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Obsidian Smart Tags

This plugin introduces:

  1. Tag Enumerations: Command-click tags to cycle through them (e.g., #now, #later, #done if you like Logseq).
  2. Tag Aliases: Use shorthands like #📕 for #book, or #AI for #Science/Formal/InformationScience/ArtificialIntelligence (Useful if you're using your tags as informal facets to classify your cards).
  3. Tag Types (in combination with Obsidian Dataview): use #book as a synonym for an inline attribute like (type:: book).

It works well in combination with TagFolder and Dataview.

Tags enumerations

Example. I mark my tasks with #m, #s, #c (as in MoSCoW prioritization) combined with a number for extra specificity: #m1, #m2, #m3....

In a tagsConfig.json, I write the following:

	"enumerations": {
		"primary": [
		"secondary": [

My primary key-click combination (default: cmd + click) will cycle through the granular priority levels (#m1, #m2...). My secondary key-click combination (default: ctrl + click) will cycle through the priority categories (#m1, s1...). By default, pressing shift while using either of these combinations will cycle in the reverse order.

Tag aliases

If you're a fan of the emoji hype, you might want to be able to use the shorthand #📕 for #book , #🎬 for #movie. Obsidian should know these refer to the same underlying idea.

In your tagsConfig.json:

	"aliases": {
		"book": [
		"movie": [
		"science": [

This uses a dictionary structure because we have to specify a "primary" key (book, movie...) for each set of aliases. Just like note aliases, tag aliases are saved with the pipe operator (|) as #tag|some-alias.

Semantic tags

If you're familiar with Obsidian dataview, you might prefer using more structured inline attributes like (type:: movie) and (priority:: m1) over tags. This is a really powerful feature. The only downside is that it's a bit lengthy to write out every time.

An easier alternative would be to treat #tag as a shorthand for (<tag-type>:: tag), where <tag-type> is inferred from a predetermined list of tags. E.g.: #movie for (type:: movie), and #m1 for (priority:: m1). You would specify ahead of time that type can be one of movie, book, article, essay... and priority one of m1, m2, m3, s1,....

Just pull up your tagsConfig.json:

	"types": {
		"type": [
		"subjects": [


  • Tag Enumerations
  • Tag Aliases
  • Tag Typings
  • TagFolder integration


More powerful tags with synonyms, enumerations, and typings.






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