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This is a CDK construct library that allows you to easily create an EventBridge rule that sends events to an SQS queue.

Why not use AWS Solutions constructs aws-eventbridge-sqs?

Because it doesn't support message group id.

So, that's why.


API Reference



npm install cdk-eventbridge-to-sqs


import { EventbridgeToSqs } from "cdk-eventbridge-to-sqs";


Create an eventbus and a queue, and connect them

const { queue, eventBus } = new EventbridgeToSqs(this, "EventbridgeToSqs");

Create an eventbus and a queue with custom names, and connect them

const { queue, eventBus } = new EventbridgeToSqs(this, "EventbridgeToSqs", {
  eventBusProps: {
    eventBusName: "MyEventBus",
  queueProps: {
    queueName: "MyQueue",

Create an eventbus, a queue and a dead letter queue with custom names, and connect them

const { queue, eventBus } = new EventbridgeToSqs(this, "EventbridgeToSqs", {
  eventBusProps: {
    eventBusName: "MyEventBus",
  queueProps: {
    fifo: true,
  deadLetterQueueProps: {
    fifo: true,
  deployDeadLetterQueue: true,
  messageGroupId: "MyMessageGroupId",

Connect an existing eventbus and queue

declare const queue: Queue;
declare const eventBus: EventBus;

new EventbridgeToSqs(this, "EventbridgeToSqs", {
  existingEventBusInterface: eventBus,
  existingQueueObj: queue,

Custom event rule filter pattern

declare const queue: Queue;
declare const eventBus: EventBus;

new EventbridgeToSqs(this, "EventbridgeToSqs", {
  existingEventBusInterface: eventBus,
  existingQueueObj: queue,
  eventRuleFilterPattern: {
    detailType: ["MyDetailType"],
    source: ["MySource"],

API Reference




import { EventbridgeToSqs } from 'cdk-eventbridge-to-sqs'

new EventbridgeToSqs(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: EventbridgeToSqsProps)
Name Type Description
scope constructs.Construct No description.
id string No description.
props EventbridgeToSqsProps No description.

  • Type: constructs.Construct

  • Type: string



Name Description
toString Returns a string representation of this construct.

public toString(): string

Returns a string representation of this construct.

Static Functions

Name Description
isConstruct Checks if x is a construct.

import { EventbridgeToSqs } from 'cdk-eventbridge-to-sqs'

EventbridgeToSqs.isConstruct(x: any)

Checks if x is a construct.

Use this method instead of instanceof to properly detect Construct instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the constructs library on disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a consequence, the class Construct in each copy of the constructs library is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as instanceof the other class. npm install will not create installations like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the constructs library can be accidentally installed, and instanceof will behave unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using instanceof, and using this type-testing method instead.

  • Type: any

Any object.


Name Type Description
node constructs.Node The tree node.
eventBus aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.IEventBus No description.
queue aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.Queue No description.
rule aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Rule No description.
deadLetterQueue aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.DeadLetterQueue No description.

public readonly node: Node;
  • Type: constructs.Node

The tree node.

public readonly eventBus: IEventBus;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.IEventBus

public readonly queue: Queue;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.Queue

public readonly rule: Rule;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Rule

public readonly deadLetterQueue: DeadLetterQueue;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.DeadLetterQueue



The properties for the EventbridgeToSqs class.


import { EventbridgeToSqsProps } from 'cdk-eventbridge-to-sqs'

const eventbridgeToSqsProps: EventbridgeToSqsProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
deadLetterQueueProps aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.QueueProps Properties for the dead letter queue, if deployDeadLetterQueue is true.
deployDeadLetterQueue boolean Whether to deploy a dead letter queue for the main queue.
enableQueuePurging boolean Whether to enable queue purging.
eventBusProps aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.EventBusProps Properties for the new event bus that will be created.
eventRuleFilterPattern aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.EventPattern Event pattern to use for the event rule Defaults to an event pattern that matches all events in the same region as the event bus.
eventRuleProps aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.RuleProps Properties for the new event rule that will be created.
existingEventBusInterface aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.EventBus An existing event bus to bind the rule to.
existingQueueObj aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.Queue Existing queue object to bind the event source to.
maxReceiveCount number Max receive count for the dead letter queue.
messageGroupId string The message group id to use for fifo queues.
queueProps aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.QueueProps Properties for the new queue that will be created, if no existing queue is provided.

public readonly deadLetterQueueProps: QueueProps;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.QueueProps
  • Default: None

Properties for the dead letter queue, if deployDeadLetterQueue is true.

public readonly deployDeadLetterQueue: boolean;
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to deploy a dead letter queue for the main queue.

public readonly enableQueuePurging: boolean;
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable queue purging.

If true, the queue will be purged before deployment

public readonly eventBusProps: EventBusProps;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.EventBusProps
  • Default: None

Properties for the new event bus that will be created.

public readonly eventRuleFilterPattern: EventPattern;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.EventPattern
  • Default: None

Event pattern to use for the event rule Defaults to an event pattern that matches all events in the same region as the event bus.

public readonly eventRuleProps: RuleProps;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.RuleProps
  • Default: None

Properties for the new event rule that will be created.

public readonly existingEventBusInterface: EventBus;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.EventBus
  • Default: A new event bus will be created

An existing event bus to bind the rule to.

public readonly existingQueueObj: Queue;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.Queue
  • Default: None

Existing queue object to bind the event source to.

If not provided, a new queue will be created. If an existing queue is provided, the queue will not be modified unless enableQueuePurging is set to true or deployDeadLetterQueue is set to true

public readonly maxReceiveCount: number;
  • Type: number
  • Default: 3

Max receive count for the dead letter queue.

public readonly messageGroupId: string;
  • Type: string

The message group id to use for fifo queues.

public readonly queueProps: QueueProps;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_sqs.QueueProps
  • Default: None

Properties for the new queue that will be created, if no existing queue is provided.