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aalmiray committed Dec 22, 2021
1 parent 7c2c060 commit c9e19a3
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Showing 6 changed files with 112 additions and 85 deletions.
177 changes: 92 additions & 85 deletions docs/modules/configuration/pages/release/changelog.adoc
Expand Up @@ -84,12 +84,15 @@ release:
title: '[chore]'
- title: 'πŸš€ Features'
key: 'features'
- 'feature'
- title: 'βœ… Issues'
key: 'issues'
- 'issue'
- title: '🧰 Tasks'
key: 'tasks'
- 'task'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,20 +131,20 @@ applied:

| Category | Order | Label | Prefix | Order
| πŸ”€ Merge | 0 | merge | Merge pull | 0
| πŸ”€ Merge | 0 | merge | Merge branch | 5
| πŸš€ Features | 10 | feat | feat: | 50
| πŸ› Fixes | 20 | fix | fix: | 60
| ♻️ ️Changes | 30 | perf | perf: | 70
| ♻️ ️Changes | 30 | refactor | refactor: | 80
| ♻️ ️Changes | 30 | revert | revert: | 90
| ♻️ ️Changes | 30 | style | style: | 100
| 🧰 Tasks | 40 | chore | chore: | 20
| πŸ›  Build | 50 | test | test: | 110
| πŸ›  Build | 50 | build | build: | 10
| πŸ›  Build | 50 | ci | ci: | 30
| πŸ“ Documentation | 60 | docs | docs: | 40
| Category | Key | Order | Label | Prefix | Order
| πŸ”€ Merge | merge | 0 | merge | Merge pull | 0
| πŸ”€ Merge | merge | 0 | merge | Merge branch | 5
| πŸš€ Features | features | 10 | feat | feat: | 50
| πŸ› Fixes | fixes | 20 | fix | fix: | 60
| πŸ”„ Changes | changes | 30 | perf | perf: | 70
| πŸ”„ Changes | changes | 30 | refactor | refactor: | 80
| πŸ”„ Changes | changes | 30 | revert | revert: | 90
| πŸ”„ Changes | changes | 30 | style | style: | 100
| 🧰 Tasks | tasks | 40 | chore | chore: | 20
| πŸ›  Build | build | 50 | test | test: | 110
| πŸ›  Build | build | 50 | build | build: | 10
| πŸ›  Build | build | 50 | ci | ci: | 30
| πŸ“ Documentation | docs | 60 | docs | docs: | 40

You may define an optional scope as part of the prefix, such as `fix(core)` or `feat(plugins)`. A `!` in the prefix will
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,6 +173,8 @@ ea65d99 (core) Add missing checks in loader
8ac258c 🚨 (engine) Plugins require custom classloader

NOTE: Use the `key` value to match a category and change its settings.

==== Example

The following configuration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,78 +233,78 @@ image::ROOT:jreleaser-changelog-preset-conventional-commits.png[]
Commit messages that follow the link:[Gitmoji] convention will be automatically labeled and
categorized. The following table shows mappings that you may use when this preset is applied:

