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Github Finder UI



GitHub Finder is a powerful application that simplifies the process of discovering GitHub profiles and exploring repositories. With an intuitive interface, users can search for GitHub profiles, view followers and followings, explore public repositories, and check the location of users.


1. Search GitHub Profiles

Effortlessly find GitHub profiles by entering the username. The app provides a quick and convenient way to discover developers and their contributions on GitHub.

2. View Followers and Followings

Explore the network of a GitHub user by viewing their followers and followings. This feature helps in understanding the social aspect of their GitHub presence and connections within the community.

3. Explore Public Repositories

Get insights into the public repositories of a GitHub user. Discover the projects they have contributed to or created, along with key details such as stars, forks, and the last update.

4. Check Location

Find out the location of GitHub users to understand their geographical presence. This feature adds a personal touch, allowing you to connect with developers from around the world.