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A babel preset configured for minimal compiled output in environements that support ESM (but not limited to), with polyfill support.

This is a light wrapper around @babel/preset-env and babel-polyfill-corejs3 that handles trickies gotcha's that arise when using these presets naively.


The preset accepts all options of @babel/preset-env except those related to polyfilling: corejs, useBuiltIns, and adds an exclude for polyfills. Polyfilling is handled by babel-polyfill-corejs3 and can be configured via the polyfill option.

Below are options with their defaults:

  presets: [
        loose: true,
        development: false,
        targets: { esmodules: true },
        bugfixes: true,
        modules: 'commonjs',
        debug: false,
        include: [],
        exclude: [],

        configPath: '.',
        forceAllTransforms: false,
        ignoreBrowserslistConfig: false,
        shippedProposals: true,

        // see `babel-polyfill-corejs3` options for valid options
        polyfill: false,

As with preset-env, the browser targets are determined via a browserlistrc or similar if present. You can explicitly set them as well. Targets are shared with babel-polyfill-corejs3 automatically.

What does this handle?

A few things!

Prevents supported builtin's from being included

preset-env conflates it's concept of "built ins" to mean both: "things your code is using that need polyfills" and "Helpers we include for generated code". Basically when you don't enable useBuiltIns you end up with helpers that your environement doesn't need. For instance, it will insert an _extends helper instead of of using Object.assign. If you turn on useBuiltIns, it will use Object.assign, however, it will also start polyfilling methods that aren't supported, which is undesirable in libraries.

preset-env-modules handles this case gracefully by enabling built0ins and then manually excluding all polyfills.

Handles polyfilling more accurately

We use, the newer core-js plugin to get finer grained polyfills than what preset-env provides out of the box. preset-env-modules handles the slightly tricky coordination between the plugin and preset to prevent over polyfilling or conflicts between the two

Excludes some largely unnecessary polyfills by default

Core.js Is very thorough in it's polyfilling, handling even niche bugs in older browsers, and strict spec compliance. Some enviroments may need these covered, but in practice we've found there are a set of universally included polyfills for Array and Object methods that bloat the output code to handle rare edge cases. As an example, many array methods are reimplemented to support the newer Symbol.species which very uncommonly depended on. By default we exclude these polyfills to save bytes sort of like a polyfill "loose" mode. You can enable them if you need them!


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