String,1}()
while cline != -1
m += 1
if occursin("NEAR", cline)
loc_name = strip(cline[8:end])
elseif occursin("EVENT ID", cline)
event_id = Meta.parse(strip(cline[13:end]))
push!(D["comment"], cline[3:end])
if cline != "-1"
D["comment"] = Array{String, 1}(undef, 0)
while cline != "-1"
m += 1
if occursin("NEAR", cline)
D["loc_name"] = strip(cline[8:end])
elseif occursin("EVENT ID", cline)
ID = Base.parse(Int64, strip(cline[13:end]))
push!(D["comment"], cline[3:end])
cline = nextline(pf,'C')
cline = nextline(pf,'C')
v>0 && println(stdout, "Processed ", m, " comment lines.")
v>0 && println(stdout, "Processed ", m, " comment lines.")

# Done reading
return SeisHdr(ot=u2d(ot), loc=[lat, lon, dep], mag=(mag, "Mc"), id=event_id, misc=D)

# Create SeisHdr struct
H = SeisHdr()
isnan(LOC[1]) || setfield!(H, :loc, LOC)
MAG == -5.0f0 || setfield!(H, :mag, (MAG, "M_c (UW)"))
ID == 0 || setfield!(H, :id, ID)
OT == 0.0 || setfield!(H, :ot, u2d(OT))
isempty(D) || setfield!(H, :misc, D)
setfield!(H, :src, pickfile)
return H

Expand All @@ -207,9 +243,9 @@ function uwdf(datafile::String; v=0::Int)
lmin = bswap(read(fid, Int32))
lsec = bswap(read(fid, Int32))
skip(fid, 8)
flags = [bswap(i) for i in read!(fid, Array{Int16,1}(undef, 10))]
extras = replace(String(read!(fid, Array{UInt8,1}(undef, 10))), "\0" =>" ")
comment = replace(String(read!(fid, Array{UInt8,1}(undef, 80))), "\0" => " ")
flags = [bswap(i) for i in read!(fid, Array{Int16, 1}(undef, 10))]
extras = replace(String(read!(fid, Array{UInt8, 1}(undef, 10))), "\0" => " ")
comment = replace(String(read!(fid, Array{UInt8, 1}(undef, 80))), "\0" => " ")

# Set M time with lmin and lsec GREGORIAN MINUTES JESUS CHRIST WTF
uw_ot = lmin*60 + lsec*1.0e-6 + dconst
Expand All @@ -227,13 +263,13 @@ function uwdf(datafile::String; v=0::Int)
uwformat = extras[3] == '2' ? 2 : 1

# Read in UW2 data structures
chno = Array{Int32,1}()
corr = Array{Int32,1}()
chno = Array{Int32, 1}(undef, 0)
corr = Array{Int32, 1}(undef, 0)
if uwformat == 2
skip(fid, structs_os)
for i1 = 1:nstructs
structtag = replace(String(read!(fid, Array{UInt8,1}(undef,4))), "\0" => "")
structtag = replace(String(read!(fid, Array{UInt8, 1}(undef, 4))), "\0" => "")
nstructs = bswap(read(fid, Int32))
byteoffset = bswap(read(fid, Int32))
if structtag == "CH2"
Expand All @@ -242,8 +278,8 @@ function uwdf(datafile::String; v=0::Int)
fpos = position(fid)
seek(fid, byteoffset)
for n = 1:nstructs
push!(chno,read(fid, Int32))
push!(corr,read(fid, Int32))
push!(chno, read(fid, Int32))
push!(corr, read(fid, Int32))
bswap && [chno[n] = bswap(chno[n]) for n in chno]
bswap && [corr[n] = bswap(corr[n]) for n in chno]
Expand All @@ -268,9 +304,9 @@ function uwdf(datafile::String; v=0::Int)
if uwformat == 2
skip(fid, Int(-56*N + structs_os + tc_os))
f = Array{DataType,1}(undef, N)
I32 = Array{Int32,2}(undef,6,N) # chlen, offset, lmin, lsec, fs, expan1
U8 = Array{UInt8,2}(undef,32,N) # (8 = 4*int16, unused) + name(8), tmp(4), compflg(4), chid(4)
f = Array{DataType, 1}(undef, N)
I32 = Array{Int32, 2}(undef, 6, N) # chlen, offset, lmin, lsec, fs, expan1
U8 = Array{UInt8, 2}(undef, 32, N) # (8 = 4*int16, unused) + name(8), tmp(4), compflg(4), chid(4)
for i = 1:N
I32[1:6,i] = read!(fid, Array{Int32,1}(undef, 6))
U8[1:32,i] = read!(fid, Array{UInt8,1}(undef, 32))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,26 +344,25 @@ function uwdf(datafile::String; v=0::Int)

s = cat(repeat([0x55 0x57 0x2e], N, 1), sta_u8, repeat([0x2e 0x2e], N, 1), cha_u8, dims=2)'
id = [replace(String(s[:,i]), "\0" => "") for i=1:N]
X = Array{Array{Float64,1},1}(undef,N)
T = Array{Array{Int64,2},1}(undef,N)
id = [replace(String(s[:,i]), "\0" => "") for i = 1:N]
X = Array{Array{Float64, 1}, 1}(undef, N)
T = Array{Array{Int64, 2}, 1}(undef, N)
for i = 1:N
seek(fid, ch_os[i])
X[i] = [bswap(j) for j in read!(fid, Array{f[i], 1}(undef, ch_len[i]))]
T[i] = [1 round(Int64, ch_time[i]*1000000); length(X[i]) 0]
X[i] = Float64[bswap(j) for j in read!(fid, Array{f[i], 1}(undef, ch_len[i]))]
T[i] = Int64[1 round(Int64, ch_time[i]*1000000); length(X[i]) 0]

src = fname
S = SeisData(N)
setfield!(S, :name, id)
setfield!(S, :id, id)
setfield!(S, :fs, fs)
setfield!(S, :x, X)
setfield!(S, :t, T)
setfield!(S, :src, repeat([src],N))
setfield!(S, :units, repeat(["counts"],N))
setfield!(S, :src, repeat([fname], N))
setfield!(S, :units, repeat(["counts"], N))
note!(S, string("+src: readuw ", fname))
return S
Expand Down

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