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Add old changelogs. Fixes #19
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jzaefferer committed Oct 27, 2012
1 parent e01d2eb commit 37ed8dd
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,526 additions and 8 deletions.
48 changes: 40 additions & 8 deletions page/
Expand Up @@ -78,14 +78,46 @@ Released on May 20, 2010
Released on April 21, 2010

## [1.8 Changelog](/changelog/1.8/)
Released on March 18, 2010
Released on March 18, 2010.

<hr class="dots">
## [1.8rc3 Changelog](/changelog/1.8rc3/)
Released on February 25, 2010.

We're still working on importing the older changelogs. In the meantime,
you can find the old changelogs on the old docs site:
## [1.8rc2 Changelog](/changelog/1.8rc2/)
Released on February 16, 2010.

We're always looking for help, so if you're looking for an easy way to give
back to the community, consider [forking this site](,
adding a chnagelog or two and sending a pull request.
## [1.8rc1 Changelog](/changelog/1.8rc1/)
Released on January 27, 2010.

## [1.8b1 Changelog](/changelog/1.8b1/)
Released on January 20, 2010.

## [1.8a2 Changelog](/changelog/1.8a2/)
Released on December 29, 2009.

## [1.8a1 Changelog](/changelog/1.8a1/)
Released on August 12, 2009.

## [1.7.2 Changelog](/changelog/1.7.2/)
Released on June 19, 2009.

## [1.7.1 Changelog](/changelog/1.7.1/)
Released on March 18, 2009.

## [1.7 Changelog](/changelog/1.7/)
Released on March 3, 2009.

## [1.6 Changelog](/changelog/1.6/)
Released on April 16, 2009.

## [1.5.3 Changelog](/changelog/1.5.3/)
Released on November 28, 2008.

## [1.5.2 Changelog](/changelog/1.5.2/)
Released on July 9, 2008.

## [1.5.1 Changelog](/changelog/1.5.1/)
Released on June 26, 2008.

## [1.5 Changelog](/changelog/1.5/)
Released on June 8, 2008.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions page/changelog/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
"title": "jQuery UI 1.5.1 Changelog"

## Interactions

### Draggable

* Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events ([#3016](
* Fixed issue when placeholder didn't exist ([#3018](

### Droppable

* Disabling droppables does not prevent adding the hoverclass under some circumstances ([#3010](

### Resizable

* Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events ([#3016](
* Fixed exception when using containment: document option ([#2988](
* Renamed autohide option to autoHide (camelCase) for consistency ([#2990](
* Renamed proxy option to helper for consistency ([#2996](
* Fixed issues with alsoResize option

### Selectable

* Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events ([#3016](
* Resize callback being called too early (before element resized) ([#3026](

### Sortable

* Distance option now defaults to 1 instead of 0, allowing for click events ([#3016](
* Unexpected behavior with sortables, when items contain wrapped lines ([#3000](
* Corrected items callback to receive standard args: event, ui
* Stop being fired too early ([#3019](
* Placeholder displays above dragged element ([#2951](
* Placeholder positioning issues; hierarchical sortable issues ([#2976](
* Connected lists items are not refreshed until you actually move into the connected list - this improves performance for connected lists
* Extreme performance increase
* Fixed serialize issue when a key was specified as option, but no custom expression
* update callback was not called every time ([#3028](

## Widgets

### Accordion

* Various internal optimizations
* Consistent parameters for dispatched events and callbacks. ([#2340](

### Datepicker

* Various language file corrections
* Allow setting of cell title via beforeShowDay
* Fire event on change of month/year ([#2876](
* onClose bug for ranges in IE; wrapper span bug in IE; remove attribute bug in IE
* Allow relative dates with multiple periods
* Next link shows \> when hideIfNoPrevNext is true ([#2658](
* Datepicker does not allow manual entry of alphabetic characters ([#2700](
* Date range + restricting allows invalid range ([#2724](
* Date formatting characters can be used within the prev/current/next texts. ([#2593](
* Week row hover styling ([#2641](
* When showing "off page" behaves strangely ([#2371](
* Correct datepicker placement when used in static areas; Correct select coverage in IE 6
* Split out display date and date value formats ([#2038](