[%header, cols="<,<,<,^,<2"]
[%header, cols="<,<,<,<,^,<2"]
| Category | Order | Label | Emoji | Keyword
| Merge | 0 | merge | πŸ”€ | :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
| Added | 10 | added | ✨ | :sparkles:
| Added | 10 | added | πŸŽ‰ | :tada:
| Added | 10 | added | βœ… | :white_check_mark:
| Added | 10 | added | πŸ‘· | :construction_worker:
| Added | 10 | added | πŸ“ˆ | :chart_with_upwards_trend:
| Added | 10 | added | βž• | :heavy_plus_sign:
| Added | 10 | added | πŸ”Š | :loud_sound:
| Changed | 20 | changed | 🎨 | :art:
| Changed | 20 | changed | ⚑️ | :zap:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ’„ | :lipstick:
| Changed | 20 | changed | 🚨 | :rotating_light:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ“Œ | :pushpin:
| Changed | 20 | changed | ♻️ | :recycle:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ”§ | :wrench:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ”¨ | :hammer:
| Changed | 20 | changed | βͺ | :rewind:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ‘½ | :alien:
| Changed | 20 | changed | 🚚 | :truck:
| Changed | 20 | changed | 🍱 | :bento:
| Changed | 20 | changed | ♿️ | :wheelchair:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ’¬ | :speech_balloon:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ—ƒ | :card_file_box:
| Changed | 20 | changed | 🚸 | :children_crossing:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ— | :building_construction:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ“± | :iphone:
| Changed | 20 | changed | πŸ“¦ | :package:
| Breaking | 30 | breaking_changes | πŸ’₯ | :boom:
| Deprecated | 40 | deprecated | πŸ—‘ | :wastebasket:
| Removed | 50 | Removed | βž– | :heavy_minus_sign:
| Removed | 50 | Removed | πŸ”₯ | :fire:
| Removed | 50 | Removed | πŸ”‡ | :mute:
| Removed | 50 | Removed | ⚰️ | :coffin:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸ› | :bug:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸš‘ | :ambulance:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | 🍎 | :apple:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | 🍏 | :green_apple:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | 🐧 | :penguin:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | 🏁 | :checkered_flag:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸ€– | :robot:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸ’š | :green_heart:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | ✏️ | :pencil2:
| Fixed | 60 | fixed | 🩹️ | :adhesive_bandage:
| Security | 70 | security | πŸ”’οΈ | :lock:
| Security | 70 | security | πŸ›‚ | :passport_control:
| Documentation | 80 | documentation | πŸ“ | :pencil:
| Documentation | 80 | documentation | πŸ“ | :memo:
| Documentation | 80 | documentation | 🌐 | :globe_with_meridians:
| Documentation | 80 | documentation | πŸ“„ | :page_facing_up:
| Documentation | 80 | documentation | πŸ’‘ | :bulb:
| Dependencies | 90 | dependencies | ⬆️ | :arrow_up:
| Dependencies | 90 | dependencies | ⬇️ | :arrow_down:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ’© | :poop:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | 🚧 | :construction:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | 🍻 | :beers:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ‘₯ | :busts_in_silhouette:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | 🀑 | :clown_face:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ₯š | :egg:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ™ˆ | :see_no_evil:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ“Έ | :camera_flash:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | βš—οΈ | :alembic:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ” | :mag:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ₯… | :goal_net:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | 🧐 | :monocle_face:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ§ͺ | :test_tube:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ‘” | :necktie:
| Miscellaneous | 100 | misc | πŸ‘Œ | :ok_hand:
| Release | 110 | release | πŸš€ | :rocket:
| Release | 110 | release | πŸ”– | :bookmark:
| Category | Key | Order | Label | Emoji | Keyword
| πŸ”€ Merge | merge | 0 | merge | πŸ”€ | :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
| πŸš€ Added | added | 10 | added | ✨ | :sparkles:
| πŸš€ Added | added | 10 | added | πŸŽ‰ | :tada:
| πŸš€ Added | added | 10 | added | βœ… | :white_check_mark:
| πŸš€ Added | added | 10 | added | πŸ‘· | :construction_worker:
| πŸš€ Added | added | 10 | added | πŸ“ˆ | :chart_with_upwards_trend:
| πŸš€ Added | added | 10 | added | βž• | :heavy_plus_sign:
| πŸš€ Added | added | 10 | added | πŸ”Š | :loud_sound:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | 🎨 | :art:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | ⚑️ | :zap:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ’„ | :lipstick:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | 🚨 | :rotating_light:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ“Œ | :pushpin:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | ♻️ | :recycle:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ”§ | :wrench:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ”¨ | :hammer:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | βͺ | :rewind:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ‘½ | :alien:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | 🚚 | :truck:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | 🍱 | :bento:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | ♿️ | :wheelchair:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ’¬ | :speech_balloon:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ—ƒ | :card_file_box:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | 🚸 | :children_crossing:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ— | :building_construction:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ“± | :iphone:
| πŸ”„οΈ Changed | changed | 20 | changed | πŸ“¦ | :package:
| 🚨 Breaking | breaking | 30 | breaking_changes | πŸ’₯ | :boom:
| πŸ’₯ Deprecated | deprecated | 40 | deprecated | πŸ—‘ | :wastebasket:
| πŸ—‘ Removed | removed | 50 | Removed | βž– | :heavy_minus_sign:
| πŸ—‘ Removed | removed | 50 | Removed | πŸ”₯ | :fire:
| πŸ—‘ Removed | removed | 50 | Removed | πŸ”‡ | :mute:
| πŸ—‘ Removed | removed | 50 | Removed | ⚰️ | :coffin:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸ› | :bug:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸš‘ | :ambulance:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | 🍎 | :apple:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | 🍏 | :green_apple:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | 🐧 | :penguin:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | 🏁 | :checkered_flag:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸ€– | :robot:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | πŸ’š | :green_heart:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | ✏️ | :pencil2:
| πŸ› Fixed | fixed | 60 | fixed | 🩹️ | :adhesive_bandage:
| πŸ”’οΈ Security | security | 70 | security | πŸ”’οΈ | :lock:
| πŸ”’οΈ Security | security | 70 | security | πŸ›‚ | :passport_control:
| πŸ“¦ Dependencies | deps | 80 | dependencies | ⬆️ | :arrow_up:
| πŸ“¦ Dependencies | deps | 80 | dependencies | ⬇️ | :arrow_down:
| πŸ“ Documentation | docs | 90 | documentation | πŸ“ | :pencil:
| πŸ“ Documentation | docs | 90 | documentation | πŸ“ | :memo:
| πŸ“ Documentation | docs | 90 | documentation | 🌐 | :globe_with_meridians:
| πŸ“ Documentation | docs | 90 | documentation | πŸ“„ | :page_facing_up:
| πŸ“ Documentation | docs | 90 | documentation | πŸ’‘ | :bulb:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ’© | :poop:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | 🚧 | :construction:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | 🍻 | :beers:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ‘₯ | :busts_in_silhouette:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | 🀑 | :clown_face:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ₯š | :egg:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ™ˆ | :see_no_evil:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ“Έ | :camera_flash:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | βš—οΈ | :alembic:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ” | :mag:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ₯… | :goal_net:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | 🧐 | :monocle_face:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ§ͺ | :test_tube:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ‘” | :necktie:
| 🎲 Miscellaneous | misc | 100 | misc | πŸ‘Œ | :ok_hand:
| 🏁 Release | release | 110 | release | πŸš€ | :rocket:
| 🏁 Release | release | 110 | release | πŸ”– | :bookmark:

