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Gradle CommonMark Plugin

A Gradle plugin for compiling CommonMark markdown files, based on it commonmark-java implementation. It's published under Apache Licence 2.0.

It basically copies recursively a source directory (doc by default) to an output directory ($buildDir/gen-doc by default), translating on-the-fly files which name end with '.md'.

Compiling from source

You need Java 1.8, some not too old git, and gradle 3.5.1 or later:

git clone
cd commonmark-gradle-plugin/
gradle clean check install


In your gradle-based project, create a doc directory (for markdown and resource files), and create (for example) a doc/ file containing:

    Some *highlighted* text

In build.gradle, add:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.jpragey.gradle.commonmark:commonmark-gradle-plugin:0.1.0'
apply plugin: 'commonmark'

Now run:

gradle commonmark

and you get a beautiful build/gen-doc/README.html file.

Markdown extensions

The Commonmark plugin accepts extensions from commonmark-java implementation, by its cmarkExtensions property.

buildscript {
    dependencies {
         classpath 'com.atlassian.commonmark:commonmark-ext-gfm-tables:0.9.0'
commonmark {
    cmarkExtensions = Arrays.asList(

Customizing output files

The CommonMark plugin let you customize the HTML files (eg to add CSS, page header/footer, etc) with the htmlBuilder property. It must be a closure taking a org.jpragey.gradle.commonmark.HtmlEnvironment parameter and returning the output HTML as a String. An HtmlEnvironment provides a few properties relevant for creating an output HTML file, eg the markdown HTML itself.

So you are free to use whatever method you like to render the output file. Here is an example based on groovy standard SimpleTemplateEngine, that reads a template file doc/templates/template.htmland replaces $htmlContent by the html from the markdown file, and $pathToRoot by an '../' sequence up to the root directory (see below).

import org.jpragey.gradle.commonmark.HtmlEnvironment;

commonmark {
    String templateText = new File(projectDir, "doc/templates/template.html").text;
    def template = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
    sourceDir= new File(projectDir, "doc/src")

    htmlBuilder = { HtmlEnvironment env ->
        return template

Template file doc/templates/template.html

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="${pathToRoot}resources/main.css">

This example is self-explaining, except for the pathToRoot property, which deserves some more attention. When a project get large, its documentation get also large, so it can span several level of subdirectories. If a doc file refers to a fixed position size, for example a CSS stylesheet, it typically uses an absolute path (eg '/resources/main.css'). That's fine on the web, but not when you read it on a hard disk, as there's no notion of site root there. The pathToRoot property is created by the plugin to refer to the doc 'root' in a relative way. It is simply a sequence of level '../', where level is the depth of the source file, calculated from the doc source directory.

In our example, the fixed-position CSS file is refered to by href="${pathToRoot}resources/main.css"; the groovy SimpleTemplateEngine will bind it to the plugin-provided value because of .make(["pathToRoot":env.pathToRoot,.... So when it compiles some <doc>/a/b/ file, the output file href will be href="../../resources/main.css", which is exactly what we need.

HtmlEnvironment properties

htmlContent (String) : the markdown input, translated to HTML.

level (int) : depth of source file, relative to sourceDir directory (0 for sourceDir).

pathToRoot (String) : contains a sequence of level '../'. It is useful to create path to the root directory, whatever the doc file depth. See customizing.

Task properties

sourceDir (Groovy File) : Source directory, $projectDir/doc by default.

outputDir (Groovy File) : directory where the files will be copied or translated, $buildDir/gen-doc by default.

htmlConfig (org.jpragey.cmarkplugin.HtmlConfig) : output HTML customizer. If null (by default), very simple HTML pages will be created. See customizing.

cmarkExtensions (List<org.commonmark.Extension>) : List of java-commonmark extension (eg if you need tables). See extensions.


Common markdown plugin for gradle







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