### Dialog

* The opening and closing of a dialog can now be animated with any jQuery UI effects, using two new options: show, hide. Currently no animation options can be supplied, only a string (the name of the effect). This issue is still in progress. ([#2358](
* Added resizeHelper
* Added dragHelper
* Corrected context (thisArg) for callbacks: dragStart, drag, dragStop, resizeStart, resize, resizeStop ([#3017](
* Added autoResize option; default value: true ([#3025](
* Fixed buttons so they can be changed after init using .data("buttons.dialog", ... )
* Fixed stacking problem with modal dialogs.
* Calling open on an already open dialog no longer causes problems ([#3032](

### Slider

* Bug on destroy ([#2987](
* Range can now be toggled on-the-fly ([#3004](

### Tabs

* Consistent parameters for dispatched events and callbacks. ([#2340]( Note: This is an API change. The order of parameters for callbacks is different than previous version. Now the first parameter is Event, the second - ui interface object.

### Effects

## Core

* Typo in createWrapper ([#2974](, [#2975](

### Clip

* Clip effect should be animating the wrapper
* Corrected context (thisArg) of callback
* Fix for clip to better work with images (animates wrapper for images only)

### Fold

* Allow folding to occur horizontally first

### Scale

* Easing doesn't work for effects.scale ([#2967](

### Transfer

* Transfer effect transfers to the wrong place in Safari 3.1.1 ([#2983](
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions page/changelog/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
"title": "jQuery UI 1.5.2 Changelog"

## Interactions

### Draggable

* Add revert as a method ([#2914](
* Add an event to the droppable system ([#2436](
* Fixed ui.absolutePosition not updated when snapping is enabled ([#3002](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Droppable

* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Resizable

* Fixed resizable jumps when in scrolled container ([#3074](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Selectable

* Fixed parameters be consistent in callbacks/event ([#2545](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Sortable

* Add a hook in sortables to generate the list of sortables ([#2729](
* Fixed sortable element disappear after drag and double click ([#2945](
* Fixed parameters be consistent in callbacks/event ([#2545](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

## Widgets

### Accordion

* Fixed dispatched events have incorrect parameters ([#3036](
* Fixed parameters be consistent in callbacks/event ([#2545](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Datepicker

* Add support date formats ([#2044](
* Add custom cell renderer ([#2538](
* Add support to use UI effects on show/hide ([#3050](
* Change *speed* option to *duration* ([#3050](
* Fixed reduplicate days ([#3072](
* Fixed catalan localisation ([#3041](
* Fixed firstDay for swedish locale ([#3033](
* Fixed does not cancel button click ([#3047](
* Fixed parameters be consistent in callbacks/event ([#2545](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Dialog

* Add activate() in dialog public ([#2728](
* Fixed wrong cursor in dialog title when draggable is false ([#3066](
* Fixed dialog buttons not visible without a theme file ([#3061](
* Fixed cannot select text in dialog content ([#3059](
* Fixed causing iframe load event to fire in Firefox 2 ([#3012](
* Fixed parameters be consistent in callbacks/event ([#2545](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Slider

* Add animation in slider ([#2978](
* Add allow cursor to be changed while dragging slider ([#2854](
* Fixed blue dot on ui-slider (Firefox 3) ([#3029](
* Fixed slider handle focus border ([#2949](
* Fixed parameters be consistent in callbacks/event ([#2545](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

### Tabs

* Fixed dispatched events have incorrect parameters ([#3035](
* Fixed handler to 'tabsselect' has incorrect parameters ([#3063](
* Fixed parameters be consistent in callbacks/events ([#2545](
* Fixed jQuery.remove() losing select options in Safari 3.1.1 ([#3037](

## Effects

### Slide

* Fixed slide up/down at wrong position in IE7 ([#2952](

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions page/changelog/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"title": "jQuery UI 1.5.3 Changelog"

This release is a minor update to 1.5.2. The only difference is a Daylight Saving fix for Datepicker.
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions page/changelog/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
"title": "jQuery UI 1.5.0 Changelog"

## jQuery Enchant effects suite now part of jQuery UI

* Can be used standalone without UI core
* Extends the native jQuery API
* Advanced easing functions
* Class transitions (morphing): $("div").addClass("green", "slow")
* Color animations: Accepts hex, rgb and names