The following commit messages are equivalent:
Expand All @@ -312,6 +317,8 @@ The following commit messages are equivalent:

Keywords are automatically replaced by their corresponding emoji in the generated changelog.

NOTE: Use the `key` value to match a category and change its settings.

==== Example

The following configuration
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,10 @@
// Defaults are shown.
// icon:dot-circle[]
category {
// Used for rendering
title = 'πŸš€ Features'
// Used for identifying the category
key = 'features'
labels = [
Expand All @@ -141,6 +144,7 @@
category {
title = 'πŸ› Bug Fixes'
key = 'fixes'
// You may override the format per category.
format '- {{commitShortHash}} {{commitBody}}'
labels = [
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,10 @@
// icon:dot-circle[]
"categories": [
// Used for rendering
"title": "πŸš€ Features",
// Used for identifying the category
"key": "features",
"labels": [
Expand All @@ -148,6 +151,7 @@
"title": "πŸ› Bug Fixes",
"key": "fixes",
// You may override the format per category.
"format": "- {{commitShortHash}} {{commitBody}}",
"labels": [
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -195,12 +195,16 @@
<!-- Used for rendering -->
<title>πŸš€ Features</title>
<!-- Used for identifying the category -->
<title>πŸ› Bug Fixes</title>
You may override the format per category.
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -128,12 +128,16 @@
# Defaults are shown.
# icon:dot-circle[]
# Used for rendering
title = "πŸš€ Features"
# Used for identifying the category
key = "features"
labels = ["feature", "enhancement"]
order = 1

title = "πŸ› Bug Fixes"
key = "fixes"
# You may override the format per category.
format = "- {{commitShortHash}} {{commitBody}}"
labels = ["bug", "fix"]
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -133,12 +133,16 @@
# Defaults are shown.
# icon:dot-circle[]
# Used for rendering
- title: 'πŸš€ Features'
# Used for identifying the category
key: 'features'
- 'feature'
- 'enhancement'
order: 1
- title: 'πŸ› Bug Fixes'
key: 'fixes'
# You may override the format per category.
format: '- {{commitShortHash}} {{commitBody}}'
Expand Down

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