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Usage examples

Jozef Reisinger edited this page May 11, 2023 · 55 revisions

Get IP addresses from STDIN

Check multiple IP addresses coming from STDIN:

dig +short | checkip

Get CVEs per IP address:

echo '80[.]239[.]140[.]66, 45[.]9[.]148[.]221, 45[.]9[.]148[.]121, 45[.]9[.]249[.]58' | \
perl -wpe 's/[[\],]//g' | perl -wpe 's/ /\n/g' | \
checkip -j 2>/dev/null | \
jq -r '.ipaddr as $ip | .checks[] | select(.name=="") | "\($ip) \(.info.vulns[])"'

Work with JSON output

From JSON output, select only Sec (1) and InfoSec (2) check type and show which check considers the IP address to be malicious:

checkip -j | \
jq -r '.checks[] | select(.type > 0) | "\(.malicious) \(.name)"'

Parse IP addresses from logs

Find out who is trying to SSH into your Linux system:

sudo journalctl --unit ssh --since "1 hour ago" | \
grep 'Bye Bye' | perl -wlne '/from ([\d\.]+)/ && print $1' | sort | uniq | \
checkip 2> /dev/null

Find out who interacts with your Linux system:

sudo journalctl --since today | \
perl -wlne '/((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})/ && print $1' | \
checkip 2> /dev/null
sudo journalctl --since today | \
perl -wlne '/((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})/ && print $1' | sort | uniq > /tmp/ips.txt

cat /tmp/ips.txt | checkip 2> /dev/null

Playing around

Continuously generate random IP addresses and check them (hit Ctrl-C to stop):

while true; do ./randip; sleep 2; done | checkip 2> /dev/null

Generate 30 random IP addresses and see their probability of being malicious:

./randip 30 | checkip -a -c 10 -j 2> /dev/null | \
jq -r '"\(.malicious_prob) \(.ipaddr)"'

Generate 100 random IP addresses and select Russians or Chinese:

./randip 100 | checkip -c 20 -j 2> /dev/null | \
jq -r '.ipaddr as $ip | .checks[] | select (.name == "" and (.info.iso_code == "RU" or .info.iso_code == "CN")) | $ip'