### more than 16 stand-alone effects

* everything known from, but highly configurable (blind,bounce,drop,fold,slide,puff ..)
* brand-new effects: transfer, explode, clip, scale

## New meta structure

* Brand-new homepage, redefined logo
* Design by Liferay art director Brian Miller
* Download builder
* Real-world and functional demos

## ThemeRoller

* Rich theming application by Filament Group
* Create and share your own UI themes
* Download and bundle them with the UI widgets

## New bugtracker and SVN project

* Dedicated bugtracker with version targeting and categories on [](
* Dedicated project on google code, restructured and cleaner SVN trunk and branches ([](

## New features and API changes
* Hundreds of bugfixes, enhancements and performance improvements with many components completely rewritten
* Unified API for all plugins (see [](
* New unit tests using a UI event-testing plugin called simulate
* Exposed defaults for every plugin
* Retrieve and change individual options during plugin runtime
* Intelligent plugin cleanup on remove() calls
* Easier file structure, fewer dependencies
* jquery.dimensions.js now part of jQuery itself
* removed the need for \*.ext.js files and ui.mouse.js, added a global ui.core.js

### Datepicker

* Countless new translations
* Support for right-to-left languages
* Enhanced date formatting
* Many new options: showWeeks, calculateWeek, showAnim, onClose and more
* Added status bar
* Now allows control characters to be typed (copy/paste)

### Dialog

* Added stack option (bring dialog to front of other dialogs when given focus)
* Extended resizable option to accept a list of handles
* Added modal dialogs (modal/overlay options)
* Added closeOnEscape option (pressing escape while the dialog has focus will close the dialog)
* Added bgiframe option (applies bgiframe to dialog; requires bgiframe plugin)
* Better position support
* Added autoOpen option

### Draggable

* non-destrutive drag & drop: can handle fixed, absolute and relative positioned elements, and keeps the setting
* better option naming: preventionTimeout becomes delay, preventionDistance becomes distance
* new feature: snapping (snap to other elements, like the Winamp windows)
* new feature: stack control - let the plugin automatically handle z-indexes
* new feature: connectToSortable: allows dragging the draggable into a sortable list

### Resizable

* Added default theme support if the theme is not loaded
* Support for canvas element
* Added preventDefault (prevent native browser resize - safari)
* Added transparent handles option
* Added knobHandles (option to simulate image cropper styles on the handles)
* Added grid option (resize on a grid)
* Added animate option (animated resizing)
* Added ghost option (creates a ghost of the element while resizing)
* Added containment option (resize inside a limited area)

### Accordion

* Renamed option autoheight to autoHeight and changed the default to true
* Autocreate additional elements required for theme when ui-accordion class isn't present on container element
* Enhanced navigation-option by adding navigationFilter-option, accepting a custom filter to find the active panel
* Reduced flexibility in terms of markup, in favor of much smoother animations: There must be exactly one content panel for each header

### Selectable

* Added start and stop callbacks
* Improved hit detection so lasso selects item instead of mouse
* Added autoRefresh option. default: true
* Added manual refresh method (to be used with autoRefresh: false)
* Added appendTo option

### Slider

* new feature: ranges and multiple handles
* huge accessibility improvements: keyboard control, focussing individual handles
* new logic: clicking or dragging somewhere other than a handle starts dragging the focussed handle
* can generate handles now, with every handle having it's individual max/min option
* new-feature: dual-axis slider, allowing do create widgets like colorpickers

### Sortable

* Rich interconnectivity
* Connect multiple sortables and allow sorting two-way or one-way
* Serialize sorting results to a url string or to arrays
* Drag draggables into sortable lists, drop sortable items on droppables
* Improved tolerance
* Three tolerance modes: "intersect", "pointer" and "guess", defaults to "guess"
* Now works for all kinds of different sized elements
* Adds much of the draggable functionality: cursor, zIndex, revert, opacity, axis, handles, containment and scrolling
* Introduces more callbacks: over/out, activate/deactivate and remove/receive
* Better control the placeholder: insert object with element and update callbacks to do what you want

### Tabs

* all things zero-based for consistency
* show callback is now called on initialization
* set selected tab via selected option
* set all tabs unselected via selected: null instead of another redundant option
* simplified effects options - one fx option (which mirrors jQuery’s default animate options) instead of a bunch of others to remember.

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