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241 lines (192 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (192 loc) · 10.5 KB



  • Improve skipper float plan experience
  • Make float plan checklist checkboxes complete checkout
  • Move logged_in_user and admin_user functions to a helper? (they are duplicated now)
  • Email new users login token account activation tutorial might be helpful
  • Better typeahead for mobile (adding crew) (chosen doesn't work at all)
  • Create a better fleet view like the original design
  • Create a better float plan view like the original design
  • "Remember me" from more than one browser
  • Allow users to edit their own profiles
  • Friendly forwarding
  • Better guest handling
  • Improve float plan index page (don't always show inactive), there are some skipped test for this


  • Add last_activity_date to users


  • Add the checkin form fields to the plan edit form.
  • Separate the edit form into partials for checkout and checkin.
  • Add front-end logic to present only the checkout partial for new plans.
  • Don't allow skippers to delete their float plans after they are complete
  • Fill in more float plan related tests


  • Add a guest textbox to float plans, this is temporary.

Time to figure out how to separate checkouts and checkins. Float plans happen in two parts: Checkout and Checkin. The float plan should be editable to skippers until they complete the checkin (so they can add/remove crew etc.). When creating a new plan, we should only show the form fields needed for checkout. Once that is submitted, the edit form should show the first part of the form as read-only, and the second part as editable, with buttons to complete the check-in. The first part of the should be made editable behind an edit button or something.

  • Clean up the show form, refactor into partials for the first and last part of the plan form.


There are two many-to-many associations between users and plans. One for the skipper, and one for the crew. The plan has a skipper, and a crew collection. One the user side, plans refers to float plans one has created while trips refer to times that one has been crew. Originally, I had called both of those associations ":plans" in the user model, but that doesn't work very well. Yesterday, I changed the crew association to ":trips". I wanted to rename the join table and clean up any other mess left behind by the original, broken implementation--before I started really using the trips collection.

As I'm writing this, I'm thinking that I could consolodate into one plans or trips collection and have a skipper flag on the join table. Having a separate skipper_id foreign key makes it a little easier when rendering, I think. So, I'll leave it the way it is for now, but making the above naming changes allows for putting the skipper identifier in the crew/trip join table.

  • Rename crew_plans table to crew_trips. Change foreign key names to match primary keys. Remove extra foreign key specs in models.
  • Fill in skipped tests
    • Test: Ensure that admins can see the edit link on the plan show page.
    • Test: Ensure some actions are restricted to skippers and admins on plans controller.
    • Test: Ensure that crew can be edited on a plan
    • Add messages to skipped tests.


  • Float plan tests
    • Test to make sure skippers can only edit and destroy their own plans.
    • Tests for boat model.
    • Add test cases for plans (they are skipped for now)


  • Add associations for skippers
    • Add skipper association between plans and users.
    • Add skipper select to new/edit form, show on index and show.
    • Restrict skipper selection to skippers, order by last name
    • Remove skipper selection for non-admin users
    • Add skipper ID as hidden field when there is no skipper select
    • Style skipper field as readonly for skippers
  • Allow skippers to edit their float plans (and only their float plans)
  • Add associtations for crew/guests
    • Add crew association between plans and users. Display crew list on show form.
    • Add a typeahead function to add crew. This, this, and this were helpful.
    • Add number of crew to index page.


  • Make date/time fields more tolorable on the float plan form
    • Separated date and times, added formats and default values.
    • Move date and time formatting to a helper functions
    • Make sure date/time formatting helpers don't fail when giving nil
  • Add associtations for boats
    • Add boat association to plans
    • Show boat on plan forms
    • Show only boat number on plan list, order boat dropdown by number.


  • Float Plans
    • Put an image of the original Float Plan mockup in the design folder
    • Add basic show, edit and update plans
    • Remove plans fixture as it was causing massive errors (due to column name change)
    • Remove static float plan page, hook up real float plan page
    • Add new plan button to index page


  • Float Plans!
    • Generate plan model and plans controller
    • Add routes
    • Add new view, as well as new and create actions. Change name of tide column to current.
    • Add some helper text to the new float plan form
    • Add basic index page


  • Hide last column on index pages on medium and smaller
  • Add cancel buttons to edit pages
  • Restrict static pages to users
  • Link to edit pager directly from boats index, don't show links to non-admins
  • Add a logged in version of the home page.
  • Fleet Pages
    • Generate boats controller
    • Generate boat model
    • Add new boat view
    • Refactor shared errors partial to accept objects
    • Add validations and tests to the boat model
    • Add integration tests for boat save/show
    • Refactor new boat form to partial
    • Add edit function and tests
    • Add index page and test
    • Swap out boat index page for static fleet page
    • Restrict boat view to logged in users, add destroy method and tests
    • Add new boat button to index page
    • Cast number as int to properly order boats index
    • Add unique index to boat number
  • Refactor users list
  • Add user destroy function
  • Hide edit/delete buttons from non-admins


  • Continue with auth
    • Add logged in user authorization on edits
    • Hide crew listing from non-admins
    • Restrict user create, edit, update to admins
  • Wire up crew view
    • Add users index page, remove static crew page, redirect navigation, test
    • Add table to crew page
    • Add Faker gem, seed database
    • Add pagination to crew page
    • Add new/edit/delete user buttons
    • Order user list by last name


  • Fix two subtle bugs in remember functions
  • Add remember checkbox
  • Finish login and remember me functions


  • Started working on auth, but went down a rathole because I didn't do the advanced login stuff, like an idiot. So I got (almost) nothing done.
  • Advanced Login for cookies
    • Add remember digest and remember function to user.
    • Add remember function, and NEVER FORGET!!!
    • Add forget functions.


  • User setup (a la railstutorial)
    • Add new user form
    • Save new users to DB
  • Change routes to remove "static pages" URLS
  • Login
    • Add sessions controller
    • Add login page
    • Add session helpers for login
    • Add logout function
  • Professional grade deployment tutorial
    • SSL
    • Webserver
    • DB
  • Update users
    • Add users edit form
    • Add user edit function and tests


  • User setup (a la railstutorial)
    • Add secure password function
    • Add and style debug info on pages in the dev environment
    • Add admin, skipper, and mobile to users


  • User setup (a la railstutorial)
    • Add user basic model, validations & tests
  • Test coverage for static pages


  • Add page titles
  • Wireframe a float plan entry screen (mobile first)


  • Add app_name helper
  • Custom guard file (from railstutorial)
  • "Wireframe" the app basics as static pages:
    • Float plans
    • Fleet
    • Crew


  • Set up Bootstrap
    • Add gem 'bootstrap', '4.3.1' to gemfile, bundle install
    • Followed directions from the README to import bootstrap and at jquery to gemfile
  • Make app name dynamic (in nav)
  • Make a (slightly) better home page. Well, one with more junk on it.
  • Placeholders for basic IA


  • Unable to connect to Cloud9 Environment today after many attempts :( Let's just do this again...
    • Cloned repository with HTTPS this time
    • printf "install: --no-rdoc --no-ri\nupdate: --no-rdoc --no-ri\n" >> ~/.gemrc
    • gem install rails (installed latest, 5.2.3)
    • bundle install --without production
    • source <(curl -sL had to do this twice
    • heroku login -i
    • Added heroku remote git remote add heroku
    • Deployed to heroku, nice.
    • Decided to use SSH for github
    • To test, shut down instance, browser, logged in again. It's working.


  • Initialize git
  • Created a SSH Key and added it to github
  • Set up new IDE on Cloud9
  • Create new Rails app (using the the Rails Tutorial as a guide)
    • printf "install: --no-rdoc --no-ri\nupdate: --no-rdoc --no-ri\n" >> ~/.gemrc
    • gem install rails (installed latest, 5.2.3)
    • Moved sqlite to development/test group in gemfile
    • Added a production group in gemfile, included postgres gem
    • Updated gemfile w/o installing pg locally: bundle install --without production
    • Installed heroku: source <(curl -sL
    • Heroku login from command line: heroku login -i
    • Test deployment with hello world
  • Created a static pages controller
  • Added minitest reporters to gem file